True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 880 Chess Game of Heaven and Earth

Yu Dao Sect, Lan Yu Peak.

As the first of the seven spiritual peaks of the Yu Dao Sect, Lan Yu Peak is not the tallest. In terms of height, it is naturally the Baiyu Peak that towers straight into the clouds. As for magic, it has to be Lan Yufeng.

On the top of Lanyu Peak, there is a huge star mirror. The star mirror is round in shape, covers an area of ​​100 acres, and is made of a huge star crystal. There are twenty-eight constellations engraved on the surface of the star mirror, corresponding to the twenty-eight constellations in the night sky.

It is said that when this huge star mirror was originally completed, it took hundreds of formation masters ten years to complete, and it contained thousands of formation restrictions and was extremely complicated.

Every night, when the stars shine, the star mirror will absorb the power of the stars and reflect the brilliance of large blue stars. From a distance, it looks like a blue divine bird talking to the stars. This is also the origin of the name Lan Yufeng.

Halfway up the mountainside of Lan Yu Peak, there is a Confucian sect hall. There is a golden plaque hanging above the hall with the three characters "Lan Yu Yuan" written on it.

Sunset and stars.

In a hall of Lan Yuyuan, there was an old man wearing a star-blue Confucian robe sitting. The old man has a childlike face with heavy hair, his silver hair is not messy, his long eyebrows are slightly drooped, and his eyes are like lightning. It was Lan Xingjun, the great elder of Lanyuyuan of Yudao Sect.

Lan Xingjun, as the head of Lan Yuyuan and the de facto head of Yu Dao Sect, his actual cultivation level is unknown to anyone, or it can be said to be unpredictable. On weekdays, Lan Xingjun's cultivation is sometimes at the peak of Yuanhun Realm, and sometimes it is at the peak of Daoming Realm. Only he knows what kind of cultivation it is.

Some people say that he has practiced some secret skills, and some people say that he is playing tricks on himself. But what is certain is that in more than a hundred years, Blue Star Lord has never failed.

At this moment, Lan Xingjun stood up from his seat. The star pattern on the blue Confucian robe behind him moved slightly with his steps, as if the stars were rotating, and his aura was extraordinary.

Lan Xingjun came to the side of a gilt lamp placed in the hall and stood still.

He blew lightly, and the wick flame flickered and suddenly lit up. A picture was immediately reflected in the jumping light and shadow.

I saw a young man in white clothes and white hair sitting cross-legged on the star mirror of Lanyu Peak, breathing in the sky with the power of the stars in the star realm.

"Zhan Yunfei did not disappoint me. Since returning from the Green Fire Demon Realm, his mental state has broken through to the true Xuan Bing state of mind, and his cultivation has been successfully promoted to the Dao Ming Realm. The Star Mirror is a small mysterious world. It is a treasure land of cultivation that is most suitable for breakthroughs in cultivation. The power of the stars on it is ever-changing, but only those with a pure state of mind and possessing the Heavenly Veins can practice in it. Otherwise, their minds will be unstable and they will be counterattacked by the power of the stars. In recent days, Zhan Yunfei has been practicing at the Star Mirror every day, and it seems to be going well. In a while, Qinglian Dojo will hold the True Lotus Glorious World Conference, so he can experience the best practice. It’s never about practicing hard behind closed doors, but on the way to seek blessings.”

Lan Xingjun nodded with satisfaction, then turned around. The wick fire lost the help of the spell and returned to its original size, and the scene of Zhan Yunfei practicing also disappeared.

At this moment, the stars are on the mirror.

Zhan Yunfei was bathed in the blue star brilliance. There were fingernail-sized star beads floating in the void around him, like floating sapphires.

He made a secret with both hands, and a line of white spiritual light whirled above his fingertips. The surrounding star beads are connected into strings by the white spiritual light. He opened his mouth and inhaled, and a string of blue star beads was sucked into his mouth.

"In the universe, vast power exists between heaven and earth. There are billions of different kinds, ranging from the sun, moon and stars to as small as morning dew and fine sand. But the power of stars is the most massive and surging among them. The highest level. Being able to practice in the star mirror and enjoy the baptism of the infinite power of the stars is truly a blessing.


Zhan Yunfei settled his state of mind and purified and absorbed the power of the stars absorbed into his body through the Haoran Heavenly Veins.

I don’t know how many days and nights had passed, but when Zhan Yunfei stood up, his white hair and white robe were still windless. He held one hand slightly in the air, and there were seven-colored light spots condensing on his fingertips. The void shook, and awe-inspiring power surged between heaven and earth.

On Lanyu Peak, a colorful flying rainbow suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Counting the time, the day to participate in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference is coming. I first have to go to the Great Elder Blue Star Lord to report the results of my cultivation and prepare to leave."


In the northwest of the Zhongyuan Continent stands a majestic pass, bordering the plateau to the west and Juejian to the east, named Hangu Pass.

In ancient times, in the legendary fairy world, a Taoist deity wearing a Huntian Taoist robe once came to the Zhongyuan world in an incarnation. This Taoist deity is so powerful that he can cut off rivers with one hand and move mountains with his breath. When he left the Zhongyuan Realm and returned to the Immortal Realm, he passed through Hangu Pass.

Some people say that this Taoist Heavenly Lord once left a copy of the "True Tao Te Tian Jing" to enlighten and teach people in the Zhongyuan world to cultivate their true faith. From then on, Taoism emerged in the Zhongyuan world and became the faith of the prosperous generation. But no one has ever seen the original copy of the True Tao Te Ching.

Some people also say that this Taoist deity never left. His body turned into nine true lotuses eight hundred miles north of Hangu Pass, leading the way to heaven and earth, and purging evil spirits. Finally, the nine true lotuses turned into the current True Lotus Mountain. It has been guarding the northwest border of Zhongyuan Continent for generations.

Zhenlian Mountain, also known as Qinglian Mountain, has nine peaks that look like lotus flowers. It is the location of the "Qinglian Dojo", the largest Taoist sect in Zhongyuan Continent.

The top of the eighth peak of Qinglian Dojo is located above the sea of ​​clouds.

Within the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain, there is a strange space hidden, called: Heaven and Earth Chessboard.

In a different space, a pavilion hangs in the middle.

Outside the pavilion is a "chessboard of heaven and earth". The chessboard is outlined by the aura of heaven and earth, with nineteen equidistant and vertically intersecting straight lines vertically and horizontally, with a total of three hundred and sixty-one intersections.

At this moment, in the pavilion, there were three young people wearing Taoist robes discussing the world of chess.

One of them is dressed in blue and has a handsome appearance. If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that this person was one of the peerless geniuses of Qinglian Dojo, Liu Haiyu.

The two people standing on the left and right sides of Liu Haiyu were equally dignified and distinguished. One was wearing an earthy brown Cangshan pattern Taoist robe, and the other was wearing a red fire-colored Qilin pattern Taoist robe.

Liu Haiyu said: "Two senior brothers, there are only more than a month left before the True Lotus Glorious World Conference. The senior management of the dojo specially opened this "Heaven and Earth Chessboard" space for the three of us to realize Taoism and practice. For the three of us, it is Not a small blessing.”

The young man wearing the scarlet fire unicorn Taoist robe nodded and said, "It is our greatest blessing that I, Xia Yu and Cang Yue, can practice with you, Junior Brother Hai Yu, today."

Then, he turned to the young man wearing a Cangshan pattern Taoist robe and asked, "Junior Brother Cangyue, am I right?"

The young Taoist named Cang Yue nodded slightly, and then said: "We will definitely learn something useful from Junior Brother Hai Yu."

Liu Haiyu smiled slightly and said: "You two senior brothers are joking. If you are a threesome, you must have me as your teacher. I also want to learn some strengths from these two senior brothers."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

The young Taoist who calls himself Xia Yu slandered: "The two of us are just studying with the prince. Who in the entire Qinglian Dojo knows that you, Liu Haiyu, are a close disciple of Qing Guzi, the head of the Taishang. You are a huge supporter!"

Cang Yue said: "This chessboard of heaven and earth can accommodate all the five elements and reflect the avenue of heaven and earth. How should we practice in this game?"

Xia Yu said: "Our Taoist lineage emphasizes the unity of heaven and man. Hidden in this chessboard of heaven and earth is the great road of heaven and earth. If we play chess, it is not as good as ours

Three people play games in pairs. "

Liu Haiyu said: "This chessboard of heaven and earth is a place in the mysterious world. It is played by chess and carried by heaven and earth. It is the way of heaven that all things in heaven and earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and they can coexist at the same time. Instead of us playing chess in pairs, why not The three of us end the game together and let nature take its course, which is the way to unite nature and man. "

Cang Yue and Xia Yu looked at each other without comment. The two of them knew in their hearts that a single person would have no chance of winning in a competition with Liu Haiyu.

Xia Yu felt a little dissatisfied and thought to himself: "Great genius Hai Yu, you are going to fight two. After all, our cultivation is the same as yours at the peak of the first level of Daoming Realm. Are you so confident?"

Cang Yue said: "Hai Yu's proposal is very good. Let's play the game now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a brown spiritual light flashed across Cang Yue's body, leaving only a mountain-shaped spiritual pattern on the spot, and he reached a place on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

As soon as Cang Yue settled down, he felt an invisible and huge pressure falling on him, as if he was carrying a huge mountain and could not move away.

"The chessboard of heaven and earth is really not an ordinary place for cultivation. This kind of pressure is not trivial." Cang Yue frowned and quickly activated his unique mountain body.

A hundred-foot-long Cangshan Dharma appeared behind him, and the powerful soul domain immediately dispersed, and wherever it passed, there seemed to be mountain and stone barriers. His figure suddenly became as stable as a mountain.

"I'm coming too." Seeing Cang Yue's condition, Xia Yu naturally knew that the environment below was extraordinary. He simply prepared in advance, turning one hand into a sword and pointing it at the center of his eyebrows. Where the fingertips landed, a circle of fire breath lit up.

Xia Yu's body shouted to the ground, turning into a ball of flying flames and falling on the chessboard of heaven and earth. A fire waterfall appeared behind him, which was as huge as a hundred feet.

Liu Haiyu nodded slightly when he saw that the two of them had reached the chessboard of heaven and earth. As soon as the blue water swirled around him, the person disappeared on the spot. The next moment, Liu Haiyu also appeared on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

On the chessboard of heaven and earth, Liu Haiyu lifted his weight as lightly as he could. Blue water lines swirled around his body, and among the water lines there was the green lotus dharma outline outlined by spiritual light.

At this moment, Liuhaiyu looks like green lotus floating on the water, and the Tao is natural, as if there is no pressure.

All three people landed on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

In just a few breaths, the three of them adapted to the pressure on the chessboard of heaven and earth. At the same time, he also learned the mystery of the heaven and earth chessboard.

Cang Yue said excitedly: "Although there is a lot of pressure on the chessboard of heaven and earth, it can also bring external assistance with the same physical attributes."

Cang Yue made a secret with both hands, activating the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and suddenly felt that the power of his own mountain had increased by a large level. The power of the mountain that he can control has exceeded the limit of the first level of his Daoming Realm, and has reached the second level of the Dao Ming Realm.

The 100-foot-long Cangshan Dharma image behind him looked even more real, suddenly rising higher.

A hint of joy appeared in the corner of Xia Yu's eyes. In the waterfall of fire behind him, the shadow of a fire unicorn suddenly appeared. The flame field outside him suddenly became stronger by a level, and his physical performance also reached the second level of Daoming Realm. layer look.

Liu Haiyu was just the opposite. As he gradually adapted to the surrounding environment, the swirling water lines outside his body and the shadow of the green lotus completely disappeared.

The blue clothes are like water, or in other words, his whole body is already a clear water. Water benefits all things without fighting, which is the way of heaven and earth.

Three days later, Liu Haiyu, Cang Yue and Xia Yu left this chess game in a different space. The result of the game between them is no longer important, nor is the victory or defeat. What is important is that the three people's understanding of the nature of Taoism has improved to a higher level.

At this moment, Xu Yang was in his room in Fang City, closing his eyes and reciting, practicing seriously, with golden mountain patterns shining on his body.

The avenue of heaven and earth, the chess game of heaven and earth, everyone has his or her own place. The next step for these people will definitely be in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference.

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