True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 869 Dragon Beast Heavenly Tribulation

"Amitabha!" A loud Buddha's name suddenly rang out in Xu Yang's mind, as if there was an edict coming from a group of Buddhas and gods.

The sound was like thunder exploding, and a waterfall of whirlpools suddenly appeared in Xu Yang's sea of ​​consciousness. I felt dizzy for a while, my body stagnated, and my soul appeared twice, almost leaving my body. The hundred-foot-long black demonic dragon form behind him turned into black smoke and dissipated in a sudden tremor.

If Xu Yang hadn't practiced the dolphin brain splitting technique, the two halves of the brain could operate at the same time to stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness under the Tianling Cap. Just the sound of the Buddha's name would have been enough to make his sea of ​​consciousness explode and he would die on the spot.

Immediately afterwards there was a clear sound of the spell being activated: "The Three Rings of the Golden Buddha - The Art of Three Thousand Gold Mountains."

"Master Xu Yang, we have been plotted..." The demon dragon Ming Lin exclaimed nervously from the black dragon armor outside Xu Yang, and then there was no sound.

But in front of the black breastplate outside Xu Yang's body, the golden reverse scale mark emanated from the surface of a huge, shining golden Sanskrit character.

The huge Sanskrit characters rotated, emitting dazzling light like a golden sun, and the image of the Buddha with a solemn appearance inside became increasingly clear.

Astonishingly, when the Buddha's Dharma sign was pointed at a single point, three thousand golden mountains' patterns popped up and immediately suppressed Xu Yang's body.

Along with the pattern of the Three Thousand Gold Mountains comes the suppressive power of the Three Thousand Gold Mountains.

Xu Yang felt as if the blood and meridians all over his body were solidifying, and he couldn't gather even half of his magic power.

Fortunately, Xu Yang cultivated the body of the Golden Buddha, and the bones in his body had thousands of patterns of gold mountains on the surface, which offset a small part of the suppressive power of these three thousand gold mountains.

Xu Yang's physical body has been baptized by the Nine Transformations of Nirvana, as well as the Moonlight Technique, the Blood Soul Cutting Pulse Technique, the Red Blood Soul Refining Technique, and the Green Wood Spiritual Body Technique. These high-level physical training techniques are extremely strong after being tempered. And at this moment, he was wearing a black dragon armor transformed from the demon dragon Ming Lin. Otherwise, the suppressive power of the Three Thousand Gold Mountain alone would directly result in physical collapse.

This Three Thousand Gold Mountain Suppression Technique is far beyond Xu Yang's current knowledge. After all, when Monk Sanjie left this technique behind, it was at least at the peak level of the Virtual Immortal Realm. And this move only sealed the three successes of Monk Sanjie's one move. If the Three Rings monk himself had performed it, Xu Yang would have died on the spot.

As the founder of the Golden Buddha Temple, Monk Sanjie was a wizard among wizards, and he eventually became a true immortal and passed away.

Since Xu Yang entered the journey of cultivation, he has encountered many crises along the way, and this time he had no room to resist. His biggest helper, Arjuna, was still sleeping, and Ming Lin was suppressed again.

At this moment, no one can help Xu Yang.

"There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do..." Xu Yang insisted through gritted teeth and squeezed out a few words from the corner of his mouth. His faith never gave in.

But in the face of absolute power, simple faith cannot reverse defeat.

Click, click, click.

There were even traces of fine lines on the surface of the black dragon armor outside Xu Yang. Xu Yang fell into a semi-conscious state, his five senses were dull, and he could not move his limbs except his fingertips.

Xu Yang never gave up. His movable fingertips kept moving, but he was unable to activate the power of the spell to resist.

Helpless and powerless.

When the golden dragon beast in the sky saw this, he was overjoyed.

"Three Rings, you hateful bald man, thank you for leaving me this life-saving move. When I achieve the body of a true dragon, I will definitely go to the fairy world to find you."

The golden dragon beast opened its mouth and rolled out a golden glow, wrapping Xu Yang's entire body in it.

Immediately afterwards, the golden glow enveloped Xu Yang's body and came to the mouth of the golden dragon beast.

"Secret Technique - Dragon Suction Technique."

The next moment, a strange suction force suddenly appeared from the mouth of the golden dragon beast,

It was a golden vortex that existed in the throat of the dragon beast.

The power of blood soul in Xu Yang's body turned into flying thin blood lines, which were continuously sucked into the body of the golden dragon beast.

Xu Yang is getting weaker and weaker, and his physical power is being ruthlessly plundered, while the golden dragon beast is getting stronger and stronger, and he is greedily asking for Xu Yang's physical power.

The body of the golden dragon beast grew to a hundred feet at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it returned to its original size in half a stick of incense.

"My strength is back." The golden dragon beast swung its tail happily, admiring its 100-foot-long body and rolling up golden rays of light.

Xu Yang's physical body became blurred and translucent, as did the black dragon armor outside him. His consciousness also fell into a semi-sleep, a gray world, and empty senses.

"I can't let Xu Yang die immediately. He has a Buddha's spiritual vein in his body, which is what I need most. If I have the power of the Buddha's spiritual vein, I can directly swallow the water of the creation pool below without restraint. The power of creation of the Buddha. I want to break through the level of cultivation, become a true dragon and beast, ascend to the immortal world, and travel around the world. I must also find the Three Rings Monk..."

The golden dragon beast's mind flashed back to the hungry look in the little monk's eyes when he fished it out of the wishing pool a few years ago when it was still a spiritual fish.

At this moment, the golden dragon beast felt that it was a kind of love. A love where I eat you and I can live freely.

Pure and sincere.

Thinking in his mind, the golden dragon beast stopped absorbing Xu Yang's physical power, and its dragon eyes suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, streaks of golden light spit out from its pair of golden dragon eyes, like invisible golden needles that penetrated Xu Yang's body directly, tightly binding the Buddha's spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body.

Lines of light golden color were extracted from the Buddha's spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body, and those light golden colors turned into numerous whirling golden light spots. The golden light spots gathered more and more, eventually forming a human-shaped light and shadow outlined by golden light. The appearance of the golden light and shadow is the same as that of Xu Yang. There are Sanskrit characters wandering on the surface, and bursts of Buddhist words are emitted.

"It's this thing, the incarnation of the Buddha's power of creation."

The golden dragon beast opened its mouth and sucked in, then swallowed the golden figure into its mouth and entered its belly.

Immediately, the golden dragon beast's body emitted thousands of gold flowers, as gorgeous and shocking as an immortal weapon appearing in the world.

"As I thought, the Buddha's power of creation in Xu Yang's body can be integrated with my dragon beast's body." The golden dragon beast's eyebrows were beaming, and it forgot about it and threw Xu Yang aside.

At this moment, Xu Yang's situation was even worse. His body was close to complete collapse and his meridians were on the verge of fragmentation. If he hadn't still had the Haoran Heavenly Vein, Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein, and Daoguo Spiritual Vein running slightly instinctively in his body, his Buddha Spiritual Vein, which had lost most of its power, would have collapsed long ago.

The Blue Water Flame Spirit, Chakravartin Flame Spirit and Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit in Xu Yang's Purple Mansion space also fell into depression at the same time. A'Zhu in the red shell egg only had a weak heartbeat. In the Zi Mansion space, the hovering Ghost Weeping Sword trembled, let out a wail, and then fell silent.

In Xu Yang's three-color vortex, the three alien doors contained endless power, but the doors were closed.

The black dragon armor transformed by the black demon dragon Ming Lin was already struggling to support itself, and Ming Lin's weak voice came out: "Master Xu Yang, wake up quickly. Our journey to fight side by side has just begun... .”

Xu Yang was speechless, or was too weak to speak.

The golden dragon beast lowered its head and looked at the huge golden lake below. The surface of the golden lake reflects the golden dragon beast's hundred-foot body like a mirror.

"Look, my figure is so perfect." The golden dragon beast twisted its body, "This pool of Buddha's creation

Power is the secret that helps me ascend. "

The golden dragon beast twisted its body and approached the surface of the lake downwards. Its body shook in mid-air, and its bones rattled. It opened its teeth and claws, and opened its mouth desperately, as if it wanted to swallow the sky.

"Dragon Suction Technique!"

The next moment, a golden vortex spun up from its throat, spitting out a golden tornado that hit the surface of the golden lake.

The lake water was drawn away and rolled up, and the power of creation in it was indiscriminately sucked into the body of the golden dragon beast.




This was a lake of wine of creation, which benefited the golden dragon beast so much that it became crazily intoxicated with it.

"Great, after absorbing the Buddha's creation power in Xu Yang's body, I can directly absorb the Buddha's creation power in the lake. Everything is as I expected." The golden dragon beast was ecstatic in its heart.

As the surface of the golden lake sank, the entire Jinshan Mountain rumbled and shook, and golden rocks rolled down.

The golden dragon beast turned a blind eye at all.

Its body continues to expand, supplemented by the powerful power of Buddha's creation. Its hundred-foot body became a thousand-foot giant before it could stop. There is a looming golden rune on every golden scale on its body, full of infinite power.

"I am now a Buddhist golden dragon. I want to break through the bottleneck of cultivation, challenge the catastrophe, and shatter the void..." The golden dragon beast was extremely crazy.

The golden dragon beast stopped absorbing the golden lake water, and the surface of the lake sank a lot, reflecting the golden dragon beast's huge body.

The golden dragon beast turned its head and glanced at Xu Yang, who was still floating in the air, and said: "Xu Yang, I have swallowed everything from you, so I should express my gratitude. I will leave you half alive so that you can witness the ascension of the golden dragon. A great feat in the immortal world, but don’t blame me if it hits you when it lands.”

The golden dragon beast twisted its body and looked up at the sky.

"Huh?" The golden dragon beast saw the golden sun in the sky move, which had never happened in thousands of years.

The golden dragon beast rubbed its eyelids with its paws, and then looked intently.

The golden sun high in the sky is still sitting there steadily, like an unshakable god.

"Maybe I saw it wrong, how could this thing move? I remember that more than ten thousand years ago, Sanjie's bald head used this golden sun as a space channel to directly break through the limitations of the void and ascend to the fairy world."

The golden dragon beast thought in his mind, twisting its body and flying towards Jin Yang's location.

Dragon beasts chase the sun.

The light from the golden sun was a bit dazzling, making the golden dragon beast's eyes glow with golden light. But at this moment, it didn't care. It knew that within the golden light was the world of its dreams. It is full of freedom, full of unrestrainedness, and a monk named Sanjie is waiting for it to reminisce about the past.

"Sanjie, Xiaojin, here I come."

The movements of the golden dragon beast finally attracted the attention of the power of the interface. It was a guy who wanted to challenge the will and rules of the interface, and would definitely be punished by the thunder.

The void trembled, and the color of heaven and earth changed.

The wind and clouds were rolling, and large groups of golden clouds gathered together. Golden arcs appeared in the rolling clouds, making a clicking sound. The sound was like a huge interface beast rubbing its sharp teeth.

"The tribulation thunder is coming. I lost that time ten thousand years ago. This time, I have become stronger and I will definitely win." The golden dragon beast was determined in its heart.

The sound of thunder was loud, as if there were soldiers from heaven beating war drums in unison.

In an instant, golden thunder fell from the sky and fell on the golden dragon beast's thousand-foot body.

Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...

The catastrophe of the dragon beast!

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