True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 878 Eighteen Miles

Xu Yang originally planned to spend a month refining the magic weapon Golden Deer Bell, but the process went much smoother than he imagined.

It only took him seven days to perfectly imprint his soul mark on the golden deer bell, and it was already able to communicate with the soul consciousness of the golden deer weapon on it.

Xu Yang left the room and met the shopkeeper of "Yufengtang".

Upon inquiry, Guigu Changyang has not arrived yet. Xu Yang simply left Fangshi and went outside to test the power of the golden deer bell after the sacrifice, so that he could be aware of it when using it.

An unknown deserted mountain thirty miles outside Fang City.

Xu Yang held out the golden deer bell with one hand.

Just as soon as his consciousness moved, the bell emitted a deer-creeping sound that only Xu Yang could understand, and it immediately hovered in the mid-air above Xu Yang's head.

I repeated it several times in a row, always on call.

"It's not bad. Now I'll try its true power."

Xu Yang placed the golden deer bell in the Qiankun bag in his sleeve, and then used his unique dolphin brain splitting technique.

Xu Yang's left hand, which was hiding the golden deer bell, flicked hard.


A golden light flew out like a rainbow.

In the flash of golden light, a golden bell about ten feet in size appeared in the void as if it suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Accompanied by a crisp tinkling sound, a ten-foot-sized golden deer statue appeared around the golden bell. The Golden Deer Dharma Appearance looks real, it is completely the Dharma Appearance of the Weapon Spirit. The emitted light dyes the surrounding void into a golden color, and Sanskrit characters circulate in an orderly manner.

With the cry of the sacred deer, the surrounding void suddenly distorted, surging like a golden wave, but not tearing apart.

At this moment, Xu Yang punched out with his right hand.

The strength of the fist transformed into shape, and the patterns of thousands of golden mountains suddenly appeared. Caused by the fist wind, the force of thousands of mountains suppressed it.

The power of Xu Yang's punch stuck around the golden deer bell and landed on the twisted space.

The void shook, and the golden deer bells jingled.

A punch with the power of a thousand mountains suddenly deflected, heading straight towards the sky, turning into a ball of shining golden light at the highest altitude, and then dissipated into nothingness.

Xu Yang stopped the technique, and with one move with one hand, the golden bell turned into a golden light, changed to its original size and was held in his hand.

Looking carefully, there is no trace on the surface of the golden deer bell, and the golden deer pattern engraved on it is perfect. When I checked it with my consciousness, the baby was as usual.

"Although the force of my punch just now did not hit the golden deer bell directly, the way this baby distorted the space was enough to be amazing." Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

Xu Yang put the golden deer bell back into the Qiankun bag on his left cuff.

After that, Xu Yang made several turns along the way, quietly returned to his residence in Fangshi, and continued to practice in seclusion.

He knew that there would be no room for error in the upcoming True Lotus Glorious World Conference, and there would definitely be huge challenges.

After another three days, Xu Yang decided to stop by Fangshi. Firstly, he wanted to learn about the customs and customs of the northwest where Qinglian Taoist Temple is located. Secondly, he had heard for a long time that the northwest was rich in fragrant wine, which was the warmest ingredient in fine wine. one type.

As a qualified drinker, Xu Yang naturally wanted to taste it himself.

In the market, Xu Yang was walking around casually and happened to pass by a wine shop.

The wine shop is not big, and the three characters "Shibali" are engraved on the door plaque. This makes Xu Yang feel particularly friendly, and he can't help but think of the "Shibadi" brewed by his own Lehu Winery, which is just one character different.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Xu Yang walked in without hesitation.

A young waiter in the store saw the customer and immediately came to greet him.

"Sir, are you alone?" The man said respectfully with a smile on his face.

"Alone." Xu Yang smiled and nodded.

"Master, please sit here. From the accent of the master, he probably comes from out of town."

Yes, this seat faces the street. Although the sound is a bit complicated, you can appreciate the customs and customs of the market. It’s easy to get bored when drinking alone, but it’s much more enjoyable to watch the lively scenery. "

Xu Yang looked back and forth. There were not many customers in the shop, but the small table for one or two people was the only one left facing the street. He thought to himself, "This guy is a good boss, even at home." The Lehu Winery is a seasoned old man.”

"Just sit here." Xu Yang sat down generously, and then asked: "What is the most famous wine in your shop?"

"The name of our store's fine wine is "Shibali", which is also our signature. It is brewed according to the secret ancient method. The emphasis is on using pottery to steam the wine, using pottery to hide the wine, and using pottery to hold the wine. After the wine is burned, The wine is stored in a cave rich in spiritual energy. The wine roots are mixed with pottery to enjoy the spiritual energy, and the wine branches and leaves are grown. When the jar is opened, the fragrance of hops will spread for eighteen miles, "the shop clerk said with excitement, "There is another saying. , that is, if you drink one pound, you will be drunk for one mile, if you drink eighteen pounds, you will be drunk for eighteen miles. I have been working in this shop for three years, and the person who drinks the most is a guest officer who drinks alone. Three pounds."

Xu Yang smiled, knowing in his heart that Piaoxiang Shibali was just an exaggeration, but he still couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Then let's buy the best Shibali, Shibajin." Xu Yang said firmly, then took out a storage bag containing spiritual stones from his arms and put it gently on the wine table.

"Here are thirty high-grade spiritual stones. I want the best and longest-aged Shibali in your store, and I will give you the remaining spiritual stones."

When the waiter heard this, he felt secretly happy. Even the best Shibali in the store could weigh twenty kilograms without using thirty high-grade spiritual stones. The remaining spirit stones are a great wealth for him.

The guy's face was filled with joy. If there was a scent of flowers, it must be Shibali.

"Thank you for the reward, young master. You are the most generous guest I have ever seen. You will definitely make all your wishes come true and everything goes well..."

Xu Yang waved his hand gently.

"Okay, I will give you eighteen pounds of the best Shibali in our store. If you can't drink it at once, you can leave it in our store. I will remember it for you."

"Go quickly." The saliva under Xu Yang's tongue was about to flow to his mouth.

"Eighteen pounds, eighteen years of brewing, eighteen miles." The waiter shouted loudly.

Not long after, three pottery jars containing fine wine were placed on the wine table in front of Xu Yang.

"Sir, let me pour you some wine."

"No need, I'm used to being alone."

The waiter happily bowed out respectfully, thinking to himself: "This is an easy-to-serve young master, generous in his actions and low-key in his manner."

Although Xu Yang does not lack spiritual stones, he does not spend them randomly on weekdays. But when it comes to drinking, he has never been unambiguous.

In front of a real drunkard, fine wine is as precious as a five-flowered horse or a golden fur in the eyes of the common people.

Xu Yang skillfully opened a wine jar, the aroma of wine overflowed, and the strong and mellow aroma of wine passed into Xu Yang's nostrils.

"Yes, it's old wine and strong liquor."


A silver thread dropped from the mouth of the wine jar, like a tinkling sound from a stream.

Silver ripples rolled in a pottery cup on the table, as if a silver dragon was happily dancing in it.

A glass of wine. A full glass of wine.

Xu Yang picked up the wine cup, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

The rich aroma of wine filled the mouth, then turned into a line of fire and rushed into the throat. Then it fell into the stomach and exploded into a warm fire flower, until it surfed for eighteen miles in the belly.

"Okay." One word is enough.

Xu Yang felt that the taste of this fine wine, Shibali, was very similar to the taste of Shibali from his Lehu winery. They both had the unique mellow aroma of red grain and the sweetness of shochu. The only difference is that as spiritual wine, these eighteen miles are integrated with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Not only can it warm the blood

, open meridians, and can also replenish a little spiritual power, which is more useful for monks. In terms of just replenishing spiritual power, it is far different from Xu Yang's Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine.

But this taste is what Xu Yang likes very much.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yang drank all the three jars of wine on the table, which weighed eighteen kilograms.

"Sir, how are you?" The waiter asked with concern when he saw Xu Yang's drunken face. But he was surprised in his heart, "This young man drank three jars of eighteen kilograms of Shibali, and he didn't get drunk immediately?"

"Nothing's wrong." Xu Yang slightly activated the dolphin brain splitting technique, and less than half of the alcohol intensity was gone.

The remaining alcohol was like a cloud that enveloped Xu Yang, and the world became soft, as if he could reach the sky with just one step.

Xu Yang was also self-aware, "It's too much, it's too much. It's better to go back to your residence and have a rest quickly. Don't delay the business."

"Where does the young master live? Why don't I say hello to the shopkeeper and ask him to take you back to rest in person? I'll pay for the travel expenses." The waiter said with a smile.

"Am I drunk?" Xu Yang asked.

As he said that, Xu Yang grabbed the table with one hand from the air, and the wine table shook slightly.

Six wine jars and one wine cup on the wine table suddenly jumped up. After a while, they were stacked on top of each other with the rim of the altar supporting the mouth of the cup. One wine cup was spinning on top without falling, as if it was dancing alone.

Although such methods are nothing to a monk, a drunken monk cannot do this.

"Sir, please." The waiter sent Xu Yang out of the shop, looked at Xu Yang's leaving back, and raised his thumb, "Sir, he has a good drinker."

Xu Yang was walking alone in the city, and everything around him seemed familiar. He seemed to be walking on the street of Lehu Winery in Qingshi Town, his hometown.

Familiar cries, familiar bargaining sounds, familiar yellow dog barking...

"Shibali, am I really going to get drunk after walking to Shibali?" Xu Yang's head was slightly dizzy, and he whispered to himself, "No, my journey has just begun, maybe it is ten thousand miles."

At this moment, the whole street suddenly became noisy.

Many black-clad deacons from the merchant alliance jumped out of nowhere and carefully maintained order on the streets.

"Everyone, please get out of the way, everyone, please get out of the way, the holy monk of the Golden Buddha Temple is coming." The deacon in black shouted loudly.

The crowd dispersed to both sides. Xu Yang followed the crowd and stepped aside.

A burst of elegant Sanskrit music sounded, and a team of golden people walked over from the other end of the street.

It was a group of monks wearing golden Buddhist robes. Some of them were holding Buddhist bells, some were holding Buddhist beads, and they were chanting Sanskrit sounds.

In the middle of the team, there was a tall green elephant wearing gorgeous colorful clothes, and sitting on top of the green incense was a young monk who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

The young monk was wearing a gorgeous white cassock and was spotlessly clean. His exposed hands and face were as delicate and fair as white jade. What's amazing is that there is a third vertical eye clearly visible between the young monk's eyebrows. The third eye is open, shining with light golden pupils, revealing incomparable nobility and holiness.

The young monk on the green elephant sits firmly, like the legendary seated Buddha.

Many people in the crowd were infected by the magnanimity of this "holy monk" and prostrated themselves on the ground to worship.

Xu Yang, who was standing in the crowd, saw this situation and immediately sobered up. He clearly saw countless golden light spots emanating from the young monk's body, flying like golden flowers in full bloom, covering the streets he passed.

But these golden light spots cannot be seen by others. They are the power of Buddhism.

Xu Yang was surprised: "He is the Buddhist holy son of the Golden Buddha Temple. Before, when I was doing the trial in the Golden Buddha Temple, I heard that he has been in seclusion. Is he also here to participate in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference?"

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