True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 856 Reinforcements from the Golden Buddha Temple

In the high sky, there are thousands of golden lights.

Among the surging golden flowers, a phoenix-headed flying boat dozens of feet in size shot out of the sky. It was auspicious, and the golden flowers fell, just like the golden phoenix descending from the nine heavens.

On the flying boat, more than a hundred monks in golden clothes clasped their hands together and chanted scriptures in their mouths, and the Sanskrit sounds were loud and clear.

As a huge golden bell at the front of the airship was rang, the airship descended smoothly.

Whoosh whoosh——

A large group of monks jumped off the flying boat and landed on Jingtie Square. They were led by three great monks.

Standing in the middle is a great monk with a flowing white beard and drooping silver eyebrows. He is wearing a golden cassock woven from gold threads of earth spirit gold. The surface of the cassock is shining with golden light and golden aura curls up.

There is a pale golden vertical line between his eyebrows. After careful identification, it was clear that it was actually the third eye, but the eye was closed so that no one could peek into its pupil.

In the world of cultivation in Zhongyuan Continent, there are many people who can cultivate the third Dharma Eye. Maintaining the existence of the third magic purpose consumes a lot of mana. For example, Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Magic Eye and Liu Haiyu's Blue Water Magic Eye are both transformed when they are used. It is extremely rare to be able to normalize the third Dharma Eye like ordinary eyes. It takes a long time of special practice to achieve this.

A great monk standing to the left of the three-eyed monk, wearing golden monk robes, is about ten feet tall and has a strong body. There are three huge gold rings on each of his wrists. The hands were folded together, and the golden rings clinked and jingled, showing a majestic look.

To the right of the three-eyed monk is a short clothed monk. This commoner monk's figure was extremely shriveled, like an inconspicuous piece of dead wood. A shiny purple wine gourd hangs on the waist of the common monk, which is very eye-catching.

When the black boy Zhang Li saw the three-eyed monk appear, he couldn't help but wonder: "There are really people with three eyes in this world. I thought that only my bully bear was born with three eyes."

Murong Yu on the side explained: "The three-eyed monk is the great abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple, the "Jiuchi Monk". As the abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple, he has the title of "Golden Buddha Monk". I heard that he has been in retreat all year round, but I didn't expect that he would come in person today. ”

Gongsun Zhi said: "The two great monks beside him are also eminent monks of the Golden Buddha Temple. I have heard of the great monk with the golden ring on his arm before. He is the head of the Demon-Conquering Hall of the Golden Buddha Temple, and his dharma name is Jiuheng. Throughout the whole Jinfo Township is a prestigious place.”

As soon as the three great monks appeared, they headed in the direction of the three-headed demon. Behind them were more than a hundred stick monks wearing golden Buddhist robes and holding purple-gold demon-conquering sticks.

"Surround the demons on the opposite side." The great monk with a gold ring on his arm ordered.

More than a hundred stick monks immediately formed a large circle, surrounding the three-headed demon king and Yaksha Cangyue.

They held the purple gold sticks in their hands in front of them and formed a large circle. On the surface of the purple gold stick, there seemed to be a golden dragon swimming back and forth, instantly forming a huge formation, trapping the three-headed demon king and Yaksha Cangyue in it like a huge cage.

Seeing this, Yaksha Cangyue shook her head slightly, and then said: "Your Highnesses, the three demon lords, there is trouble now. Three old monks from the Golden Buddha Temple came with a group of monks holding sticks. There were quite a few of them, it seemed. They want to set up a formation to deal with us."

The three heads of the three-headed demon looked back and forth.

The head of the Purple Blood Demon Lord said: "These thieves and monks from the Golden Buddha Temple either attack from behind or rely on their large numbers."

The head of the Purple Wind Demon Lord said: "We were surrounded by the same monks holding sticks thousands of years ago.

Are these thieves and monks going to repeat their old tricks today? "

The head of the Purple Shadow Demon Lord said: "The three of us plus the Shadow Left Envoy are enough to fight these thieves and monks. The hatred of thousands of years ago may as well be put aside today."

Although the Three-Headed Demon Lord was not convinced, he did not dare to launch an attack rashly. They observed the situation back and forth, waiting for opportunities to find the opponent's weaknesses.

Thousands of years ago, they suffered a loss under the "Stick Monk Formation" of the Golden Buddha Temple. They learned a lesson and learned a lesson, which prevented them from daring to act rashly.

What made the three-headed demon even more fearful were the three leading old monks on the opposite side. The aura emanating from every monk is no less than that of the Three Demon Lords, and they are undoubtedly masters of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

The situation reversed instantly.

The three-headed demon who was domineering just now became a caged beast, and Monk Liujin and others suddenly felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, Monk Liujin saw the visitor and said with great joy: "They are the reinforcements from our Golden Buddha Temple. They are the disciples of the Demon-Conquering Hall led by the abbot and two uncles."

Monk Liujin hurriedly walked over and bowed respectfully: "Jinyi Hall disciple Liujin has met the abbot, Master Jiuku and Master Jiuheng."

Monk Jiuchi, who has the third Dharma purpose, looked at Monk Liujin, nodded and said, "Liujin, you did a good job this time."

The skinny commoner monk frowned slightly and said with concern: "Senior nephew Liujin, you are seriously injured this time."

Monk Liujin responded: "It's okay, my nephew. I let you worry, my uncle."

The monk with the golden ring on his arm said: "Senior nephew Liujin is worthy of being the master of the Golden Clothes Hall of our Golden Buddha Temple. It is a great achievement to be able to stop the Three Demons of the Western Regions this time."

Hearing this, Monk Liujin immediately responded: "Uncle Jiuheng, you are ridiculous. It was only a few disciples of my Jinyi Hall and the four lay disciples headed by Xu Yang who fought against the enemy together that barely allowed the Three Demon Lords to succeed. Fortunately, Uncle Master and others arrived, otherwise, the Three Demon Lords would have really run away. "

Golden Bald Tuo and Silver Bald Tuo stood behind the six-gold monk.

Jin Guang Tutuo clasped his hands together and said, "It's better now. The Three-Headed Demon Lord can't even think about running away."

The bald silver-headed leader exhaled a breath, and then said: "It's finally here."

Xu Yang and the four others also came forward and stood respectfully aside.

Xu Yang's eyes fell on the skinny old monk with a wine gourd of the same type as Xu Yang hanging around his waist.

I muttered in my heart: "Isn't this the senior I met on the road who drank with me before and gave me a piece of wood spirit treasure? It turns out that this senior who calls himself "Old Kutou" is a senior monk from the Golden Buddha Temple ”

The skinny old monk was not surprised when he saw Xu Yang present, and just nodded slightly. At this moment, it was inconvenient for Xu Yang to go up and say hello, he put his hands together and offered a Buddhist salute.

Monk Jiuheng glanced at the two people surrounded opposite him, his eyes fell on Yaksha Cangyue, and asked: "The guy who is with the Three Demon Lords must be sent by the shadow organization to infiltrate here. Bar."

Monk Liujin explained: "That's true. He is the shadow envoy in the shadow organization."

Halfway through the words, Monk Liujin looked at Yaksha Cangyue and did not continue to say Yaksha Cangyue's name. He still couldn't figure out why Yaksha Cangyue had just stepped in to help him. But at this moment, they are on opposite sides.

Monk Jiuheng's eyes turned cold, and he turned around and asked, "Master Abbot, what are you waiting for? Just give the order quickly and capture these evildoers."

Monk Jiuchi hesitated for a moment, and then sent a message: "Junior brother Jiuheng, these three demons in the Western Region are no small matter. When we captured them thousands of years ago, we lost many elite disciples of my Golden Buddha Temple.

son. Today, there is another shadow organization helping them behind the scenes. We must not underestimate the enemy. I think next, the stick monks will set up a formation barrier to suppress them, and the three of us will enter and personally surrender the three demons. In this way, we can achieve the minimum cost. As for that shadow envoy from the shadow organization, I think his skills are not inferior to those of the three of us, so we might as well let him go for the time being. In this way, the remaining three demons will be easy to deal with. "

Upon hearing this, the great monk Jiu Heng nodded slightly, turned his head and said, "Senior Brother Jiu Ku, what do you think of this method?"

The old monk in common thought for a while, and then said: "If the three demons on the opposite side can lose a powerful helper, the price we pay will naturally be much smaller. I just wonder if the shadow envoy will know how to walk away. Moreover, The abbot has been in seclusion for many years and just came out of seclusion a few days ago. It would be very risky to directly participate in such a vicious fight. "

Monk Jiuchi said: "Senior Brother Jiuku, don't worry about me. Although my body has not returned to its original peak state, I am confident that I can still help. Otherwise, I would not ask to be with you today. Come here. Besides, the spy in our Golden Buddha Temple has not been found. The only people I can trust are you two. If the three of us can't help, who else can help?"

The commoner old monk said: "In that case, let's do it according to the abbot's wishes."

After the three great monks finished their discussion, they walked straight towards the three-headed demon king and Yaksha Cangyue who were surrounded on the opposite side.

More than a hundred stick monks gathered outside and immediately made way for a gap, allowing the three of them to walk in. When the three of them entered the circle, the formation was perfectly closed again.

Monk Jiuchi walked to the opposite side of Yaksha Cangyue, and then said: "I am the current abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple, Monk Jiuchi. You are the Shadow Zuo Envoy, right?"

Yaksha Cangyue said: "I have heard for a long time that the abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple is a big shot with the title of "Golden Buddha Monk". When I see him today, he is indeed extraordinary. I am the shadow envoy of the shadow organization."

Monk Jiuchi looked at Yaksha Cangyue up and down carefully, and then said: "Looking at your exquisite ghost power, you are not a member of the demon clan in the Western Region. Therefore, we don't want to embarrass you this time. You can leave here, and that The three-headed monsters must stay. Otherwise, they will be killed or injured under the demon-suppressing formation of the Golden Buddha Temple."

Yaksha Cangyue turned her head and glanced at the three-headed demon king beside her, and then joked: "Although this guy is really not very good-looking, I still have to take him away. Because before I came here, I promised someone , I will definitely do what I promise to bring the Three Demons back to him."

Monk Jiuchi said: "If you want to save others, you must first save yourself. Don't you understand this principle?"

Yaksha Cangyue smiled indifferently, and then said: "Great monk, are you saying that I don't even have the ability to save myself? Then let's make a bet. I won't fight back, and I will take one move from each of the three of them. If I can't bear it, , I will naturally surrender and let him be dealt with. If I win, I will take the Three Demon Lords away from here."

Without waiting for Monk Jiuchi to answer, the old monk in common clothes on the side said: "We won't bet with you. Because, today in our Golden Buddha Temple, we are not bullying you alone with three people. We are asking more than a hundred stick monks around to capture you together." With the suppression of my Golden Buddha Temple's demon-suppressing array, you have no chance of escaping."

The three heads of the Three-Headed Demon Lord suddenly became angry.

"You think we are afraid of you because there are so many people?"

"I, the Three Demon Lords of the Western Region, will never bow my head in front of anyone."

"The accounts that were settled a thousand years ago are settled today."

The fight between the two sides is about to break out.

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