True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 922 Unintentional Monk

All the way west.

A month later, Xu Yang entered a mortal realm.

In a small border town, at the entrance of the village, a piece of bluestone standing on the ground has three words "Luoshui Town" engraved on it.

What surprised Xu Yang was that Luoshui Town was in a state of depression. It was almost empty of people and the only ones left were old and infirm people.

"Dang...dang..." A crisp knocking sound came from a small blacksmith shop.

Xu Yang went to look for the sound and saw an old master with gray hair and relatively strong muscles beating the red iron knots.

"Master blacksmith, excuse me." Xu Yang said, cupping his fists.

Seeing someone coming, the blacksmith master glanced at him, wiped the sweat on his face with a wet wipe hanging around his neck, and then said with a serious face: "Young man, I guess your clothes are from other places. This Luoshui Town is not a place for sightseeing. If you want to survive, go back to where you came from. "

After saying that, the master blacksmith did not look at Xu Yang, and focused his eyes on the red iron lump. He raised the hammer in his hand and hammered it decisively.

Dang, Dang.

The rhythmic beating sound seemed to be telling a story. The splashing sparks went from bright to dim, always short-lived.

Although Xu Yang is not very old, after entering the path of cultivation, his experience of various human relationships is far beyond what ordinary people in the mortal world know in their lifetime.

Xu Yang could tell from the frown on the other side's face that the old master had a story in his heart, and it was probably a sad story.

Xu Yang said respectfully: "Master, I am a casual wanderer. I happened to pass by here. I originally wanted to rest in the tea shops in the town, but I found that all the tea shops in the town were closed."

The master blacksmith put down his work, looked Xu Yang up and down carefully, and whispered: "If my son had not died, he should be about the same age as you. There is water in the barrel over there. Go and drink it yourself. After drinking, use the water Pack some in your bag and get out of here as soon as possible.”

"Thank you." Xu Yang thanked him, then walked to the wooden bucket on the ground and took a few sips of water from the gourd floating in it.

The water temperature is slightly cool, but the water quality is a bit turbid, which is enough to quench your thirst.

"Quiet your thirst." Xu Yang whispered.

Xu Yang asked: "Master, you just kindly reminded me to leave this place quickly. Could it be that there is some danger here? If you need any help, I, Xu Yang, am willing to help wholeheartedly. Please keep this kindness in mind."

The blacksmith first sighed, and then said: "There is a big river called "Dew River" ten miles north of this town. Every year during the rainy season, the water in the Dew River will rise. The water in the Dew River is good, and it is used to irrigate the fertile fields. , has nourished the people for hundreds of miles around, but if the water god of Dew River is angry, it will overflow, and the people for hundreds of miles around will suffer from flooding. Therefore, before the rainy season every year, people around him will offer sacrifices to the river. God. However, during the ceremony of worshiping the river god this year, a huge monster appeared and ate the worshipers on the spot. The monster also damaged the embankment of the Luhe River. With the rainy season approaching, the embankment was damaged and the floods continued. This Luoshui Town will become a vast ocean, so everyone who can leave will be left with old immortals like me.”

After a pause, the master blacksmith said with tears in his eyes: "It's a pity that my only son was killed in the crowd of people offering sacrifices."

"Thank you, old man, for telling me the details. I'm really sorry for making you sad." Xu Yang said sincerely, his eyes sparkling, and he felt deep sympathy.

The master blacksmith wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and turned around to see that the boy in green had disappeared.

Ten miles north of Luoshui Town.

A big river lies across the earth. From a height, it looks like a

The unruly silver dragon.

At this moment, on the river beach, a green vine light and shadow appeared quietly out of thin air. When the light and shadow of the green vine disappeared, Xu Yang's true body appeared.

"Looking at that big river, the blacksmith must have said it was the Dew River." Xu Yang stood there, his consciousness reaching out, and his sight was hundreds of feet away. "What is that? There are actually a few people building the river embankment."

Xu Yang walked over generously and clearly saw a dozen tanned commoner monks holding shovels, iron picks, wooden baskets and other tools filling the soil and building embankments. There was an obvious large gap in the river embankment, as if it had been hit hard.

Seeing someone coming, one of the ordinary-looking middle-aged monks stopped what he was doing and went to greet them.

"This little benefactor, please stay." The middle-aged monk stopped Xu Yang and said with his hands clasped together.

Xu Yang clasped his fists slightly, "I've seen this master before."

"The river embankment here is damaged and there is a danger of landslides at any time. For your safety, donors are advised to stay away from this place. This is not a place to enjoy the scenery." The middle-aged monk said bluntly.

Xu Yang didn't need to use his spiritual sense to detect it. He just used the power of his eyes to see clearly the outline of the middle-aged monk. "There is a weak spiritual energy in his body, which should be regarded as the cultivation level in the Qi Transformation stage. But the inside of his body Without the innate spiritual veins, one’s martial body will never be able to advance further and reach the spiritual realm.”

The realms of cultivators are divided into from low to high: Entering Spirit Realm, Transforming Void Realm, Cuiyuan Realm, True Pill Realm, Yuan Soul Realm and so on. Before entering the spiritual realm, there is a Qi transformation period that is not considered a level of cultivation.

The Qi transformation stage is very common among mortals. Some mortal warriors are good at using Qi transformation to practice internal energy, and they are much better than ordinary mortals. If you practice to a high level during the Qi Transformation stage, you can even split rocks with one hand. But when compared with those who cultivate the truth, there is a huge difference.

"Thank you for the reminder, master. I'm in Xuyang. I heard that someone is repairing the river embankment here. I'm here to help."

"The poor monk's Buddhist name is "Wu Xin". Thank you very much, donor Xu, for your kindness. We poor monks are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and we are used to hard work. Judging from the rich appearance of the donor, he must be a young master from some family. There is really not much physical work here. Suitable for you.”

After a pause, the middle-aged monk continued: "The poor monk told the truth, and there is a man-eating monster lurking in the river. If you stay here for a long time, your life will be in danger. What if you get hurt or something worse?" Seriously, it’s all the fault of the poor monk.”

At this moment, Xu Yang had already used secret techniques to seal the fluctuations in his body, and he looked like just an ordinary person.

Under normal circumstances, cultivators will hide their cultivation in front of ordinary people. This is also an unwritten rule in the world of cultivation.

Firstly, it is afraid that it will disrupt the mortal world, and secondly, if a cultivator is too close to the mortal world, it will damage his own state of mind and create inner demons.

Hearing the middle-aged monk's self-proclaimed Buddhist name "Wuxin", Xu Yang couldn't help but secretly wonder: "The golden jade young monk said that the only ingredient for melting the "Wuyou Pill" is "Wuxin Tears". Could it be related to the "Wuxin" monk in front of him? ”

Xu Yang said: "This river embankment repair project is huge. It will be difficult for just a dozen people to repair it before the rainy season. Moreover, there are water monsters lurking in the river. Why are you so persistent, Master Wuxin?"

Monk Wu Xin said: "We are originally monks from the "Lushui Temple" on Fenghuang Mountain, ten miles away from here. On weekdays, we go to nearby villages and towns for alms, and we have some incense money donated by the good men and women in the villages and towns to survive. Although we believe in Buddha, we still have to eat. It can be said that the people here are our food and clothing parents. At present, the river embankment is damaged and no one dares to repair it due to the water monster. The rainy season is getting closer. When the floods come, the river embankments will be in danger. However, there are still some elderly and infirm people in villages and towns within a radius of one hundred miles. If the river embankments can be strengthened, the number of people will be reduced. Possibility of loss

. If God is kind, the rain will be gentler than in previous years, and even if the river bank cannot be repaired perfectly, it is still possible to survive. As long as there is a chance, we will not give up. As for the water monster, I can no longer care about that much. However, I have also prepared some means to deal with it. "

Xu Yang nodded and thought to himself: "Isn't this monk Wuxin a "living Buddha" who has a Buddha's heart, knows how to be grateful, and knows how to help others? At this moment, he is not a mortal."

At this moment, the image of Wuxin monk grew taller in Xu Yang's heart.

Xu Yang said: "In that case, I won't disturb Master Wuxin and your work."

After saying that, Xu Yang said goodbye and turned to leave.

Monk Wuxin looked at Xu Yang's leaving figure and whispered: "Xu Yang, is a good name."

Early the next morning, Monk Wuxin received some tools for piling earth and embankment from the master blacksmith of Luoshui Town, and led a dozen young monks to continue to strengthen the river embankment.

At noon.

The west wind suddenly picked up, and dark clouds rolled in, covering the sky.

Click, click, click.

Dark clouds spit out electric snakes and rain pours down.

"No, the river embankment has not been reinforced yet and will be broken by the rain." One of the young monks exclaimed.

"Oops, those straw mats that were put up on the embankment to keep out the water were washed away."

"The gaps that were previously repaired are starting to collapse."

Monk Wuxin led a dozen young monks and worked hard for a while, but to no avail.

The rain was like a beast, tearing the gap in the river bank.

In the heavy rain, Monk Wuxin knelt on his knees, with rainwater and tears intertwined. He clasped his hands and said: "O Buddha in my heart, if you can see it, please remove the wind and rain for this day. Mimi ma ma hum hum." .....”

Monk Wu Xin recited the sutra devoutly.

The dozen or so young monks also knelt on the ground and accompanied Monk Wuxin in reciting scriptures.

The sound of rain, thunder, and the sound of scriptures mixed together, and I wonder if the Buddha and God in the distance can hear it.

There was no other way. These dozen people were completely unable to resist the rain on this day, and all they could do was pray.

Suddenly, the river rolled and the dam shook.

The water surface turned into splashes ten feet high.

Immediately afterwards, a dark demonic energy shot straight into the sky. A big black fish with a size of more than ten feet and a single horn jumped out of the water in the face of a bolt of lightning falling from the sky.

The strange thing is that when the one-horned black fish opened its mouth, it swallowed a bolt of lightning directly into its mouth. Torn arcs of electricity spilled out of the mouth of the one-horned black fish, making a rattling sound.

"Water monster, it's a water monster." A young monk exclaimed first.

"Everyone, step back quickly. This is a man-eating water monster. The people who were offering sacrifices must have been swallowed up by this beast." Monk Wuxin said loudly.

When the dozen or so young monks heard this, they ignored the chanting and ran towards the bottom of the river embankment. The slope was slippery due to heavy rain, and they were covered in mud and water.

Monk Wu Xin did not retreat. He stood up, looked at the big black fish making waves in the river, and said with determination: "It must be you, the water monster, who caused the rain today. You are a man-eating beast. , I will save you today.”

Monk Wuxin shouted and rushed to the water without hesitation.

After a while of fussing, monk Wu Xin took out a stack of pale golden talismans from his sleeve.

"These demon-conquering talismans I invited from the merchants of Jinfo Township must be useful."

Monk Wu Xin placed a spiritual energy in his body on the talisman in his hand, and golden light patterns flashed on the talisman.

"Big guy, watch your moves."

Monk Wuxin raised one hand, and dozens of talismans fell from the sky like golden ribbons, covering the river.

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