True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 850 Yuan Demon King Kong

Wherever Zifeng Demon Lord looked, on the ground beneath his feet, earth-colored auras of light flowed like ribbons, and large pieces of pale golden Buddhist runes were connected into a piece.


The earth trembled, as if an earth dragon was rolling in it.

Immediately afterwards, runes surged on the ground, and eighteen millstone-sized stone beads were drilled out of them, which were transformed into Murong Yu's stone Buddha beads.

The spiritual light on the surface of these stone beads kept flickering, and the patterns of the seated Buddha on them moved like real people. The lips of each Buddha statue kept opening and closing, emitting the supreme Buddha's voice.

"Mimi mamma hum hum..."

The eighteen huge Buddhist beads are like eighteen enlightened sitting Buddhas, with bright golden light emitting from the surface, just like an extraordinary array of magical treasures.

At this moment, Murong Yu's veins were exposed on his forehead, his eyes were wide open, and he was pouring his magic power into the ground beneath his feet. Where his palms were close to the ground, there were lines of stone-brown spiritual lines.

"Zifeng Demon Lord, I'm just waiting for you to fall on top of my formation, Murong Yu." Murong Yu saw that Zifeng Demon Lord had just fallen into the position of him with the stone Buddha orb under the repeated attacks of Xu Yang, Zhang Li and Gongsun Zhi. Within the range of the moving formation, he said firmly.

This was also the attack strategy prepared by Xu Yang and the four others in advance.

If Murong Yu had directly activated the formation in an attempt to imprison the Zifeng Demon Lord from the beginning, he would have been immediately noticed by the Zifeng Demon Lord. With Zifeng Demon Lord's powerful cultivation, he could escape from the confinement of the formation in just two breaths, while Murong Yu's formation had almost no effect. But when the Purple Wind Demon Lord fell into the formation under the continuous attacks of Xu Yang and others, the effect was quite different. Murong Yu was confident that he could imprison the Purple Wind Demon Lord for more than a few breaths and disrupt the effect of the Purple Wind Demon Lord's spells with the power of the magic weapon.

At this moment, under Murong Yu's constant urging, the eighteen huge Buddha beads created by the stone Buddha beads each spit out a golden light from their surface. Immediately afterwards, eighteen rays of golden light twisted into the shape of an unfolded Buddha scroll. On the surface of the eighteen golden Buddhist scrolls, golden Sanskrit characters flashed and jumped, and the power of the magic weapon was pushed to the limit.

"Array of Magical Weapons - Chapter 18 Buddhist Sutra Suppression!"

The next moment, a golden Sanskrit character erupted from the surface of each of the eighteen chapters of the Buddhist scriptures, as if eighteen golden dragons were spinning non-stop, and the power of the powerful formation came down.

Puff puff puff puff puff——

The Zifeng Demon Lord's ankles and calves were marked with clear "scalding marks" by the Sanskrit characters thrown by the formation, and the Buddhist power on the magic weapon penetrated into the Zifeng Demon Lord's meridians.

Zifeng Demon Lord suddenly felt that his feet were stagnant, and his calves seemed to have fallen from a boulder. At the same time, the smooth flow of his body was also blocked by the power of the formation.

"The power of this Buddhist magic weapon should not be underestimated, and it actually has the effect of restraining my demonic power. Fortunately, the boy in blue who controls the magic weapon formation is still a young man. If a strong man with a Heavenly Tribulation Realm cultivation level activates this formation, , I might have been seriously injured." Zifeng Demon Lord suddenly realized something when he looked up again.

But he found that Xu Yang on the opposite side had a dark ghost sword in his hand, which was Xu Yang's Devil Weeping Sword.

But when Xu Yang raised one hand, the dark ghost sword was thrown into the air above his head.

The tip of the Devil's Crying Sword is pointed at the Purple Wind Demon Lord on the opposite side. There are golden patterns flashing on the surface of the sword body, and the entire sword body buzzes and trembles, like a flying arrow on a bow string that is fully stretched, ready to explode at the first touch.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang pinched out the magic formula with one hand, and a gray-white spiritual light popped up and fell on the surface of the Devil May Cry Sword hanging above his head.


The sword body of the Devil Crying Sword made a strange buzzing sound, like the chanting of ghosts and gods. What followed was a powerful dark black spiritual pressure leaking out, and the void shook violently.

Immediately, a huge pillar of pitch-black light erupted from the sword body of the Devil May Cry Sword. It was an extremely domineering sword force that penetrated the boundaries of space and led directly to the underworld.

Sword Domain - Hades.

All kinds of powerful ghost spirits in the underworld were suddenly summoned by the power of this sword realm. Hundreds of ghost king souls, some with green hair, some with one horn, some with fire eyes, or some with long tongues... were all summoned one by one. Inhaled into the sword domain.

Immediately afterwards, the black sword domain on the sword body suddenly converged back, and the surface of the black sword body made a rattling sound, as if it could not withstand the power of the hundreds of ghost kings brought back from the sword domain.


The dark sword body trembled and shattered into hundreds of pieces, hovering in mid-air. Each piece of the sword body fragment was engraved with a strange ghost rune on the surface, and was entangled with the spirit of ghosts.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and at the same time he pointed out with one hand, and another magic formula fell.

High in the sky, the sword body that was broken into hundreds of pieces exploded one after another with a buzzing and shaking sound, turning into a large rolling mass of black.

color mist.

The black mist converged, and a person appeared in it.

This man was about ten feet tall, with long gray hair that shone like fine iron. A narrow, seemingly transparent gray gauze band covered his eyes, and then tied a simple knot behind his head. The surface of the gray gauze ribbon is painted with silver ghost runes that keep wandering like spiritual snakes.

The weirdo's skin was gray and shiny, and his muscles were full of edges but not stiff. He only wore a pair of simple gray shorts, his chest was broad, his hands and feet were naked, and his fingertips were long and sharp like the tips of swords.

The strange thing is that the surface of this weirdo's skin is covered with many thin golden lines that look like open sheets, as if the whole person is made up of pieces.

This ghostly monster said nothing, standing in the void opposite Xu Yang. Since his eyes were covered by gray gauze, no one knew what his eyes were focusing on, let alone what he would do next.

Without it, it is the sword spirit of Devil May Cry Sword, the soul of hundreds of ghosts - "Hundred Mang".

Xu Yang held a little distance with one hand and said domineeringly: "Baimang, kill the guy opposite me!"

The tips of Sword Spirit Baimang's ears twitched like the ears of a spiritual beast, and then activated, leaving only a rolling black ghost mist in place.

The next moment, in the void opposite the Purple Wind Demon Lord, black ghost energy surged, and the true form of the sword spirit Bai Mang appeared.

The body of Sword Spirit Baimang suddenly became blurred, and in an instant it turned into a huge black sword. On the sword body, hundreds of ghost king figures jumped and roared, extremely horrified.

"One style of Devil Cry—The Killing of Hundreds of Reckless!"

Sword Intent - Hundred Ghosts.

Sword Domain - Hades.

Sword Spirit - Bai Mang.

Sword move - Devil May Cry.

The four of them fit together perfectly, and the peak ghost sword cut them down mercilessly with one move.

The sword fell, and the sword energy was hundreds of feet high.

As powerful as the Purple Wind Demon Lord, he couldn't help but have a look of panic in his eyes.

He is a sword cultivator, and one of the top sword cultivators among the demon clan in the Western Region. Of course he knew the danger brought by the appearance of the sword spirit Bai Mang.

At this moment, Zifeng Demon Lord's feet were imprisoned by the magic weapon array cast by Murong Yu. It was already impossible to avoid Xu Yang's sword spirit move.

"It's a Ghost Sword Spirit, and it's a sword spirit with the power of a hundred ghost kings." The Purple Wind Demon Lord's eyes were sharp, and the shadow of the sword spirit was reflected in his pupils, and he broke out in a cold sweat, "The four people in front of me launched the four The consecutive attacks are all feints, intended to consume the body that is imprisoning me. This attack of the Hundred Ghost Sword Spirit is fatal."

The Purple Wind Demon Lord had just dealt with the series of attacks by Xu Yang, the black boy Zhang Li, Gongsun Zhi and Murong Yu. His body had no chance to breathe, and he was also hit by the formation's confinement move. Even if he is the top sword cultivator of the demon clan, he can only exert 50% of his original combat power at this moment.

Zifeng Demon Lord's eyes widened, and the wind-shaped inscription between his eyebrows suddenly started to rotate. In desperation, he grasped the Demonic Wind Sword with both hands and faced the Hundred-foot Ghost Sword coming down from the opposite side, slashing out with the same sword.

The demon sword in the hand of the Purple Wind Demon Lord showed a leopard-faced wind demon beast, and hundreds of purple storms spewed out from his angry mouth.

"Devil Sword—Wind Demon's Slash!"

The sword energy is hundreds of feet long, the sword casts hundreds of shadows, and the wind demon roars.

Sword Intent - Storm.

Sword Domain - Yuan Demon.

Sword Spirit - Wind Demon.

Sword move - Wind Demon's Slash.

The four of them fit together perfectly, and the peak demonic swordsman slashed out with the power of one sword.

The next moment, the sword edges of Baimang's Slash and Wind Demon's Slash collided at a place in the void.

Boom boom boom boom——

For a moment, hundreds of ghosts roared together, the wind demon roared, the black wind and the purple wind entangled and rolled for ten miles, and the sword light from both sides dragged out straight strands of light that divided the void into a network.

The black light thread and the purple light thread cut each other, which is the edge of the sword and the form of the sword's intention. Each strand of light is extremely sharp and can easily cut through a hill.

The collision of extreme sword moves between the two is like a battle between the ghost beasts of the underworld and the monsters of the devil world, with their powerful powers consuming each other.

The Hundred Eyes of Storm carried by the Wind Demon Slash performed by the Purple Wind Demon Lord were consumed and collapsed one after another, ninety-nine...ninety-eight...sixty-six...three...

The power of the hundred ghosts carried by Xu Yang's Hundred Mang Slash was also consumed and exploded, ninety-nine...eighty-five...thirty-seven..., it was only as good as There are ten ghosts and gods left.


In the end, Xu Yang's sword moves were slightly better than those of the Purple Wind Demon Lord.

A jet-black sword light fell, carrying the power of ten ghosts and gods. The ghosts cried, and the soul-inducing sound of the underworld sounded.


"Oops", Zifeng Demon Lord screamed and twisted his body desperately to one side.

At this moment, Zifeng Demon Lord clearly realized the true power of Xu Yang's sword. If he hadn't been attacked by Xu Yang's four people one after another, his footing was unstable and his body was imprisoned, if he hadn't been suppressed in the Demon-Conquering Realm for a thousand years, he would have been able to withstand the power of this sword. But right now, Zifeng Demon Lord is lacking in skills.


The black light rolled back and purple blood splattered.

One of Zifeng Demon Lord's left arms was chopped off. In an instant, Zifeng Demon Lord's physical strength weakened by less than half.

In the next moment, Xu Yang spread his purple lightning wings behind him and arrived in front of the Purple Wind Demon Lord, and the Devil Weeping Sword was firmly grasped in Xu Yang's hand.

Xu Yang's eyes turned cold, and he slashed out the Devil Cry Sword one after another. Although there were only ten ghosts left on the Devil Cry Sword, the power of each sword was still full of threats to the Purple Wind Demon Lord.

Brushing, brushing, brushing.

The ghost energy rolled, the ten ghosts roared, and the black blade cut cracks in the void.

The Purple Wind Demon Lord ignored the pain of losing his left arm and kept thrusting out the Demonic Wind Sword in his right hand.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The sword's edge collided, and sparks shot out, exploding into circles of black and purple halos.

At this moment, Murong Yu was breathing heavily on the spot, sweating profusely, holding his Stone Buddha Orb in his hand, and the brilliance on the surface of the Stone Buddha Orb was slightly dim. The formation move just now had already overdrawn his energy.

When the black boys Zhang Li and Gongsun Zhi saw that Xu Yang succeeded with one move, they immediately attacked from the left and right sides.



The black boy Zhang Li used the bear fusion technique to sacrifice a claw.

The flame gun in Gongsun Zhi's hand threw out a dragon's tooth fire.

The Zifeng Demon Lord fought and retreated at the same time, holding his sword across one arm, resisting the attacks of Zhang Li and Gongsun Zhi.

Under the siege of Xu Yang and the others, only the one-armed Zifeng Demon Lord showed a flaw. Another sword hit by Xu Yang on his shoulder instantly opened up a blood tank.

In the other two places, the Six Gold Monk was fighting with the Purple Blood Demon Lord. The Golden Bald Tutuo and the Silver Bald Tutuo worked together to fight against the Purple Shadow Demon Lord.

Monk Liujin was anxious that he would not be able to win in time. Seeing that the four men from Xu Yang were actually forcing the Purple Wind Demon Lord to retreat, his confidence in victory increased sharply.

The combined attack of Golden Bald Tutuo and Silver Bald Tutuo had also reached its limit. Seeing that Xu Yang's four-person group was clearly in the upper hand, they breathed a sigh of relief, and felt in their hearts that these four lay disciples, especially Xu Yang's The combat power was greatly appreciated.

The Purple Blood Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord simultaneously noticed that the Purple Wind Demon Lord was in a passive position of being beaten. They knew clearly in their hearts that if the Zifeng Demon Lord was defeated, it would mean that the two of them would be immediately besieged, and the consequences would be disastrous.

The scale of victory gradually tilted towards Xu Yang.

Zifeng Demon Lord cursed in his heart: "Damn it, my body and martial arts body, which have been suppressed for thousands of years, are indeed not as good as before. Not only do I have an arm broken now, but my martial arts body is also imprisoned for less than half by the Buddhist brand. If this continues, it will be extremely bad." It is possible to be killed by these three people, especially the young man in green who holds the ghost sword in his hand, but he didn't even show any signs of weakness after fighting me with the ultimate sword move."

The Purple Wind Demon Lord rolled his eyes and shouted: "Brother, the Purple Blood Demon Lord, stop playing around. I have lost one of my arms. If this continues, I will lose my life."

The Purple Blood Demon Lord, who was fighting fiercely with the Six Gold Monk, heard this, punched out, and jumped out of the battle circle.

"Brother Zifeng, don't worry. Let's work together when I cast the spell. Let these guys who don't know their own abilities know the true power of our three demons."

As he spoke, the Purple Blood Demon Lord took out a strange magic formula with both hands. On his fingertips, purple blood lines kept rolling. He silently recited the Yuan Demon's secret mantra in his heart: "Use my blood as a sacrifice, and the three souls will resonate. Blood, Purple Wind, Purple Shadow, the three combined..."

But the figures of the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord were suddenly shrouded in a cloud of purple blood mist.

As soon as the blood mist converged, the two figures disappeared from their original places. The next moment, he appeared on the left and right of the Purple Blood Demon Lord.

What is even more strange is that the bodies of the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord entered and quickly integrated into the body of the Purple Blood Demon Lord.

Astonishingly, a stream of Yuanmo purple light shot out from the top of the Purple Blood Demon Lord's head and shot up into the sky.

As the purple blood rolled, the Purple Wind Demon Lord, the Purple Shadow Demon Lord and the Purple Blood Demon Lord disappeared.

The purple blood subsided, and there was a Yuan Demon King Kong who was ten feet tall, with three heads and six arms, and his body was covered with purple magic patterns. The three heads of the Yuan Demon King Kong are the faces of the Purple Blood Demon Lord, the Purple Shadow Demon Lord and the Purple Wind Demon Lord.

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