True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 871 The Story of Monk Jiu Ku

The golden sun hangs high like a sitting Buddha.

Xu Yang calmly turned around and left Jinhu without pausing or looking back, showing no nostalgia for the pool of water of creation.

He knows that there is no shortcut in the journey of cultivation. When you rely too much on external things, you will fall deeply into it and develop inner demons. Once the inner demons are not under control, they can go crazy, or explode and fall.

In the face of desire, how many people can really do it when enough is enough?

The light of the golden sun shone on his body, and his retreating back turned into a small dot, blending into the golden light between heaven and earth.

After descending from Jinshan Mountain, Xu Yang searched all the way and came to an open space.

He raised his head and glanced at the empty void, "It should be here. After absorbing the power of creation in the water of the creation pool, I can sense the space nodes existing in this space."

Xu Yang made a secret with one hand, and three golden lights popped out in succession and landed at a certain position in the void.

The exploding golden light splashed ripples in the void, causing the originally static space to shake.


The void shook, and a golden space vortex appeared, followed by a beam of cylindrical golden light, covering Xu Yang's body in it.

When the golden light converged, Xu Yang's figure disappeared, and the space vortex in the void became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Inside the Golden Buddha Temple, under the Golden Light Pagoda.

On an octagonal, gorgeous teleportation array made of earth spirit gold, a golden light curtain spilled out. The light curtain faded, revealing Xu Yang's true form.

A young deacon monk wearing apricot-colored Buddhist robes was guarding not far from the teleportation array. Upon seeing this, he hurriedly greeted him.

Xu Yang showed his badge as a lay disciple of Lanyi Hall and handed it over.

The young monk took Xu Yang's waist badge with both hands, held it in his hands and looked at it carefully, then saluted with both hands and said: "Amitabha, please keep your waist badge."

Xu Yang put away the waist badge again, and also put his hands together to pray: "Amitabha."

The young deacon monk said in a loud voice: "Xu Yang, a lay disciple of Lanyi Hall, has returned from the trial."

After Xu Yang inquired with the young monk, it turned out that he was the last one to return among the many trial disciples. According to the rules of the trial in the Golden Light Tower's Demon-Conquering Realm, the upper limit of the trial time in the Demon-Conquering Realm is three months, but it took Xu Yang a full four months from entering to returning.

Xu Yang signed his name on the registration book at the deacon's office, pressed his fingerprints, and then hurried to Lanyi Hall to resume his life.

Lanyi Hall is only one of the outer entrances of the Golden Buddha Temple, and its status is not high in the entire Golden Buddha Temple. Even so, the temple's luxury and solemn style can be called magnificent.

In a Zen room in Lanyi Hall.

A fat, white monk sat on a wooden chair. He was Xu Yang's temporary steward monk, whose Buddhist name was "Yizhuo".

The fat white monk was twisting a string of red sandalwood beads in his hand, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was thinking.

The fat white monk stood up from the wooden chair and paced back and forth in the room. His fat figure was like a fat goose on his way.

He paced, twirling the beads with one hand, and whispered in his mouth: "It has been a full month since the trial of the Golden Light Pagoda ended. Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi, and Zhang Li, the three lay disciples, had already followed the master of the Golden Clothes Hall. And came back, but Xu Yang was the only one who didn't come back yet, and the great elder Jiu Ku in the temple personally sent someone to tell me to pay attention to the news about Xu Yang. This Xu Yang was the first person that the great elder Jiu Ku could name. . Could it be that Xu Yang is some kind of relative and junior of the Great Elder Jiu Ku, and he must have some important background. If Xu Yang can really return safely, I will definitely get along well with him, and if I can get some rewards and care from the Great Elder Jiu Ku in the future. , is my great creation.”

At this moment,

Someone outside the door called softly: "Disciple Xu Yang, the trial is over, come back."

When the fat monk heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed to the door of the room and opened it with his own hands.

"Master Yizuo, I'm back." Xu Yang bowed respectfully outside the door.

"Come in, come in." The fat white monk welcomed Xu Yang into the house with a smile on his face, and then gently closed the door with both hands.

The fat white monk grinned from the corner of his mouth to the base of his ears, flashing two rows of silver teeth, and forced a big smile.

He stretched out a fat hand to hold Xu Yang's hand, "Oh, Mr. Xu, you are back. I really miss you."

When it comes to the emotional part, a glimmer of light flashes in his eyes, as if he is seeing a long-lost relative.

"Master Xu, please sit down." The fat white monk took Xu Yang's hand to the large chair where he often sat, and carefully wiped the seat twice with his sleeves.

"This? Master Yizuo, please sit down. There is no reason in the world for a disciple to sit down while the master stands. You don't have to call me Mr. Xu, just call me by my name."

Although Xu Yang was not an ignorant young man, seeing how enthusiastic Monk Yizhuo was, he still felt warm in his heart.

"I'm just a temporary manager. We met because of Buddha's fate. How can we be called master and disciple? Mr. Xu's ability to enter the Golden Light Pagoda Demon Subduing Realm trial is the pride of my Blue Clothes Hall, and I figured it out. A role model. Mr. Xu will definitely be rewarded and promoted by the temple. I think that if Mr. Xu is willing, he can directly enter the inner sect and become a distinguished inner sect disciple. It is reasonable for him to enter the Jinyi Hall. "Yes." The fat monk looked attentive and said, "I will take care of you in the future, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yang couldn't resist and had no choice but to sit down in his seat.

The fat white monk poured steaming spiritual tea for Xu Yang and asked about the cold and warmth. Before saying goodbye, the fat monk said that he had arranged a more spacious residence for Xu Yang. Xu Yang declined the offer on the pretext that he was not used to living in the new house.

Afterwards, Xu Yang said goodbye to Monk Yizuo and went to the main hall of Lanyi Hall to meet with Elder Mikasa, the chief hall master of Lanyi Hall.

Elder Mikasa naturally praised Xu Yang and gave him a lot of corresponding cultivation resource rewards according to Xu Yang's request. After that, Xu Yang left the main hall of Lan Yitang and returned directly to his residence.

Half a day later, Gongsun Zhi, Murong Yu, Zhang Li and Xu Yang gathered together.

In the market outside the Golden Buddha Temple, the four of them drank and chatted happily. The brothers drank freely and were very interested. The four of them got drunk until sunset.

Rule 5 of the Alcoholic: The more you drink, the closer your friends become.

Gongsun Zhi, Murong Yu, and Zhang Li, who returned first, also received rewards from this trial. Gongsun Zhi and Murong Yu decided to enter the Golden Clothes Hall to practice in order to improve their cultivation. For them, this was the greatest blessing.

The black boy Zhang Li had to rush back to the Southern Territory because he had something to do, so he chose to leave the Golden Buddha Temple ten days later. He also received a lot of cultivation resources such as spiritual stones and elixirs from the Golden Buddha Temple. Zhang Li entered the Golden Buddha Temple to practice, and obtained the demon elixir of the tiger demon in the realm of subduing demons, which was a great blessing for him as an exorcist.

Of course, Xu Yang does not intend to continue practicing at the Golden Buddha Temple. His only goal at the moment is to completely restore Lin'er's physical power.

The next day, Xu Yang was personally summoned by Elder Jiu Ku.

In a Buddhist hall in the Golden Buddha Temple.

There is no gold color in this Buddhist hall. It is an ordinary wooden structure. It is inconspicuous among the many buildings in the Golden Buddha Temple and looks particularly simple.

When the withered and thin monk Jiuku saw Xu Yang, without saying anything, he first took off the purple wine gourd from his waist.

Xu Yang understood and generously took off the wine gourd from his waist.

two persons

The wine gourds are of the same style. The wine gourds collide gently, and the aroma of wine overflows.

"Xu Xiaoxian."

"Senior Lao Kutou."

At this moment, they are not the lay disciples and elders of the Golden Buddha Temple, but the skinny old man and the young man in green who had met and had a drink with each other under the big tree that day.

He and he are both drunkards, serious drunkards.


Half a day later, Xu Yang said goodbye to Monk Jiuku.

A doubt in his mind was completely solved.

Xu Yang asked Monk Jiuku why he wanted to help and guide him into the mysterious world hidden in the Demon-Conquering Realm.

Monk Jiuku told Xu Yang a story about himself.

Just a few years ago, Monk Jiu Ku's body reached the peak of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. To break through the bottleneck and advance to the Void Immortal level, he needed to challenge the Great Heavenly Tribulation.

But during the great calamity, Monk Jiu Ku encountered the biggest trouble he had ever encountered in his practice. Just when Monk Jiu Ku was about to perish in the catastrophe.

The fate of Buddha comes from heaven.

A green sandalwood fairy branch fell from the sky and turned into a fairy with peerless appearance. It blocked the catastrophe for him, but the fairy was seriously injured.

Afterwards, Monk Jiu Ku found out that the fairy turned out to be a clone made of green sandalwood fairy branches by the princess from the green sandalwood kingdom in the Nantian Fairyland.

After that, the Qingtan Immortal Branch clone first found a quiet place to cultivate, and also took in a young apprentice to protect her. Although the Green Tan Immortal Branch clone was not in danger of life in the end, its level plummeted, and it gradually lost its memory in the days that followed. And when he was looking for Xu Yang, the reincarnation of Prince Yu Yang of the Haori Kingdom, he offended many people. In the end, the clone of Qingtan Immortal Zhi completely lost her memory, and her young apprentice was afraid that her enemies would seek revenge. He lied that she was dead, called her junior sister instead, and named her Yin Mengting.

Everything has a cause and effect. In order to repay his kindness, Monk Jiuku did not hesitate to use the art of usurping fate. He pointed out the puzzle to "Yin Mengting" and told her the location of the lost green sandalwood beads and the method to help Xu Yang survive the disaster...

Xu Yang returned to his residence.

He couldn't help but recall the past between Yin Mengting and himself. Yin Mengting not only saved himself, but also saved Lin'er. As Yin Mengting's true body, what kind of person is Princess Qingtan who is far away in the Nantian Immortal Realm? Then what kind of person is Yu Yang, Prince of Hao Ri Kingdom? He turned out to be the reincarnation of Yu Yang's clone.

Reincarnation and reincarnation are all elusive, so you should cherish this life.

Xu Yang decided to embark on his own path of cultivation and a wonderful life.

When Xu Yang left, Monk Jiuku specially pointed out to Xu Yang that if he wanted Miss Lin'er's physical body to recover faster, it was best to choose a place with a water attribute in the mysterious world. Only by nourishing the wood with water can Lin'er's physical body be better integrated and complete the art of "dead wood blooming with spring" and the recasting of the physical body.

The inconspicuous piece of dead wood that Monk Jiu Ku gave to Xu Yang was a piece of spiritual wood that Monk Jiu Ku used the power of a hundred years of life energy and applied his unique technique of withering glory to sacrifice.

Monk Jiuku told Xu Yang a secret. It was discovered during the trial of the Demon-Conquering Realm that Monk Jiuchi had already been taken away by the clone of the Demon Lord of the Western Regions. This situation is by no means unique.

During the war between humans and demons, those who participated in the siege of the Demon Lord of the Western Regions included Monk Jiuchi of the Golden Buddha Temple, Xicheng Feng, the leader of the Qinglian Dojo, Lu Qingyun of the Yu Dao Sect, and Yaksha Hanshan of the Tiangui Sect. Among these four people, Yaksha Hanshan fell on the spot, Monk Jiuchi and Xichengfeng returned seriously injured, and even Lu Qingyun was injured.

Monk Jiuku reminded Xu Yang that if he meets the above people in the future, he must be more careful to avoid big losses.

When Xu Yang heard this, he was inevitably shocked, "How many unknown horrors does that purple-robed man, the Demon Lord of the Western Regions, have in him?"

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