True Vampire in Teen Wolf

22 That bast*rd.22

Before she could knock Stiles quickly open the door.

" Hey Stiles Why are you here." Allison asked suspicious. No girl would go alone to a boy house with no suspicion.

" Ah. we need your help to find Scott and the rest." Stiles said as he lead her to the living room where Derek and Allen sat.

" What is he doing here. I thought Scott said he was dangerous." Allison asked refusing to sit.

Seeing this Alex sigh.

" Yeah he is dangerous but he helping us find Scott. You remember what happen last night?" Alex asked.

Allison frown as she tried to recall last night. They kept saying she must have been seeing things but she was sure she say a bipedal monster.

" Yeah I remember how it looks like. But I don't think you will believe me." Allison said.

"You mean that you saw a monster on two legs and red eyes." Alex asked.

Allison began to nod but then stop.

" How do you know about that. Did Stiles father tell him." Allison asked as she look at Stiles.

Stiles shook his head.

" No. We already knew about that creature the night before school started." Alex said with a solemn face.

" I think you should sit for this." Alex said as he made space beside him. Sitting beside Alex she asked.

" So why didn't you tell the police about such monster." Allison asked with a frown.

" Okay. Let start from basics. The thing you saw was called a werewolf. Like those in the movies. To be exact an alpha. A werewolf that can turn other person into a werewolf" Stiles said

"The night before school Scott was bitten by that alpha so he is basically a werewolf now." Stiles continue.

" Derek and Scott are what they call beta while the alpha is usually stronger and faster. But the problem is. All that murder case that been happening recently is cause by that alpha." Stiles said to which shock Allison.

She didn't want to believe it but the monster in her memories just keep surfacing.

" So Scott is going to be like him and.." Before Allison could finish Derek interrupted her.

" No. We are werewolves not killers. This alpha is choosing to kill. So he is a murder. Scott is not." Derek said to which slightly calm Allison down.

" Doesn't that mean Lidia and Jackson is dead." Allison asked to which Alex shook his head.

" No. We believe he going to turn them into werewolves to add to his pack." Alex said.

" Then how can I help you with this then. That thing nearly kill me. I don't know why it didn't take me yesterday." Allison said.

" That how you can help us. The reason he must likely didn't take you is because he is scared of your parents." Allen said.

" My parents. Why. because they have guns?" Allison asked.

" No. Because they are professional werewolves hunter. You ever wonder what that tattoo on their right hand." Derek said.

This caught all three attention.

" I guess the rest don't know about the tattoo either. That is called an Aluk. It is a supernatural tattoo create from a clan of witch that wanted vampires, werewolves and other supernatural that harm humans dead. It travel down the bloodline revealing it self when one reach 17" Derek said.

This surpise the three infront of Derek.

" Wait. You are telling me there are witches and vampires too." Stiles asked shocked.

" Yes. But vampires are mostly situated in Europe than America. Plus for them to survive in the day they need a day ring." Derek said as he lean back in the sofa.

' That make sense .... Wait what' Alex thought as recall Derek words

' That bit*h didn't. He wouldn't dare." Alex thought as he stood up surprising everyone.

" I got to check something. Soon come back " Alex said as he rush up stairs.

" What up with him" Stiles mutter to which Derek asked.

" Is he Scott biological brother?" Derek asked to which Stiles and Allison have him a frown.

" Yeah why?" Stiles said.

" I dont know why but I have a bad feeling from him." Derek said that surpise Stiles and Allison.

Alex was currently upstairs on his laptop cursing all mother of God and devils.

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