True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 843 The Crazy Golden Bald Tuo

At this moment, Golden Bald Tutuo was kneeling on his knees, his whole body trembling, but he had no strength to stand up. The magic power in his body was so chaotic that he couldn't control it at all.

"The three-punch agreement between me and Xu Yang, I just used one punch, he won't do it again." Jin Guangtuo's heart beat a drum, pop, pop, pop, fear pulled his heart into his throat.

Jin Guangtuo looked at Xu Yang opposite him. He wanted to look directly at him and remember this powerful opponent who had humiliated him in his heart. But the fear in his heart prevented him from looking directly at Xu Yang. He was afraid that any trace of resentment he inadvertently showed would make Xu Yang dissatisfied and get angry. He knew that if he and Xu Yang swapped places at this moment, he would go over without hesitation and kill the other person with one punch.

At this moment, Jin Guang Tutuo was in such a state that if Xu Yang added another punch, it would be enough to kill him if he did not violate the previous agreement of three punches.

When Jin Guangtuo heard the word "acceptance" from Xu Yang's mouth, his heart that was about to burst out of his chest gradually calmed down. He thought to himself: "What kind of cultivation level does Xu Yang have? He is so terrifying. The fact that he didn't kill me proves that he is not a member of the shadow organization. Maybe we have wrongly blamed him. But today's one-punch revenge, I Jin Guang Tu Tuo will definitely repay it someday."

Fear, shame, annoyance, unwillingness, and other emotions were entangled in Jin Guangtuo's heart.

In more than a hundred years, Jin Guang Tuo was defeated only once, and that was in a public contest with Yin Guang Tuo for the ranking of the Golden Clothes Hall monks. But that time Jin Guangtuo didn't use all his strength, he had reservations. With the creation of his golden light technique, it is possible for the monk to be ranked first if he fights to the death with the Silver Bald Tutuo.

At that time, Jin Guang Tutuo's Golden Light Technique was just beginning to be completed, but due to the fact that his skill was not stable enough, he did not use all his strength. But this time, he fought with Xu Yang with all his strength.

Jin Guangtuo was completely defeated, but he was not convinced in his heart. In his heart, the Golden Light Technique is the most advanced existence, especially the Golden Light Fist that he channeled from the Golden Light Mysterious Realm. It is a powerful technique purified by the power of one hundred thousand faiths.

If other moves failed, Jin Guang Tuo might be able to accept it. But this move failed, and what was shattered was the faith in Jin Guang Tutuo's heart. This created a rift in his state of mind.

For cultivators, the state of mind and the level of cultivation are always in sync. Distracted thoughts in the mind are inner demons. If the inner demons are not eliminated, it will be impossible to break through in cultivation.

At this moment, Golden Bald Tutuo's whole body was shaking like chaff, and the power of golden light cultivated in his body began to flow around uncontrollably.

The golden bald man who was kneeling on his knees suddenly jumped up from the ground.

His limbs and bones began to swell and twist, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, and the whole person looked like a brute beast. Rays of golden light visible to the naked eye emerged from his body like soft swords, creaking as if they were about to pierce the void.

Tiny, spiderweb-like golden cracks began to appear on the surface of the golden bald tutu, and it seemed that they might explode at any time.


The golden bald Tutuo, whose consciousness was gradually blurring, looked up to the sky and let out a wild roar, like a wild beast out of control. His eyes were bloodshot and bulging, and the muscles in his face were distorted.

"Not good. His body is out of control and he is going crazy." Xu Yang said loudly.

Seeing this, Monk Chi Yan didn't care about protecting the Silver Bald Tutu. He jumped up and came to the Golden Bald Tutu in a few ups and downs.

He stretched out a big hand and clasped Jin Guang Tutuo's left wrist, trying to suppress his veins, and said anxiously: "Senior Brother Jin Guang, don't be anxious, I will help you stabilize your soul power."

Jin Guangtuo turned his head to look at Monk Chi Yan beside him, his eyes were blank. He couldn't hear what Monk Chi Yan was saying.

All he knew was that this person was violating him. He instinctively flicked his right hand hard.


Chiyan Toutuo was thrown ten feet away and almost fell.

But "Monk Musen" who had been observing from the side did not take the initiative to step forward. At this moment, Monk Musen is a ghost slave under the control of Thousand-Faced Ghost, and his consciousness is completely that of Thousand-Faced Ghost.

"Monk Musen" glanced at the golden bald Tutu, and then at the silver bald Tutu who was doing exercises and adjusting his breath, and thought to himself: "If they continue to make trouble like this, the crazy golden bald Tutu will make the situation more favorable to me. . In this way, I will have the opportunity to destroy the golden Buddha ball array with all my strength."

Monk Chi Yan, who was thrown aside, said loudly: "Senior Brother Musen, what are you still looking at? Come and control Senior Brother Jinguang with me."

Monk Chiyan made a secret with his hands, and the red fire breath rolled on his body. With the power of the powerful flame soul domain, he rushed towards the golden bald tutuo again.

"Okay, I'm here. I'm afraid that Senior Brother Yinguang will be affected. If something happens to both of them, it will be even more troublesome."

"Monk Musen" responded loudly, using the wood escape technique, he also rushed towards the location of Jin Guangtuo.

"Monk Musen" and Monk Chiyan each held one of Jin Guang Tuo's wrists.

Monk Chi Yan said anxiously: "You and I will use the sealing technique together, and we will seal his body first."

Monk Musen immediately responded: "That's all."

The two of them each grabbed the pulse gate on one of Jin Guangtuo's arms and injected the power of the seal into it.

Under the suppression of the two people using their sealing power, Jin Guang Tutuo's frenzied aura was slightly restrained.

But at this moment, "Monk Musen" was just showing off. Not only did he not seal the golden bald tutu's veins, but he used magic to stimulate the already messy pulse of the golden bald tutu.

"Monk Musen" laughed evilly in his heart, "Hey, Golden Bald Tutuo, let me add some fuel to your fire. This will make it more lively."

"Monk Musen" urged his magic power to invade Jin Guang Tuo's body, aiming at the heart pulse and stabbing him hard.


Golden Bald Tutuo suddenly roared wildly, and the soul power that had just been stabilized in his body instantly exploded.

The frantic golden bald Tutuo exerted his strength with both arms, and golden arcs flew.

Bang bang——, Monk Chiyan and "Monk Musen" flew out.

Monk Chi Yan staggered before he stood still.

"Monk Musen" fell directly to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of bright red in an exaggerated manner.

"Monk Musen" covered his chest with one hand and said loudly: "Don't worry about me, quickly restrain Brother Jinguang, he has gone crazy."

Monk Chiyan glanced at Yinguang Tutuo who was still adjusting his breath, and thought quickly in his mind: "Among us, the only one who can control Brother Jinguang is Brother Yinguang's rune technique. But he is adjusting his breath at the moment. The injured body has just entered a state where the five senses are blocked and the mind is closed. If I forcefully wake him up, I am afraid that he will also go crazy. "

Monk Chi Yan gritted his teeth and rushed forward again.

He pinched the magic spell with both hands, and the breath of fire whirled on his fingertips. In a blink of an eye, he pinched out a red fire tiger seal.

Monk Chi Yan flicked out the spell in his hand, and the fire tiger seal swirled around, turning into a fire tiger seal about ten feet in size.

Without stopping, Monk Chiyan flicked his hands continuously, and four flaming tigers popped out from the Fire Tiger Seal and surrounded the Golden Bald Tutuo.

Four flaming tigers flew around the golden bald tuo. The speed was so fast that they formed a circular wall of fire, which became smaller and smaller.

"Sealing Technique - Four Tigers Devouring Souls!"

Monk Chiyan's

There was a look of determination in his eyes, "Although this technique may cause damage to Senior Brother Jinguang's body, this is the only way to go in the current situation."

seal up!

On the wall of fire, four flaming tigers jumped out and turned into four huge runes with the word "tiger" written on them, covering the golden bald tuo.

A powerful sealing power suddenly spilled out, tearing at the golden bald Tutuo's soul like a tiger biting it.

Golden Bald Tutuo's body swayed back and forth, and the soul in his body appeared as a double image, as if it was about to leave the body.

Monk Chi Yan saw that his spell was effective, and his hands kept popping up a series of flying spells to strengthen the sealing spell.

But at the next moment, something strange happened.


The golden bald tutu roared wildly, and a ten-foot-tall golden Buddha appeared behind him. The phantom of the golden Buddha was naked from the waist up, with angry eyes like a lion, as if it were a diamond.

Shockingly, Golden Bald Tuo struck down with a pair of fists.


Golden light splashed and the fist wind exploded.

The tiger talisman seal that originally trapped him suddenly collapsed.

Monk Chi Yan's technique was broken, and the power of the technique counterattacked. His chest felt like a heavy blow, and his body flew ten feet away. He fell to the ground with a thud, and the corners of his mouth turned red.

Monk Chi Yan gritted his teeth, but he was unable to muster enough energy for the moment.

"The crazed Senior Brother Jin Guang is something I cannot suppress. If he is allowed to continue like this, I'm afraid it will only be the result of self-destruction of the body. In the current situation, what should we do..." The urgent fire attacks the heart, and a bright red mouth Sprayed far away.

Murong Yu saw this and said, "Should we go over and help?"

The black boy Zhang Li said bluntly: "Never mind them, these monks just wanted to kill us. Especially the golden bald Tutuo, his punch just now was simply heartbreaking. He will reap the consequences."

Gongsun Zhi shook his head slightly and said: "The cultivation level and soul power of the Golden Bald Tutu are far above us. Even if we are willing to go and help, I'm afraid we can't do anything. The level of the three of us is at most the same as that of the Chiyan monk. There is not enough soul power to seal the golden bald tutuo."

Xu Yang gritted his teeth slightly, and then said: "I just punched Jin Guangtuo. Although I was not injured, the soul power in my body is still a little disordered. Let me take a breath. After I stabilize my soul power, maybe I can try to seal it. In the current situation, if there is no strong and stable soul power output, forcibly sealing Jin Guangtuo will be counterproductive. "

At this moment, Jin Guangtuo became more and more crazy, and the remaining trace of reason completely disappeared. His bloodthirsty eyes swept over everyone, and he coldly uttered one word: "Kill!"

The crazy golden bald Tutuo's feet splashed with golden light, and he rushed towards the silver bald Tutuo's place over there.

Perhaps Yin Guang Tu Tuo was the most familiar person to Jin Guang Tu Tuo, but at this moment he became the target of his inner demons.

When Monk Chi Yan saw this, his brain was about to explode.

At this moment, the Silver Bald Tutu was holding his breath and fell into concentration. Not to mention the crazy Golden Bald Tutu, even an ordinary low-level monk walking over and giving the Silver Bald Tutu a blow would be enough to cause the Silver Bald Tutu's body to be injured by the reverse current.

It is conceivable that if the golden bald Tutuo punched the unsuspecting silver bald Tutuo, he would definitely fall.

"No, we can't let him do this." Xu Yang said urgently.

Just when Xu Yang was about to take action, he suddenly heard the sound of rolling thunder coming from the sky.

Suddenly, a thick golden light carrying a golden arc fell from the sky.

There seemed to be a figure in the golden light. The figure was blurry and stopped in front of Jin Guang Tutuo at an almost teleporting speed.

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