True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 865 Golden Bone Dragon

"The third level of the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra is completed." Xu Yang used inner vision to see three thousand golden mountain patterns on the surface of his bones, and was very satisfied.

"This practice took about seven days. With my current cultivation level and what my body can withstand, absorbing so much Buddhist creation power is already the upper limit. Although this is a mysterious place that seizes the creation of heaven and earth. , but don't be too greedy for the power of creation here. If you have haste, you may get lost in this place over time, and you may even run the risk of going crazy." Xu Yang calmly analyzed in his heart.

Xu Yang stood up and stepped on the surface of the golden lake without causing any ripples.

At this moment, Xu Yang suddenly felt something strange coming from under his feet.

Gurgling, gurgling, a lot of water bubbles rose up from the bottom of the lake.

"Huh? This feeling?" Xu Yang frowned. He clearly felt that there was a strange force hidden at the bottom of the lake and was about to move, and this feeling made him feel familiar. That was the feeling Xu Yang had when he saw the demon dragon Ming Lin for the first time on the coast of the East China Sea.

Horrible and evil!

"Not good." Xu Yang exclaimed, and golden flames flew behind him, turning into a pair of huge fire wings in the blink of an eye.

The golden fire wings spread out and the body flew up.


With a loud noise, the surface of the golden lake exploded, and a huge creature jumped out of the lake.

It turned out to be a golden bone dragon that was a hundred feet long and had a fleshless body.

The golden bone dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws, emitting thousands of golden lights, and the huge demonic dragon aura swept the world.

The empty eyes of the Baizhang Golden Bone Dragon were shining with two golden lights, just like its eyes, staring closely at Xu Yang in mid-air.

"Young man, what's your name?"

When Xu Yang saw the golden bone dragon talking to him, he first searched with his consciousness and glanced at the golden bone dragon opposite.

His eyes paused for a moment on a pair of huge horns of the golden bone dragon. The faintly visible rings of growth rings on the dragon's horns indicate the approximate lifespan of the golden bone dragon, which is tens of thousands of years. This is also the way to know the age of dragon beasts that Xu Yang only learned after meeting the demon dragon Ming Lin.

Xu Yang thought quickly in his mind, "I didn't expect that there is such a powerful ten thousand year dragon beast hidden in this lake. The body of this dragon beast has been lost, leaving only a golden skeleton. Even so, the aura exuding from it is It’s terrifying, and it’s probably on the level of a fairy beast. It’s a huge threat to me.”

"I'm Xu Yang." Xu Yang responded frankly.

"Xu Yang? That's not a nice name. I hate the word "Yang" the most." The golden bone dragon said, looking up at Jin Yang high in the sky, and quickly averted his eyes, "It's so dazzling."

Xu Yang was not angry when he heard this, and then explained: "The word "Yang" in my name has completely different meanings from the word "Golden Yang" in the sky. When my mother gave birth to me, it happened to be the morning when the morning sun appeared, and my surname is Xu. , so my mother named me Xu Yang, which means the rising sun, and this golden sun in the sky should be a cold thing in the entire golden light tower space, with no beauty at all. Come on, what I appreciate more is your extremely domineering and kingly attitude as a born dragon."

"Hehe." The golden bone dragon twisted its body and raised the tip of its tail proudly, "Really?"

"That's it." Xu Yang said firmly.

"You little guy is very good at talking. I'm starting to like you a little bit."

"I just entered this place by mistake. I don't want to disturb my senior's purification. Please forgive me. If I don't have anything else to do, I'll take my leave."

"You want to leave here?"

"Yes, I have something important to do, so I won't disturb you anymore."


The golden bone dragon laughed, and the two golden lights in its pupils were dancing. Its huge body blocked Xu Yang's retreat with just a twist.

Xu Yang's heart skipped a beat and his palms became sweaty, "This guy blocked my escape route. What does it want to do?"


Segulong said: "Xu Yang, this dragon has been sleeping here for I don't know how many years. It was your arrival that woke me up."

After a pause, the golden bone dragon continued: "You should be smart enough to see that this golden dragon has lost its physical body. To tell you the truth, this dragon needs to restore the power of his physical body. And just now you clearly successfully resurrected a girl here. body."

Xu Yang was slightly startled, "It turns out that the process of me casting a spell to help Lin'er reshape her body was known to this guy."

Xu Yang smiled calmly, and then said: "Your Majesty, do you want me to help you restore your physical body?"

"You are very smart, and I like you more and more. I have been sleeping in this golden lake for a long time, waiting for the day when I can recover my physical body. If I can recover the power of my physical body, I will have the opportunity to break through the interface space and evolve. If you become a true immortal beast, you can travel around the world freely."

The golden bone dragon's mind was filled with thoughts about the future, "When the time comes, if someone makes me unhappy, this golden dragon will devour a whole city of its people. That should be a delicious meal."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes, secretly clenched his fists, and thought to himself: "This guy is obviously a violent demon dragon. It must have been the same when the demon dragon Ming Lin was at its peak."

The golden bone dragon asked: "Xu Yang, are you willing to help me?"

"This?" Xu Yang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My cultivation level is limited, and recasting my friend's body can be said to be just luck. If I were to restore the body of my senior, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it with all my strength. Arrived.”


The golden bone dragon spit out two golden demonic fires from its hollow nostrils. The flames of the demon fire flew not far away from Xu Yang, and could easily engulf Xu Yang if he moved further forward.

The golden bone dragon said angrily: "Xu Yang! Do you not agree to help me?"

"My ability is really limited. If I lose my strength and body in the middle of the action, it will be self-defeating. At that time, the damage to my strength and body will be a trivial matter. It will delay your big plan to rebuild the body, and I really can't afford it. "Xu Yang explained.

The golden bone dragon said: "You don't have to worry about this. The power of creation in the golden lake below is enough for me to recast my body. Now I am only the body of a bone dragon, and I need the power of the real body as a medium. Absorb the power of creation, and you are the best medium. Because ordinary people cannot directly use the power of creation in this golden lake, only those who are recognized by the Buddha and God can do it. And just now, you have successfully used it. The power of creation here has resurrected your friend’s body, so you are the best candidate.”

Xu Yang thought to himself, "This guy wants something from me, so he probably won't kill me. But if I don't agree to its request, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to leave this place."

Xu Yang said bluntly: "Since you are asking for something from me, what benefits can I get?"

The golden bone dragon said: "I like your straightforwardness. There is no benefit, why bother helping others? This time, of course I won't let your help go in vain."

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden bone dragon breathed out from its mouth, and a golden light rolled out. The golden light converged, and a golden dragon scale the size of a petal appeared.

"This golden scale is one of the three reverse scales that I have transformed and evolved in my life. It contains the essence of dragon beasts that I have cultivated for thousands of years. Even if an ordinary carp can get it, it can also directly jump over the dragon gate and transform into a young dragon. Beast. For you, since you are not practicing the demon clan's technique, you cannot directly absorb the power of this golden scale. However, it goes without saying that it is very valuable if you get it. If you go to the market, it will immediately become the top auction item for thousands of years."

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, and the golden dragon scale came into his hand.

When you take the golden dragon scales into your hands, you will feel an eerie coolness, and a curl of golden aura emanates from the surface. If you look closely, you will see a dragon-shaped golden pattern swimming on the surface of the golden scales.

"It is really a rare and top-quality treasure. According to the ancient records, the dragon's reverse scale is an untouchable existence and is also the life gate of the dragon beast. This thing may not be of any use to me, but it may be useful to the underworld scale. It’s of great use.”


As he did so, Xu Yang couldn't help but use inner vision to check his own Zifu space.

In the Zi Mansion space, the small ball covered with black scales that the demon dragon Ming Lin transformed into was suspended.

In the Green Fire Demon Realm, the demon dragon Ming Lin blocked a heavy blow from the Qisha Demonic Beast for Xu Yang. As a result, he was seriously injured and is still recovering in his sleep. But even if Xu Yang used his own blood soul power to make up for it every day, the progress would be slow.

Xu Yang held the golden scale in his palm and put it naturally into the storage bag on his waist.

He said loudly: "Senior Jinlong, I promise you. I am very satisfied with the reward you gave me."

The golden bone dragon shook its tail back and forth and said repeatedly: "Just promise, just promise."

Xu Yang said: "This matter is important and we need to be cautious. Do we need to make any preparations before this?"

The golden bone dragon said: "If you are outside, of course you have to make some preparations. The life essence of about 10,000 monks will be needed as a supplement."

At this point, the golden bone dragon changed the topic and continued: "There is no need to prepare anything. With my tens of thousands of years of Taoism and the power of my golden bones, coupled with the huge power of creation in the golden lake, That's enough."

Xu Yang seemed to have heard something, and thought to himself: "The life essence of ten thousand monks is used as a supplement. This guy's body reshaping technique is clearly an evil technique. If in the next action, he wants to devour my Mingyuan, I’m really like a sheep in a tiger’s mouth.”

Xu Yang nodded and said, "I believe in your unparalleled ability and great luck."

The golden bone dragon said impatiently: "Xu Yang, let's get started."

The two bodies landed smoothly on the surface of the golden lake.

The golden bone dragon's 100-foot-long body echoed from end to end, forming a large circle, enclosing Xu Yang in it.

Xu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, "Oh, this guy has already imprisoned me here."

"Senior! Let's begin." Xu Yang said loudly.

After finishing his words, Xu Yang clasped his hands together and used the power of the Buddhist state of mind he had just comprehended to activate his body.

Xu Yang's body shook slightly, and a swirling golden light emitted from his body. There were several golden Sanskrit characters jumping in the golden light, and a clearly audible sound of chanting came out.

Circles of light golden soul power fluctuations spread out from Xu Yang's clasped palms.

Not long after, a pool of golden lake water at Xu Yang's feet began to boil.

Clusters of twinkling golden stars emerged from the golden lake water, covering the entire lake in an instant, covering the golden bone dragon's body within it.

The golden bone dragon whispered in his heart: "The power of creation contained in these golden star points is at least ten times more pure than that in the lake. However, I am not a Buddhist body, so I cannot swallow it directly. I still need this kid's help."

Xu Yang recited the Buddha's mantra: "The golden Buddha chants and is guided by nature."


The space shook, and countless golden star points centered on Xu Yang's body quickly rotated, like a golden tornado.

The "golden tornado" formed a funnel above Xu Yang's head, and then poured it into Xu Yang's Tianling Cap like a whale sucking water.

Visible to the naked eye, Xu Yang's body expanded more than three times.

If Xu Yang hadn't practiced the Holy Body Sutra of the Golden Buddha, and the body of the Golden Buddha had just been formed and had the power of three thousand gold mountains, his physical body would have been unable to withstand such a huge power and would have exploded.

Xu Yang used all his strength to activate the Buddha's spiritual veins in his body and channel the huge power into his body.

After a moment, Xu Yang opened his clasped hands and pinched the wheel-like magic formula. On his whirling fingertips, there were streaks of golden and red auras intertwining.

"The golden Buddha chants, the blood soul is sacrificed, the creation is revealed..."

The next moment, countless golden rays of light surged out from Xu Yang's hands, rushing toward the golden bone dragon like a golden wave.

Those golden threads of light swirled on the body surface of the golden bone dragon, gradually blending in. A blurry body gradually appeared outside the golden bone dragon.

The golden bone dragon said ecstatically: "Very good! That's it!"

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