True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 913 The danger of wind and thunder

On the heaven and earth platform.

Xicheng Feng threw out the wind and thunder swords in his hands.

The twin swords of wind and thunder turned into a size of about ten feet and hung side by side in mid-air above Xicheng Feng's head. Wind and thunder attract each other, the sword body rotates slowly, arcs of electricity rush between the two sword bodies, the silver wind swirls, and the wind and thunder sword domain becomes stronger and stronger.

"Kendo-Wind and Thunder Slash!"

The blade of the sword spit out twin dragons of wind and thunder, and the power of the sword shook the void for hundreds of miles.

The moment Xicheng Feng took action, he suddenly heard a loud shout coming from high in the sky.

"Xu Yang is here."

Before anyone arrived, a golden light came first.

There is a golden bell wrapped in the golden light, which is Xu Yang's golden deer bell. This is the first time Xu Yang has used the Golden Deer Bell in actual combat, but it has gained 100% of its power.

Xu Yang knew in his heart that if he could not withstand Xicheng Feng's double-sword attack, the golden jade monk would probably fall.

The golden jade monk had just helped Xu Yang get rid of the danger of the Yuan Demon's sudden change, and Xu Yang had already decided that the golden jade monk was his friend.

Protecting the lives of friends is Xu Yang's bottom line.

At the critical moment, Xu Yang threw out the golden deer bell that had been refined for a long time.

In mid-air, the golden deer bell trembled slightly and turned into a size of about ten feet, blocking the void in front of the golden jade monk.

"It's Almsgiver Xu Yang who came to help me." The young golden monk felt the pressure from the sword domain from the opposite side suddenly ease, and thought to himself: "Alchemist Xu Yang sacrificed the golden deer bell among the Buddhist magic weapons. This special kind It is impossible to control the Buddhist magic weapon so perfectly without the Buddha's spiritual veins in his body. This Xu Yang donor has both the power of the devil and the power of the Buddha in his body, and he can be regarded as the first line of Buddha and devil. That’s the Buddha.”

A golden light emitted from the surface of the golden deer bell, and the golden light rotated to reveal a majestic golden deer with huge horns on its head and Sanskrit characters on its body.

The Golden Deer Dharma Appearance is dozens of feet in size, standing like a golden mountain between heaven and earth. It is completely the highest-grade weapon spirit Dharma Appearance. The light emitted by the Golden Deer Dharma dyes the surrounding void into a golden color, and Sanskrit characters circulate in an orderly manner.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The golden deer bell emits a crisp sound, like the sound of Buddhist Sanskrit.

The Golden Deer Dharma Minister raised his head and opened his mouth, a sacred deer cry was heard, golden light spurted out, and the surrounding void suddenly distorted, surging like a golden wave, but did not tear apart.

"What is this? A Buddhist magic weapon? Just kill them all." A murderous look appeared in Xicheng Feng's eyes, and one hand turned into a sword and pointed a little in the air.

The next moment, the power of the wind and thunder swords suddenly slashed down.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

The sword energy twin dragons, the wind beast roars, and the thunder beast roars.

Most of the two wind and thunder sword qi were deflected upward by the deflection force of the space emitted by the Golden Deer, and a small part of the sword qi directly landed on the surface of the Golden Deer Bell.

The bells of the golden deer jingled incessantly, with sword marks appearing on the surface, and the golden deer's dharma image flickered in and out.

Click, click, click.

There are tiny cracks on the surface of the golden deer bell.

When the power of the sword energy was exhausted, with a bang, the Golden Deer Bell collapsed on the spot, turning into flying scrolls of golden light that filled the sky.

Xicheng Feng made a move with both hands, and the swords of wind and thunder were held in his hands again.

The two swords of wind and thunder buzzed, like a pair of ferocious beasts ready to attack.

Xicheng Feng's eyes glared and he said angrily: "This magic weapon can deflect part of the power of space, allowing this young monk to escape temporarily. However, under my wind and thunder swords, there is only one way to die."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the golden jade monk flew hundreds of feet away. He held the Qiankun alms bowl with one hand, and while watching the movements on the other side, he rubbed the edge of the alms bowl with his other hand.

surface. Within the Qiankun alms bowl, a pool of pale golden soup appeared as the golden light swirled.

"Although the "golden light soup" made from the Qiankun bowl can boost the body in a short period of time, overdosing it will consume life energy." The golden jade monk looked at the golden soup in the bowl, picked up the bowl, and raised his head The head was poured into the stomach.

The golden monk wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand and whispered jokingly: "If it is paired with a roast chicken, then when it gets into the monk's belly, it will become a bowl of delicious chicken soup."

The "golden soup" entered the belly of the golden monk and emitted powerful golden light power.

The white cassock outside the golden jade monk started flying, and the golden light on the surface was like waves. The originally weak body was forcibly recovering quickly.

A shadow of ivy flashed, and Xu Yang's body appeared in front of the golden monk.

"Holy Son of Gold and Jade, let me, Xu Yang, block this moment for you this time. Your Celestial Eye magical power is really miraculous, and it also allows me to know my past and present lives more clearly. Now, I really don't know who I am. Is it a demon or a human?" Xu Yang said sincerely.

"When others need help, you help others. At that moment, you are the Buddha. After this moment, you are still you, an ordinary person." The golden jade monk said sincerely.

"Thank you, Holy Son, for your enlightenment. In this way, I will become a Buddha who is happy to help others."

Without waiting for the golden monk's answer, Xu Yang's body surface flashed with cyan light, leaving only a trace of ivy light and shadow on the spot.

The next moment, in the void opposite Xicheng Feng, a green vine light and shadow flashed, revealing Xu Yang's true body.

As soon as he appeared, Xu Yang waved his hand.

"Your identity as the demon lord's clone has been exposed, so why are you still killing people here? If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave until the reinforcements from Qinglian Dojo arrive." Xu Yang did not take action directly. , but started chatting with the opponent.

Xu Yang could see clearly just now that the Demon Lord's clone had seized Xichengfeng's physical body, and the combat power displayed was almost as strong as the original Xichengfeng's.

The power of Xicheng Feng's sword just now shattered his golden deer bell. Xu Yang is aware of the ability of the Golden Deer Bell, which can deflect the power of space, thus removing 70% of the power of the opponent's offensive. Thirty percent of the power of the sword directly shattered the golden deer bell. If 100% of the power was used, Xu Yang would definitely not be able to bear it on his own.

Before coming to attend the True Lotus Glorious World Conference, Ning Tianqi specially warned Xu Yang. If you discover the existence of the Western Region Demon Lord's clone, just expose it on the spot and don't do anything with it easily.

The most important purpose of Xu Yang's participation in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference is to use the spiritual power in the True Lotus Heavenly Realm to repair Lin'er's physical body. Before this, Xu Yang would not easily compete with others for his life.

Xicheng Feng looked Xu Yang up and down carefully, and said with a cold look: "Xu Yang, don't think that you are the half son left by the Demon Lord of the Western Regions in the mortal world. I will not kill you. If you do anything that harms the Demon Lord of the Western Regions, The thing about your clan is that you betrayed the Demon Lord, and I will kill you immediately."

Xu Yang couldn't help but tremble when he heard this, and then said loudly: "I am the child of mortals Xu Wanli and Zhao Min, and the Demon Lord of the Western Region has nothing to do with me."

"When I got this news from the Demon Lord himself, I couldn't believe it was true. But just now, the power of the Yuan Demon in you has awakened. Only those with the blood of the Demon Lord have a chance. The Yuan Demon awakens and takes on the form of Yuan Magic with three heads and six arms. This is the honor of your bloodline and cannot be denied."

"That doesn't mean anything." Xu Yang resolutely said, "Your Excellency now occupies the physical body of Taoist Master Xicheng Feng, can I say that you are Xicheng Feng? You are just a clone of the Demon Lord of the Western Regions and his accomplice. As for the ray of evil thoughts in my body, I will find a way to make it disappear."

"Xu Yang, I won't argue with you on this issue. I just ask you, get out of the way or not."

"you want

Kill the Golden Jade Saint? He is my friend, and keeping his life is my bottom line. "

"Very good." Xicheng Feng smiled instead of being angry, "You do have an aura of responsibility, which is very similar to the Demon Lord himself."

Xu Yang snorted coldly.

Xicheng Feng said: "You have your bottom line, and I also have mine. If you insist on stopping me, don't blame the ruthless sword of wind and thunder in my hand."

"Then let me experience the Sword of Wind and Thunder in your hands. Let me see if this fake of yours can reach the level of Xicheng Fengdao before he was alive." Xu Yang's eyes sternly said, "My Xu Yang's fist is also hard enough. of."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the three-color soul power ripples spread out under his feet. Green, gold, and red twisted and rotated, creating a magic whirlpool realm.

With the blessing of the Demonic Spin Domain, Xu Yang's martial arts aura gradually increased.

Xicheng Feng narrowed his eyes and murmured in his heart: "This Xu Yang is using the Demonic Spin Domain, but it is not blessed by the power of the Yuan Demon. It is far from the real domination of the Magic Spin Domain. To put it bluntly, this Xu Yang is just the Demon Lord. His half-son's blood has been contaminated by mortals. The Demon Lord himself said that if Xu Yang can be used, he can be killed immediately if he poses a threat to the demons in the Western Region."

Xicheng Feng's spiritual consciousness moved, and wind and thunder rolled under his feet. Wherever he passed, the wind roared and silver thunder rolled, redefining the power of the domain.

It is the wind and thunder domain that only Xicheng's wind, wind and thunder dual attribute body possesses.

Xicheng Feng stood in the wind and thunder field, his Taoist robes flying around him, and the pressure he exuded was much stronger than Xu Yang's.

After all, Xicheng Feng was at the peak level of the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm when he was alive. After being taken away by the Western Region Demon Lord's clone, although his physical performance dropped to the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, he was still extremely powerful.

Xu Yang secretly sent a message, "Ming Lin helps me."

"Master Xu Yang, Ming Lin is here." Ming Lin responded via voice transmission.

But on the surface of Xu Yang's body, there was a black stream of light whirling, and the shape of the light and shadow was like a black demonic dragon.

The black dragon's light and shadow swirled and disappeared into Xu Yang's Tianling Cap. The powerful demonic dragon power filled his whole body like a stormy wave, and the black crystal-like light on his body shone.

Click, click, click.

There was a crisp sound, and Xu Yang was covered in shiny black armor from head to toe.

The black scale helmet, black scale shoulder armor, black scale wrist guards, black scale breastplate, black scale leg armor, and black scale combat boots are like the black dragon war god from ancient times.

There is a conspicuous light golden dragon scale at the heart of Xu Yang's breastplate.

With a pop, a pair of huge black dragon wings sprouted from Xu Yang's back. The black light and shadow flickered on his eyebrows, giving birth to a drop-shaped black scale.

A number of small black scales also appeared on the exposed backs of Xu Yang's hands and sides of his cheeks, and a pair of short black dragon horns appeared on his forehead.

Transform into a dragon!

At this moment, due to Xu Yang summoning the power of the demon dragon Ming Lin, the attack and defense of his body, as well as the power of his spiritual consciousness, have increased by a large level. They have surpassed the definition of a Dao Ming Realm monk and are comparable to half a step of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Monk.

Xicheng Feng frowned, "Xu Yang, you possess the noble Yuan Demon bloodline that is directly inherited from the Demon Lord, but you have fallen down and practiced the inferior method of merging monsters and beasts. This is a blasphemy against the Yuan Demon bloodline."

Ming Lin's voice came to Xu Yang's ears: "Master Xu Yang, why is this guy opposite talking nonsense? When this demon dragon was at its peak, he was also a noble character among thousands of races. Let's beat him hard and break his Mouth."

"I think so too."

Xu Yang used the dolphin brain splitting technique, activating the magic spiral field and the power of the demon dragon at the same time, vowing to fight against Xicheng Feng on the opposite side.

With a shout, the demonic dragon wings rolled up behind Xu Yang, and a black demonic wind exploded before disappearing from the spot.

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