True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 853 Critical Moment

"This three-headed demon king seems to be extremely domineering, but judging from the breath he emits, he is getting weaker and weaker. In other words, his three-headed and six-armed body is a heavy burden on his own body. He The next move will definitely not be as powerful as when it hit the Six Gold Monk."

Xu Yang's eyes were like lightning, and he spotted the three-headed demon king's moves on the opposite side, which were the same as those used to deal with the six-gold monk before. He thought quickly in his mind: "This big guy has three heads and six arms. If he uses one move, he has the power of three punches... ..”

At the moment when the three-headed demon king on the opposite side took action, Xu Yang, who had made a judgment, also made a move.

Xu Yang quickly probed into the different space within the three-color vortex in his body using the method of inner vision.

In the different space of the three-color vortex, three doors to other worlds are located in the shape of a glyph.

Each of them is hundreds of feet tall, as if it reaches the sky.

A streak of purple with lightning patterns painted on its surface.

A emerald green color, with a green fairy branch painted on its surface, emitting green mist.

A streak of red with a red battle flag painted on the surface, as if flying in the wind in the flames of war, emitting wisps of red fire breath.

"Although with my current level of martial arts, I still cannot fully control every power behind the gate of this alien world. But as long as I gather some of these three powers and combine them together, it will be a very powerful force. "

With his judgment in mind, Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he used his soul power to forcibly open the three gates to other worlds in the three-color vortex in his body.

The gate of the emerald green wood spirit barrier moved.


In the alien space behind the gate of the Wood Spirit Barrier, there is a giant tree that is as majestic as the sky.

The crown of the giant tree can be seen as far as the eye can see, and the sky is green. On the surface of the trunk of the giant tree, golden inscriptions flashed one after another, like the Golden Book of Heaven.

At this moment, water-like ripples surged on the trunk of the immortal tree, and an eye with emerald green pupils appeared, and Xu Yang's figure was reflected in the emerald green pupils.

Immediately, the entire branches of the fairy tree trembled slightly, and countless green light spots sprinkled on the huge crown. Those green light spots were whirling like fireflies directed by someone, rushing out of the half-open wooden door.

call! A powerful force of immortal wood spirit turned into an emerald green dragon and flew out from the gate of the wood spirit barrier.

The blood-red monument barrier door moved.


In the different space behind the gate of the monument barrier, there is a tall red-blood monument that is thousands of feet tall.

The Red Blood Monument stands like a huge red saber between the sky and the earth, and the breath of fire flying on its surface is like a huge red military flag.

The sky and the earth were as red as if stained with war blood.

"Buzz!" The void in the monument's boundary space shook.

A flaming red light and shadow was cast on the surface of the Red Blood Monument. Under the light and shadow, there was actually a majestic General Dharma Appearance wearing a Nether Realm armor and holding a Fire Breath Yan Yue Sword.

It was that man, the man who brought his own military formation, the man who represented the glory of the Red Blood Legion and held the title of the greatest general in the Netherworld.

But when he saw the general of the Nether Realm transforming into a breath of fire, he rushed out of the half-opened door to another world.

The door to the purple electric barrier moved.


In the alien space behind the gate, purple thunder and lightning filled the sky, like a formation of tens of thousands of purple dragons.

As the purple lightning rolled, a huge dragon head with no head or tail poked out. The dragon head is outlined with the essence of lightning, truly the spirit of the God of Thunder.

The huge dragon head opened its mouth, spit out a breath of purple electricity, and rushed towards the half-open door to the alien world.


in the real world.

The three-color spiritual light on Xu Yang's body was whirling non-stop. His hands pinched the magic formula at such a fast speed that ghosts appeared one after another.

"Summon-Three Gates to Another World!"

A seal in the shape of an emerald door about the size of an inch appeared in his hand.

Immediately, the green gate seal popped out.

The seal swirled and came into the void in front of Xu Yang, and in an instant it became as big as a hundred feet.

The surface of the emerald green door is dotted with emerald green light, and when it opens,


A ball of emerald green crystals leaped out from the opened door, and in a blink of an eye, an ivy dragon head appeared.

At this moment, the first wave of attacks from the "Thunder Hammer" launched by the Three-Headed Demon Lord arrived as promised.

On the surface of the fist shadow is a huge purple lion's head. The purple lion's head is solid and real, with an angry mouth and bloody teeth, exuding the aura of billowing demon blood.


The ivy dragon's head collided with the purple lion's head and exploded.

The green dragon and the purple lion bit each other, and the overflowing green and purple arcs were like huge fishing nets thrown out, covering half of the sky.

In the end, the two powers exhausted each other, and the emerald green door disappeared into thin air.

The counterattack force of the wind and backlash brought by the technique pushed Xu Yang's figure backwards.

But Xu Yang did not lift his feet from the ground. The soles of his feet slid backwards against the ground, leaving two clear marks on the hard iron ground.

"This is the first door." The corners of Xu Yang's mouth overflowed with bright red, but the spells in his hands continued.

A red gate seal appeared between Xu Yang's hands.


The red seal popped up, and in the blink of an eye, it was blocking the void in front of Xu Yang.

Fire breath rolled on the surface of the red door, and the door opened, spitting out a fire breath figure.

It was the image of a mighty general holding a Fire Breathing Moon Sword and wearing flame armor.

The General of Netherworld's Dharma slashed down the Fire Breath Yanyue Sword in his hand, just in time for the second wave of attacks from the three-headed demon "Thunder Hammer" on the opposite side.

The surface of the second hammer is the head of a two-horned monster, which looks like an ox but is not an ox. The domineering energy leaks out, spinning out circles of purple magic whirlpools.


The fire-breathing sword slash clashed with the double-horned monster ox.

Instantly, the fire breath flew, the magic whirl jumped, and the void collapsed.

The collision sound was caused by the roar of the fire breath or the roar of the magic whirlpool.

When the strength of the two exhausted each other, the red gate and the general's appearance naturally dispersed.

The counterattacking strong wind whipped Xu Yang's body, and his clothes were fluttering. His body continued to be pushed backwards by the force of the backlash. But Xu Yang's feet were still firmly planted on the ground, and his body kept sliding out.

"This is the second door." The perseverance in Xu Yang's eyes did not diminish at all, and another wisp of bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

On Xu Yang's fingertips, the whirling spiritual power squeaked, and the third seal quickly took shape. It was a seal in the shape of a purple gate.

The purple gate seal popped out, and with a buzz, a hundred-foot purple gate appeared out of thin air, blocking the void in front of Xu Yang.

"The third door." Xu Yang roared loudly.

The purple door slammed open, and a thick purple lightning shot out, turning into a purple lightning dragon head in the blink of an eye.

Although the purple electric dragon head is only an outline of the concentrated purple electric power, it is as solid as the real thing. The dragon's horns, dragon's eyes, and dragon's whiskers are clearly visible.

The third punch of the "Demon Hammer" from the three-headed demon king on the opposite side happened to come down.

On the surface of the huge fist shadow, the head of a wind monster with a leopard face appeared. The powerful wind-attribute spiritual power creaked, as if thousands of swords were clanging in it, which was particularly harsh.


The head of the purple electric dragon collided with the head of the wind demon.

For a moment, there was a frenzy of purple electricity, a roaring purple wind, and the color changed to black and yellow.

In the rolling thunder clouds, there seemed to be countless swords strangled with each other, flashing with dazzling lights and shadows and deafening sounds.

The power of the two was exhausted, and the purple door disappeared into thin air.

Xu Yang's figure continued to be pushed backwards by the backlash caused by the collision of moves, and the soles of his feet still did not leave the fine iron ground at all.

Squeak, squeak, the sole of the foot rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound, leaving clear traces of stepping on it.

Xu Yang could no longer control the hot blood boiling in his chest. His throat sweetened, his mouth bulged, and a bright red spurt spurted out.

In the end, Xu Yang's figure retreated just in front of where the Liujin monk fell, and the skirt of his chest was dyed red.

It's a long story, but it only takes a few breaths.

Xu Yang overdrafted his body and summoned

The three alien powers in the three-color magic spiral space were able to withstand the "Demon Hammer" of the three-headed demon on the opposite side.

At this moment, the three-headed demon king opposite had his chest heaving and his three heads were breathing heavily. They looked at each other in surprise.

"How is this possible? He actually blocked a blow from our most powerful move." The head of the Purple Blood Demon Lord said.

"Where did Xu Yang come from? He can actually channel three different powers from other worlds at the same time." The head of the Purple Shadow Demon Lord said.

"I can't tell that Xu Yang's cultivation level is clearly at Daoming Realm at most. It is very rare for even higher Heavenly Tribulation Realm monks to summon three kinds of alien powers at the same time. And among the three alien world gates The power is extremely high-end and powerful. Could it be that this Xu Yang is a son from another world who has come to the Zhongyuan Continent? No wonder he can cut off one of my arms with one sword." Zifeng Demon Lord's head said.

The three heads said in unison: "You, who are you?"

Xu Yang stood still on the spot, wearing green clothes without any wind.

At the moment, Xu Yang, the three-color magic whirlpool in his body began to spin uncontrollably in the reverse direction under the violent shock, as if he wanted to kick Xu Yang on the inside of his belly and then jump out. The meridians all over his body felt like they were on fire, and there was a sharp pain that was about to tear him apart.

Xu Yang knew very well in his heart that if he had not possessed the four innate spiritual veins of the Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, the Buddha Spiritual Vein, the Haoran Heavenly Vein and the Daoguo Spiritual Vein, he might have just forcibly summoned the three gates to the other world which were the Kung Fu Body. The end of self-destruction.

However, Xu Yang also knew that he had no room for compromise.

Xu Yang wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, pointed to the opposite side, and a black firework the size of a broad bean spit out from his fingertips. He said seriously: "I am who I am, a different will-o'-the-wisp."

Master Xu Yang's mantra of "Gui Gu Ye Yan" can somewhat embolden Xu Yang.

"Master, I remember you said that fighting requires momentum. My current momentum is not bad." Xu Yangwu whispered to himself, and couldn't help but touch the heavy ghost wood waist pendant around his waist. .

The spirit of Xu Yang's master, Gui Gu Yeyan, is hidden and sleeping in the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant. The warmth of hand-warming came from the surface of the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant, but it was so quiet.

At this moment, the Liujin monk looked at Xu Yang's back and was equally astonished.

"Xu Yang, he, he actually blocked the three-headed demon's full blow by himself. If he didn't take action, the blow should have fallen on my head just now, and the consequences would be disastrous..."

The Liujin monk clasped his hands together and tried to forcefully move his body so that he could use his demon-subduing magical power again. The internal injuries he suffered just now were much more serious than he imagined. His true energy was halfway gathered, and then dispersed on its own with a sway of his body.

"Oops!" Monk Liujin looked anxious.

The three-headed demon king was a little puzzled when he heard Xu Yang's answer and sent messages to each other.

"A different will-o'-the-wisp?"

"I've never heard of such a person."

"Is this guy from Hades?"

"No matter where he comes from, he looks like he's probably at the end of his rope."

"We can't keep him. Letting him leave here is like letting the tiger go home."

"With our remaining bodies in a combined state, we can at least swing the "Devil God Hammer" three more times to kill them!"

The six eyes on the three heads of the three-headed demon king showed bloodthirsty colors. The six arms were raised high again, the six fists were hugged tightly in twos, and the three "hammers" were about to smash down again.

Xu Yang looked at the three-headed demon who was about to attack again, with his heart in his throat. Right now, he has reached his limit, and it is impossible to summon the power from the three otherworldly gates.

"Boss Xu Yang, we are here to help you." A familiar voice remembered.

Swish swish——

Three figures stood in front of Xu Yang.

Without him, it was Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li who returned.

"And us."


The golden bald Tuo and the silver bald Tuo also turned back.

Xu Yang looked at the people in front of him with a happy smile on his lips.

Emergency moment.


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