True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 860 Nine Dry Monk

"Monk Fumotang obeys the order, follow me to suppress the three demons." Monk Jiuheng's eyes were fierce, and he raised his arms high, and the copper rings on his arms rattled.

After listening to the order, more than a hundred stick monks mobilized the demon-subduing formation. The powerful power of the formation instantly suppressed the three demon lords surrounded in the middle.

The physical performance of the three Demon Lords was suppressed by the power of the formation from the peak of the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm to the level of the first level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

And Monk Jiuheng and Monk Jiuku are the real pinnacles of the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. In this way, the three Demon Lords would be at a disadvantage in terms of cultivation regardless of whether they were facing Monk Jiuheng or Monk Jiuku, making the three of them dare not act rashly.

The Purple Blood Demon Lord said angrily: "It's this move again."

Zifeng Demon Lord said sternly: "These thieves and monks are really annoying. I must kill more of them this time to relieve my hatred."

The Purple Shadow Demon Lord frowned slightly and said: "Everyone of us is at a relative disadvantage in terms of martial arts. We must protect the Lord Demon Lord's clone."

The finished glyphs of the three demon lords protect the demon lord's clone "Monk Jiuchi".

Yaksha Cangyue glanced at the two menacing monks opposite, her eyes fell on Monk Jiuheng, and she quickly thought in her mind: "This Monk Jiuheng is the key to the Demon Subduing Formation. As long as he is defeated, the Demon Subduing Formation will be destroyed." If it can be broken, the crisis can be resolved.”

Having judged, Yaksha Cangyue's eyes turned cold and she said coldly: "Monk Jiuheng, let me, the Shadow Zuo Envoy, learn your Buddhist skills."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yaksha Cangyue activated his power body and created a strange magic formula with both hands. Above the fingertips, a band of black spiritual light was swirling.

Then, Yaksha Cangyue's hands turned into sword fingers and tapped a few points on the four acupoints on her chest.

With a flick of his finger, the entrances to his four key acupoints instantly opened.

A powerful, sealed ghost power suddenly emitted from Yaksha Cangyue's body. A swirling black spiritual power overflowed from his body, crackling in the void like a whip.

At the same time, circles of ink-colored soul fluctuations spread out from the feet of Yaksha Cangyue. Wherever they passed, Yin Qi rolled and ghosts hovered, as if Hades had descended.

At this moment, Yaksha Cangyue's facial features had no obvious changes, but there were dark Yaksha ghost lines on both sides of her face, emitting the aura of the Great Ghost King.

The dark green pine robes flew up behind him, making him look like the Yaksha God of War from the underworld.

But seeing an afterimage left behind Yaksha Cangyue, she rushed towards the monk Jiuheng opposite.

At this moment, an emerald green light flashed, and a skinny figure stood in front of Monk Jiuheng. It was Monk Jiuku.

"Junior brother, leave this person to me to deal with. You can just lead the stick monks of the Demon Subduing Formation to deal with those three demons." Monk Jiuku said loudly.

"Okay. Senior brother, be careful." Monk Jiuheng responded.

Monk Jiu Ku put his hands together and activated his body, and a tall dead tree statue suddenly appeared behind him.

There is not a single leaf on the dead tree, but there are light golden runes wandering on the surface.

With the power of Monk Jiu Ku's blessing technique, the surface of the huge dead tree behind him sprouted green branches and leaves at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming lush in an instant and exuding a powerful wood spirit aura.

"Buddha's Dharma - The Art of Withering and Prosperity!"

Astonishingly, monk Jiu Ku's seemingly skinny and short body erupted with the power of the wood attribute. Circles of green vine light and shadow spread out under his feet, and the soul realm had become substantial.

"The martial body of this Shadow Zuo Envoy is a mutated ghost Dao martial arts body, which should not be underestimated. If I, Lao Kutou, don't show some real skills, I may have no chance of winning." Monk Jiu Ku judged in his heart.

The next moment, Monk Jiuku was fighting with Yaksha Cangyue.

The fists and feet of the two clashed, causing circles of spiritual power fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

In just a few rounds, Yaksha Cangyue had an estimate of Monk Jiu Ku's combat power.

"This Monk Jiuku is indeed the top monk of the Golden Buddha Temple.

His fighting power is definitely not inferior to mine. If I keep fighting with him like this, the three demon lords whose bodies are suppressed by the formation on the other side will definitely be at a disadvantage. It seems that the only option is to use the three transformation techniques of Yaksha. "

Yaksha Cang Yue's figure stretched back, and formed a strange magic formula with both hands. On the fingertips, green lines of fire swam, and in a blink of an eye, the seal of a "Yaksha Ghost" head with green flaming hair appeared. The seal is only three inches in size, but it is solid and real, as if it is a real Yaksha ghost head.

The seal on the head of the "Yaksha Ghost" floated upward, reaching the height of Yaksha Cangyue's chin. A look of determination flashed in Yaksha Cangyue's eyes. She opened her mouth and sucked in, and a golden light rolled out, sucking the "Yaksha Ghost" seal into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Yaksha Cangyue's Kung Fu body shook, and a circle of green ghost flames burst out from his body, and his hair also turned into the shape of Yaksha ghost-like green flames.

He looked more like a Yaksha ghost from the underworld. And his gongti aura became more violent and enthusiastic.

Cack, Cang Yue's shoulder bones crackled.

With two puff sounds, two green flames ignited on his neck, and on his shoulders, there were two more heads on the left and right, which were identical to his own body.

"Secret Technique - Three Transformations of Yaksha!"

Yaksha Cangyue's figure was divided into three parts, revealing three identical fleshy bodies of Yaksha Cangyue. The three figures swayed back and forth rapidly, and when they stood still again, it was no longer possible to tell which one was the real one.

Without stopping for a moment, the three bodies of Yaksha Cangyue were pinching the spells at the same time, shouting the curse in unison: "The silver moon hides shadows, ghosts and gods are invisible, Yaksha changes three times..."


The void shook, and a huge silver moon appeared in mid-air. Silver Moon's method is perfect, and the face of a Yaksha ghost with green flame hair is looming.

"Before, this person used this technique to restrain the physical body of "Junior Brother Jiuchi." You have to be careful." Just when Yaksha Cangyue activated the "Yaksha Three Transformations" technique, Monk Jiuku guessed it right away. Got a rough idea.

The silver moon dharma image conjured by Yaksha Cang Yue casts a large rolling silver light, and a bright silver barrier covered it with the Jiu Ku monk opposite.

Yaksha Cangyue's three bodies simultaneously turned into large groups of silver light spots and disappeared under the moonlight, and everything became strangely quiet.

Monk Jiu Ku's expression suddenly turned embarrassing. The falling silver moonlight directly penetrated the soul defense outside his body and invaded his soul like ice water.

"Such a powerful power of ghosts and gods." Monk Jiuku exclaimed in his heart. He truly felt that his body was instantly imprisoned by a cold force.

The next moment, a group of silver light spots suddenly appeared in three directions outside Monk Jiuku. The silver light converged, revealing three bodies of Yaksha Cangyue.

Take action!

Each of Yaksha Cangyue's three bodies stretched out a palm. Silently, he grabbed Monk Jiu Ku's shoulder.

Just then, a strange scene happened.

A group of emerald green light spots emitted from the surface of Monk Jiu Ku's body. The light spots converged, and Monk Jiuku's body became completely like a dead tree. It was like a human figure carved from a piece of dead wood, without a trace of breathing or soul power fluctuations.

boom! boom! boom!

The palms stretched out by the three clones of Yaksha Cangyue firmly grasped the dead wood.

Countless dry rattans sprouted from the surface of the dead wood, and the arms of the three bodies were tightly entangled, making it impossible to break free.

Puff puff!

The three clones of Yaksha Cangyue turned into three green flames, rolling and dissipating.

At one place in the void, water-like ripples formed together, and a palm-sized silver moon-shaped ball of light appeared.

"Huh?" The face of Yaksha Cang Yue was reflected on the silver moon light ball, "This monk Jiu Ku's wood escape technique is so good. He escaped in time the moment he was hit by my Yaksha Three Transformation Illusion Technique."

At this moment, opposite the void where Silver Moon appeared, water-like ripples formed together, and a green vine emerged. The green rattan twists and weaves into a human-shaped face, which is exactly the same as the facial features of Monk Jiu Ku.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the rattan head, and his eyes opened, shrewd and clear.

"Since you like the art of transformation, let me, Monk Jiu Ku, fight with you."

The next moment, the rattan ball and the silver moon light ball collided with each other in the void, just like the battle between Jiu Ku monk and Yaksha Cang Yue.

Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...

The two collided with each other, whipping up hundreds of meters of wind, which was strange and shocking.

There are many battles between monks, but fighting after transforming into one's own body is rare.


The rattan ball collided with the silver moon light ball at full speed, exploding a swirling halo of light, sweeping across the void like the shadow of a hundred-foot sword.

The two groups of light and shadow converged, and the bodies of Monk Jiu Ku and Yaksha Cang Yue reappeared.

"Monk Jiuku, I understand." Yaksha Cangyue said.

"Shadow Zuo Envoy, we haven't decided the winner yet." Monk Jiuku said coldly.

The figures of the two are entangled again, making it difficult to tell them apart.

On the other side, Monk Jiuheng also launched an attack.

However, the target of Monk Jiuheng's attack was the physical body of the Demon Lord's avatar "Monk Jiuchi" who was crossing his legs and adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

"This guy took away the body of Senior Brother Abbot. His crime is unforgivable." Cursing in his heart, Monk Jiuheng flashed his figure and rushed forward.

Upon seeing this, the Purple Blood Demon Lord, the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord immediately stood in front of the Demon Lord's clone.

The Purple Blood Demon Lord was the first to greet him.

There were flying purple demonic auras emanating from his body. In Feijuan's Yuanmo aura, purple runes were twisting and shining, and their shapes were extremely huge.

Purple light is flying, purple talismans are flying, and purple blood is crazy.

The powerful demon blood field spread out, and wherever it passed, there was a frenzy of purple blood and rolling purple electricity, fully demonstrating the powerful level of a monk in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. But at this moment, he can only perform at the level of the first level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, which pales in comparison with the level of the opposite monk Jiuheng, who is at the peak of the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

As the power of the "Purple Blood Demon Lord" improved, purple magic lines appeared on his exposed arms, and the power of his physical body suddenly strengthened.

The Purple Blood Demon Lord loudly said: "Thief monk, first ask me if I agree with the fist of the Purple Blood Demon Lord."

On the surface of his fist, the color of purple blood rolled and solidified, and a huge purple lion's head appeared. The purple lion's head was solid and real, with an angry mouth and bloody teeth, as if it came from the devil's realm, causing the surrounding void to faintly collapse.

"Fist technique - Demonic Lion Roar!"

Punch out!

The lion roars!

Monk Jiuheng narrowed his eyes and shouted: "Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Monk Jiuheng punched out, and suddenly a lifelike golden Arhat appeared, accompanied by shocking Sanskrit sounds. It was the "Great Sanskrit Sound Arhat Boxing" that he was good at.


The fist wind exploded, and the purple lion dharma image conjured by the Purple Blood Demon Lord's fist was suppressed by Monk Jiuheng's Great Sanskrit Sound Arhat Fist in just an instant.

The purple lion let out a cry, turning into a rolling purple line of blood and collapsing into nothingness.

At this moment, the three Demon Lords' abilities were suppressed by the Demon Subduing Formation. They could only perform at the level of the first level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Compared with the abilities of the opposite monk Jiuheng, who was on the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, it was natural. It's a lot different.

And monk Jiuheng relied on the blessing of the demon subduing array to perform even more powerfully. As one goes and the other goes, Monk Jiuheng's advantages are greatly brought into play.

With just one punch, the Purple Blood Demon Lord was defeated by Monk Jiuheng. The Purple Blood Demon Lord flew dozens of feet away, kneeling on one knee, with the corners of his mouth stained red, his body trembling, and unable to gather his power.

Next, the Purple Wind Demon Lord and the Purple Shadow Demon Lord were knocked down by Monk Jiuheng's Great Fanyin Arhat punch.

The bodies of the three Demon Lords were all severely damaged and temporarily unable to fight back.

Monk Jiuheng looked at the physical body of the Demon Lord's clone "Monk Jiuchi" who was still sitting cross-legged across from him, with a complex expression on his face and tears streaming from his eyes.

"Brother, don't blame me for hurting you physically."

Monk Jiuheng raised his fist high.

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