True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 935 Defeat Shadow

in the meeting space.

Xu Yang deliberately distanced himself from his shadow.

"Ming Lin, come out to fight."


Before the voice fell, a black dragon fire emerged from Xu Yang's body.

Black dragon fire swirled around his body surface, and the demonic aura was rising, turning into a set of black dragon armor and wearing it on his body.

Black dragon helmet, black dragon shoulder armor, black dragon breastplate, black dragon wrist guards, black dragon leg armor, black dragon combat boots, Xu Yang at this moment is like a black dragon war god from the wilderness.

With the blessing of the black dragon armor, Xu Yang's physical performance has been greatly improved, and his offense and defense have improved a lot.

As Xu Yang had judged, the shadow on the opposite side could not summon the black dragon armor.

"Beat your other self." Xu Yang said confidently with a sharp look in his eyes.

Xu Yang clenched his fists tightly and punched out.

"Fist technique - Demonic Dragon Cannon!"

Punch out! The dragon roars!

Rolling black demonic fire spurted out wildly from the surface of Xu Yang's fist.

Demonic power, soul power, and fist power, the three perfectly fit together, taking on the shape of a hundred-foot-long black dragon, roaring between heaven and earth.

The shadow on the opposite side, Xu Yang, had no expression on his face and had no intention of dodging or retreating. There was no chance or space to dodge at such a close distance.

The shadow Xu Yang clenched his fists and raised them high. A pair of huge red wings of fire erupted from the Ming Dynasty Suzaku Realm behind him, blessing his fists at once.

Boxing technique - Fire Feather!

Knock it down with both fists!


The sacred bird cries, and the fire feathers are hundreds of feet tall.

The next moment, the Baizhang Black Fire Demonic Dragon and the Baizhang Red Fire Suzaku were facing each other in the void.

For a moment, the black dragon roared and the red bird crowed.

The black and red fire breath collided and exploded continuously, spraying out clusters of flying fire breath, a spectacular and terrifying fireworks.

High in the air, the two were only in a stalemate for a moment before the black dragon fire showed its advantage. The black dragon angrily tore apart the opposite Akabane.


The Divine Bird of Fire suddenly collapsed and turned into a red rain of fire falling from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining power of the black dragon demon fire directly covered the shadow Xu Yang on the opposite side. The dragon roared again, and the shadow Xu Yang was blasted thousands of feet away.

As the black dragon fire exploded, Shadow Xu Yang's body showed broken lines, and then collapsed like a broken mirror, turning into a mass of red stars and disappearing.


The void shook, and the ten-foot-tall stone mirror appeared opposite Xu Yang again. But Xu Yang's shadow could not be seen in the mirror, there was nothing.

Xu Yang's true self stood there, exhaled a long breath, and then said: "Ming Lin, fortunately you are here, otherwise even if I fight for a day and a night, it will be difficult for me to defeat my other self."

The black dragon armor outside Xu Yang's body turned into a black dragon fire, which converged on his shoulders, revealing the body of the demon dragon Ming Lin.

"Master Xu Yang, our practice is to defeat all opponents in front of us." Ming Lin, who was about a foot in size, shook his tail proudly, "Fight, fight, fight."

A violent little black guy with a stubborn temper.

After that, Xu Yang simply sat cross-legged opposite the stone mirror, closed his eyes, breathed in and practiced.

As Xu Yang entered concentration, clusters of colorful spiritual power erupted from the stone mirror opposite, covering him in it. One day of practice was equivalent to half a year in the outside world.


Zhan Yunfei, who had white hair and white robes, found his other self in the stone mirror.

In a tall stone mirror, Zhan Yunfei's shadow walked out.

Compared with Zhan Yunfei's true body, the shadow seemed even colder, and his expression was expressionless.

As soon as it appeared, the shadow's soul power was fully activated, and behind it appeared a ten-foot-tall three-eyed ice general wearing ice armor and holding a sky-shaking hammer.

Every time the shadow takes a step, a layer of ice crystals will form on the ground beneath his feet, which is both cold and murderous.

"Is this what my Xuan Bing soul looks like when my soul power is fully activated?" Zhan Yunfei looked at himself opposite and couldn't help but whisper.

Next, Zhan Yunfei held the Ice Soul Sword and fully activated his soul power to fight with his own shadow opposite.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

The swords of the two collided, setting off a sky full of frost and changing the world.

After an hour of fighting, Zhan Yunfei became more and more familiar with his state of full soul power.

"It's over." Zhan Yunfei whispered coldly.

He opened his mouth and spit out a white stream of light. The stream of light converged, revealing a small ice crystal figure about an inch in size. The little ice crystal man whirled around and turned into an ice clone that looked the same as Zhan Yunfei, except that his body was covered with ice crystals.

"Supernatural power - ice lotus armor!"

Zhan Yunfei shouted softly, and the ice clone turned into a stream of light and fell on him.

Click, click, click.

Ice Lotus helmet, Ice Lotus shoulder pads, Ice Lotus wrist guards, Ice Lotus breastplate, Ice Lotus leg armor, Ice Lotus combat boots, Zhan Yunfei has an extra set of Ice Lotus combat armor. The defense and attack power of his body suddenly increased by one level.

Zhan Yunfei, who was blessed with Ice Lotus Armor, slashed out with his sword without hesitation.

"Swordsmanship - Ice Lotus Sword Seal!"

At the tip of the sword, a huge ice lotus formation was blessing the sword field.

In an instant, the sword energy spit out flying frost, and the ice lotus swallowed the heaven and earth.

Shadow Zhan Yunfei was defeated and was instantly frozen in an ice lotus by the sword energy. Only Zhan Yunfei can perfectly combine the Ice Lotus Sword Qi with the Black Ice Sword Domain.


The ice lotus shattered, and the shadow inside collapsed.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei was exhausted. It was indeed not easy to defeat his other self.

After that, he sat cross-legged opposite the stone mirror, and the cold air under him turned into an ice lotus. He sat cross-legged on the ice lotus and practiced with his eyes closed.


Liu Haiyu came to a stone mirror ten feet tall.

The boy in the mirror is also dressed in blue like Ruoshui. As he watched, Liu Haiyu's shadow walked out calmly in the stone mirror.

As soon as the shadow Liu Haiyu appeared, he activated all his soul power, and the shadow of a huge waterfall that reached the sky was reflected behind him.

This sky-high waterfall connects the stars and rivers, flying down to the nine heavens, surrounded by fairy mist, revealing an awe-inspiring alien power.

Dao realm - Jiutian Xuan Waterfall.

"As expected, this shadow is the other version of me that was copied after I knocked on the Stone Drum of Heaven and Earth with all my strength. No wonder the Holy Son of Gold and Jade didn't use all his strength. It turned out that he saw the mystery of the Stone Drum of Heaven and Earth." Liu Haiyu whispered.

The voice of Sword Spirit Qing Xiaoyu came from the sword box behind Liu Haiyu: "Master Haiyu, I might as well compete with you on the opposite side, so that I can intuitively see my own strengths and weaknesses. There are not many opportunities like this."

Liu Haiyu nodded and said, "Exactly what I thought."

Next, Liu Haiyu fought with the shadow coming out of the stone mirror.

The sword energy of the two collided, and large reverse waterfalls were set off at the collision point. The sound of the sword energy exploding shocked the world.

After half an hour, Liu Haiyu saw his upper limit in the shadow opposite him.

"It's time to end it." Liu Haiyu said coldly.

Liu Haiyu threw the Ruoshui sword in his hand outward.

Ruo Shui Sword whirled around and turned into a size of about ten feet, hovering in mid-air.

"Herring Sword Spirit, lend me a sword."

Ruo Shuijian's surface emitted a hum, as if echoing Liu Haiyu's words.

Thousands of blue water lines sprang out from the sword body. These water lines were woven and wrapped around the Ruoshui Sword's sword body.

In an instant, Ruoshui Sword jumped up and shot straight into the sky.

High in the sky, the sword energy transformed into shape, and in a blink of an eye, the appearance of a hundred-foot blue dragon appeared.

Circles of azure light waves emanate from the body surface of the Baizhang Qinglong, containing the unparalleled sword domain laws and demarcating the Qinglong's domain.

At the same time, water-like ripples appeared in the void behind Baizhang Qinglong. Among the ripples, the shadow of a huge waterfall reaching the sky was actually reflected.

This huge waterfall connects to the Milky Way and is tens of thousands of feet high. It flies down to the sky and is surrounded by fairy mist. It reveals an awe-inspiring Taoist power. It is exactly the Tao realm that Liu Haiyu has understood - Jiutian Xuan Waterfall.

If you look carefully, you will see a small herring flowing backwards from below in the image of Nuo Da's Nine Heavens Black Waterfall.

And up.

The next moment, the little blue fish leaped up, taking the shape of a hundred-foot blue dragon, and merged with the blue dragon method on the surface of Ruoshui Sword to become one.

A dragon roar shook the world.

The secret technique of swordsmanship——my blue dragon!

The sword master, Liu Haiyu.

Sword spirit, herring roe.

Sword domain, Qinglong domain.

With sword intent, the fish jumped over the dragon gate.

The four are perfectly integrated into one, and with the blessing of the Nine Heavens Black Waterfall in the Divine Realm, their power is comparable to a divine skill.

This move, My Ben Qinglong, was originally one of the killing moves used by the number one swordsman in the Zhongyuan Continent, herring roe. This time, Liu Haiyu understood and used it successfully. Although it was far less powerful than Qing Yuzi's sword at his peak, it was still extremely shocking.

The Qinglong sword energy was overwhelming, and the shadow Liu Haiyu on the opposite side was directly swallowed up by the violent current set off by the sword energy.

Liu Haiyu sat cross-legged opposite the stone mirror, and there was nothing in the mirror.

"Thank you, Senior Qingyaozi."

"Master Haiyu, I am your Sword Spirit Qing Xiaoyu."

Liu Haiyu is becoming more and more compatible with his sword spirit Qing Xiaoyu.


The golden and jade young monk walks lightly, and the white cassock outside his body is as comfortable as the clouds rolling and relaxing. He came to a stone mirror, which was also ten feet high.

"Come out." The young golden monk stretched out a finger and pointed at himself in the stone mirror.

In the stone mirror, the shadow of the golden monk stepped forward.

"Be obedient, this is my shadow." The golden jade monk joked.

As soon as the shadow appeared, his soul power was fully activated, and thousands of golden clouds appeared in the void behind him. Among the golden clouds, an alms bowl with a height of one hundred feet appeared.

Taoist Realm——Qiankun Bowl!

The little golden jade monk also activated his magic power, and a Dharma image with a hundred-foot-long alms bowl also appeared in the void behind him.

At the same time, the third golden eye between his eyebrows lit up, and a golden image of a sitting Buddha appeared in the pupils of the golden eye.

"Supernatural power - the third eye to calm the soul!"

The shadow on the opposite side was struck instantly, and his body stagnated.

But the body of the golden jade monk turned into a golden light and disappeared from the place.

The next moment, a golden light swirled in front of the shadow, revealing the body of the golden monk.

"Come to the little monk's bowl." The golden and jade little monk called softly.

His right hand turned into a palm knife, aiming at the heart of the shadow opposite him and stabbing it down.


Golden light splashed, and Shadow's body began to crack with spiderweb-like lines from the pit of his heart, and then collapsed.

In just two breaths, the golden monk killed his other self.

The golden jade young monk looked at the empty stone mirror opposite and said with a Zen thought: "All appearances are false. Little monk, I can't see through myself. How can a mere stone mirror copy another me?"

The golden monk clasped his hands together and then looked around quietly.

"There's no one here." The corner of the golden monk's lips curled up into a faint smile.

He quickly took out a storage bag and took out a stack of scriptures, a white chicken wrapped in oil paper, and a few tree branches.

He skillfully set up the grill and placed the broiler on top of a stack of scriptures.

Then he stretched out a finger in the air, a flash of golden light fell, and the stack of scriptures burned.

"The spiritual energy here is extremely strong, and no one will disturb you. It's really a good place to roast chicken."

For the golden monk, roasting chicken and eating roasted chicken are his greatest spiritual practice.

If you like it, you are practicing, if you don't like it, you are suffering.


The other four Yaojun, Murong Yu, Xia Yu, and Guigu Zan also defeated their own shadows in the meeting trial, but the process was much more difficult.

Seven days later, the meeting trial ended.

Of the twenty-six trial disciples who originally participated in the meeting trial, only twelve were left to pass this experience. Those who fail cannot defeat their own shadow.

The remaining twelve people can be called the elites of this scholarly family trial.

Just as everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the last level of the scholarly family, the "Palace Trial", they heard a new rule.

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