“Rossius… Rosie! ”

Kaido stared dead at the bounty order in the second half of Rosie’s sensational Great Passage.

Kaido’s eyes are more of a ‘deep hatred’ than jealousy.

That’s right, crazy jealousy!

He didn’t have long been in the Rox Pirates.

There is no comparison with the old crew invited by Locks, Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

He was also a trainee crew member of the Rox Pirates.

However, this does not mean that Kaido has no ambitions.

It can be said that except for a few pirates, who can join the Rox Pirate Regiment, the nine layers and nine are ambitious guys.

Kaido is no exception to the latter.

So in order to turn right as soon as possible and enter the inner circle of the Locks Pirates, Kaido can be said to have made a lot of efforts.

Anyway, the Rox Pirates are now in their heyday before they are about to decline.

Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Charlotte Lingling, John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi

Each of these monsters is a monster with a bounty of more than a billion Baileys easily.

Usually, doing anything at will can cause a huge sensation, and the whole sea shakes.

Compared to these monsters.

Kaido though had the honor of being personally invited by the cadres of the Rocks Pirates who were initially shocking.

But that’s about it.

After joining the Locks Pirates, no matter what Kaido did, his reputation would never rise on this sea.

To put it bluntly.

It’s the Behemoth of the Locks Pirates that is currently too rolled.

There are countless strong ones.

There are too many monsters.

One more of him is not much, and one less is harmless.

The inner roll drove Kaido, who wanted to turn right quickly, crazy.

So Kaido made up his mind to do a big vote.

That’s right!

That is…

Rob ‘Heavenly Gold’!

Although the predecessors of this traditional craft, the Locks Pirate Regiment have basically done it, it is really a rotten operation.

But even so, the ‘Heavenly Gold’ is still not something that anyone can rob, at least except for the captains of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

What’s more, in order to gain greater fame, Kaido risked choosing to rob alone!

It can well be imagined.

Once successful, his bounty and fame will inevitably usher in a huge improvement, and it is no longer a dream to turn from a trainee crew in the Rox Pirate Regiment.


Just after Kaido’s hard work, the power of the two tigers was wasted, and the people were almost gone, and they finally succeeded in exhausting themselves.

Next, he can sit back and reap great fame on the sea, leaving his own place in this monster-ridden pirate era.

What a coincidence.


Kaido, who got the newspaper the next day, froze.


A man named Rosie appeared!

Even this guy named Rosie couldn’t be considered an orthodox pirate.

Even like him, the new pirate period enjoyed the honor of being personally invited to join the cadres of the Rox Pirate Regiment.


The choices and moves that Rosie made.

It’s a world away from him!

Not only in terms of treatment, but also in terms of fame.

Ever since Rossius rejected the behemoth of the Rox Pirates, it has shocked countless people.

In the past few days, the reports about Luo Xiu have instantly become overwhelming!

What the craziest crazy newcomer ever on the sea.

A deliberately fabricated trick by the Navy.

A tiger of the new era that stepped out of the mountains.

Crazy people who don’t know if they are dead or alive, and so on.

All in all.

News about Kaido’s robbery of Heavenly Gold….

Kaido frantically searched for several newspapers, and finally found !!! in a corner full of Luo Xiu’s report.

In that instant.

Kaido was furious, he couldn’t help it.

Fame events that I have worked so hard to prepare.

It was only worthy of the corner of the newspaper???

Even one or two simply ignored it?!

What does that mean?

He Kaido doesn’t deserve a newspaper?

Or do these people think that he Kaido is not a match for this guy named Rosie at all?


After Kaido’s anger, he noticed that the entire middle and lower levels of the Locks Pirate Regiment were discussing Rossius, and no one even cared about his robbery of the Heavenly Gold…

What followed was jealousy!

Almost insane jealousy!

He and this bastard who stole his dream of turning right and all the headlines of fame now have a hatred that does not share the sky!!!

Of course.

Luo Xiu did not know that when he accidentally changed his fame on the sea, he could coincidentally emerge as a ‘deep hatred’ enemy.

But even if Luo Xiu knew about it, he probably didn’t take Kaido to heart.

As a crosser.

Rosie was well aware of the future fate of the ship of the Rox Pirates.

If Kaido cares a lot about fame, it can only be said that Kaido’s more unfortunate things have not yet begun.

Follow today’s timeline and the last crazy expansion of the Rox Pirates.

When Kaido ‘turned right’, it is estimated that the next day the Rox Pirate Regiment is almost gone.

It’s like on a blue star when you’ve just become a group ‘manager’.

As a result, the next day you haven’t started to make a big show of things.

Suddenly someone comes to tell you that the group has disintegrated….

Oh, the sense of picture came instantly.

Of course.

When Kaido sees Luo Xiu as ‘deeply hated’.

As the Rox Pirates accidentally helped Rosie further expand his fame, Roseau became the fastest pirate newcomer to shock the sea in his debut.

It is inevitable that there will be forces that oppose the Locks Pirate Regiment, and they will have different ideas.

PS: Ask for flowers to evaluate the vote for all support

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