The news appeared.

Suddenly, a tremor broke out over a considerable part of the entire second half of the great passage.

The recruiting time for the Rox Pirates is long over.

It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to recruit new people.

But that’s the case.

The Rox Pirates not only sent men.

Even one of the core cadres, Edward Newgate, personally searched for it near an island!

This has to make people care and shock.

Can’t help but guess the identity of the other party.

After all, the Locks Pirate Regiment could send cadres to find recruitment.

Even if you think about it with your fingers, you should know that it must be a gifted or powerful ‘monster’!

Being able to send cadres out of the horse in person is itself a representation of the attitude of the Rox Pirate Regiment!

Naval Headquarters.

As a field marshal of the current era, Steel Bone Air groaned in the conference room and looked at the assembled admirals.

“According to the latest news from our Navy, Edward Newgate is looking for a pirate with the intention of inviting them to join the Rox Pirates, what are you going to think?”

The Rox Pirates were the usual recruiting crew.

Naturally, the Navy would not care.

However, in order to recruit a new person, the Rox Pirate Regiment actually sent a powerful cadre to personally search for it.

This has to be paid attention to by the Navy.

The Locks Pirates are now making the Navy head huge, and if you add some monsters with great potential.

This is definitely a situation that no one wants to see.

This is true of both world governments and naval governments.

“Edward Newgate… It is really strange that the guy who wants a family can even go out on his own horse. ”

Young Cap thought of Newgate’s personality, and touched it with surprise in his eyes.

The warring states heard the words and pondered for a moment.

“According to the information that can be determined so far, Edward Newgate did appear near the ‘Inspiration Island’, and many people’s witnesses can be sure that the information is correct, which shows that the Locks Pirate Regiment is indeed preparing to recruit a pirate, and can send cadres to personally dispatch, indicating that the Locks Pirate Regiment attaches great importance to this person


Since this is the case, our navy cannot sit idly by, the first thing is to find out the identity of the target that the other side is looking for, and with the current strength of the Locks Pirates, we absolutely cannot let it continue to grow. ”

Steel Bone Void listened to the Sengoku analysis and nodded.

“Yes, I also agree with this, so that the Locks Pirate Regiment can send cadres to personally dispatch, the other side’s target is definitely not a simple existence, speaking of which, among the recently wanted pirates, has the person who screened the targets of the Locks Pirate Regiment been found?”


The assembled admirals looked embarrassed.

Because of the unbridled destruction of the Rox Pirates, the admirals spent most of their time on constant missions.

Coupled with the frequent appearance of new pirates on the sea, these things are naturally not things that the generals present will pay special attention to.

But just as everyone is looking at me, I see you ready to make excuses.

Tsuru took out a document and suddenly opened his mouth to report and said:

“Air Marshal, most of the newcomer pirate information of the great voyage recently has been sorted out, plus the lock area and layer by layer screening, there are two people who meet the target.”

“Two people?!”

“Who are they?!”

Many generals were shocked, and the steel bone air could not help but look at it with appreciation.

It is worthy of the best navy to graduate from the same period as Kapu and Sengoku.

The crane heard this, and she said:

“One man named Bundy Wald claimed to be a world saboteur.”

“Bundy Wald?!”

“Is that monster?!”

“Hey, this is no joke, isn’t it true that even such a madman wants to be under the command of such a madman?”

Bundy Wald, this name is heard by most of the Navy present.

Is a threat level comparable to the Locks Pirate Regiment cadres Newgate, Golden Lion and other people, a headache guy.

To say the impression of the people present.

The first thought is not a monster, but a madman.

That guy is a fanatical saboteur with nothing but destruction in his eyes.

Coupled with great strength and tricky Demon Fruit abilities.

Many of the admirals present had dealt with him without seeking any favor.

It can be said that it is a name that can no longer be familiar.


“What about the other man?”

“I remember Bundy Wald wasn’t a newcomer pirate anymore.”

At this time, Sengoku suddenly said.

The eyes of the crowd were subconsciously focused.

Tsuru nodded and explained

“Yes, but this does not preclude the other party from deliberately spreading the action with the aim of recruiting the other party, and about another person who meets the conditions…”

Tsuru hesitated for a moment and thought about pulling a bounty order out of the file.

“It was this man who had been on a mission near Inspiration Island three days earlier, and Lieutenant General Roth had personally issued a wanted application to the Navy Headquarters, so his fame had not really spread.”

“Three days ago? Will the Lieutenant General personally apply to the Headquarters for a release of the Wanted? ”

The words fell and the crowd was stunned.

Subconsciously look at the wanted list.

Only to see that above is a black-haired young man, whether it is temperament or image, he is very handsome and sunny, which makes people think of nothing to associate with the vicious pirate.

However, when they saw the series of zero wanted amounts under the bounty order, everyone’s face changed suddenly, and they were not calm.

Some people stared wide-eyed and excitedly said:

“The bounty… Half a billion Baileys?! ”

“What’s going on?!”

“How can a simple new pirate be rewarded to such an extent?!”

“Is Lieutenant General Roth mistaken? This is a bounty amount that has never appeared in the entire history of pirates, right?! ”

“Who the hell is this guy above?!” What crime was committed?! ”

“Half a billion Baileys?! Is this really not wrong?! ”

Steel Bone Kong saw the deranged crowd, and he looked at the unreal bounty amount and frowned, looking at the crane.

“What is this man’s charge and why?”

The words fell, and the eyes of Sengoku and Kapu were full of curiosity.

Tsuru thought for a moment and took out two photos from the file again.

Next second.

The entire conference room fell silent, and after a few moments, someone couldn’t help but inhale the cold air.

Only to see a picture of an island above.

The first is that everything is fine, the port town is all available, and the weather is clear.


The second is that the island is engulfed in endless hot orange-red lava, as if it has undergone a natural disaster, and everything has turned into a bare piece! Complete Nirvana disappears!

Such a contrasting photo, as long as the audience is not a fool.

You can see that the source of the two photos is the same !!!

And just when everyone shocked the crane came up with this contrasting photo, or did not understand the ‘why’.

The crane opened his mouth to explain in the midst of everyone’s inner trembling.

“The country on this island, called the Kingdom of Kerry, has completely disappeared three days ago, as you can see from the photos, and the murderer who did all this is the object of the 500 million Bailey wanted bounty, according to our preliminary estimates….

This person is most likely a ‘Nature Lava’ fruit ability! ”

The crane gradually began to speak solemnly, and almost everyone in the conference room was discolored.

Natural Department Lava Fruit Ability?!!

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