Beeswax Island.

The island is as famous as ever, and looking down from the blue sky, it looks like a square piece of orange beeswax.

It shows that it is rich in sweet and delicious honey.

Even in the distance, you can smell the seductive sweet smell from afar.

“Hey, this wine is really powerful, this is after drinking really good wine, and then drinking other wine directly tasteless?”

Rosie stared at the empty bottle in his hand, and then at the rum he had seized from the pirate before.

Rosie felt that the latter’s wine was like mixed with inferior alcohol… No, it’s complete water!

“No wonder the white-bearded guy is so reluctant, co-authoring is a good thing.”

Rosie touched his chin, making up his mind that he would have a chance to ask for a few more bottles next time.

Whether every pirate on the sea is strong or not, Luo Xiu is not good to say.

But if there is a common denominator, it is that almost all of them are drunkards, and leaving the wine is almost like asking for their lives.

At this point, even the white-bearded people are no exception.

Roshauben didn’t like things like wine.

But it turns out that those inferior water doped with a little alcohol can be compared to real wine?

Of course.

If Whitebeard knew what Luo Xiu was thinking now, he estimated how far he would hide next time.

How many more bottles?

Luo Xiu really thought it was a cabbage!

This precious thing robs several batches of ‘heavenly gold’ may not be able to find a batch.

As an alcoholic, if you are not really reluctant to drink easily, how can you leave an inventory?

I didn’t expect to let Luo Xiu knock away a bottle!

Back to the point.

Honeycomb Island port here.

A tall, thin-eyed pirate carrying a large knife, looked at several pirate ships that were preparing to dock, smiled evilly, and shouted in his throat

“If you want to land on the island, you can’t do it, but you have to pay a 1 million Bailey’s landing fee!”

“What?! Island Landing Fee?! ”

“This is all robbery, landing on an island will cost a million baileys?!”

“You bastard, do you know what Lao Tzu’s reward is?!” How dare you charge any ‘landing fee’! ”

The number of pirate ships that came to supply was about five or six, and they all showed their anger.

Gao Liao’s one-eyed pirate faces this scene.

Don’t panic, your eyes are narrowed, calm and self-assured:

As for what your reward is, Lao Tzu doesn’t care, you know, this island belongs to one of the cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment, Captain John!”

In other words, this is the chassis of the Rox Pirates! You should have heard about the recent events that the big men of the Locks Pirate Regiment are going to pay the price for anyone who dares to refuse the orders of the Locks Pirates! Don’t say it’s you, even if the guy with a reward of more than 100 million is coming!

So, can you honestly pay the $1 million Bailey Dangdang Island Fee now? ”


“Locks Pirates?!”

The pirates, who showed the color of anger, heard the words, and the flames in their hearts immediately seemed to be extinguished by water, revealing a strong sense of jealousy and fear.

The one-eyed pirate of Gao Di saw the situation and showed a satisfied look on his face.

Although it is not that I have not encountered a thorn in the head before.

But just report the names of the Locks Pirates and Captain John.

No matter who the other party was, they chose to pay the boarding fee honestly.

This time, it’s still no exception!

“The Locks Pirate Regiment is really overbearing, no wonder even the pirates will cooperate with the Navy when they are destroyed…”

Not far away, Rossio thoughtfully touched his chin.

He seemed to understand how this broken warship had fallen step by step.

And then.

Luo Xiu drove the boat into Beeswax Island in full view of everyone.

The pirates in the high court were triumphant, ready to count the money.

Seeing the sudden arrival of Luo Xiu, he was stunned.

The pirates nearby who were preparing to pay their money also widened their eyes.


This guy

I should have heard the man say that this is the chassis of Captain John of the Locks Pirates.

How dare you act so boldly?

Who the hell is this guy?!

Thoughts came out of their hearts.

The one-eyed pirate of Gao Di also reacted at this time, pulling his throat and hurriedly blocking in front of Luo Xiu.

“You guys! Didn’t hear that?! If you want to land on the island, you must pay a million baileys! Otherwise, it will be regarded as provoking the Locks Pirates! Those big guys won’t let you go! ”

When the words fell, the pirates of Gao Di had thought that Luo Xiu would honestly stop when he heard the name of the Rox Pirates Group clearly this time.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiu raised his head and asked this.

“Are you sure you want to stop me?”

“What do you mean…?!”

Gao Di Pirate was stunned and looked at Luo Xiu, who looked as if he was somewhat familiar in front of him.

Rosie touched it and said in the midst of the discoloration


“The meaning is very simple, I don’t want to pay the money, the place I want to go, what do you say I should do?”


Luo Xiu’s voice was not loud, and Gao Xia’s pirate heard the words, and he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, obviously understanding Luo Xiu’s unspoken meaning.

“Crazy… Lunatic! Do you want to provoke the Locks Pirates?! Captain John is a cadre of the Rox Pirates! Do you know what the consequences of that are?! ”

The one-eyed pirate did not expect that there really was a madman who dared to provoke the big name of the Locks Pirate Group, and could not help but scream.


It was at this time.

The pirates on the nearby pirate ships looked at Rosh below, and they suddenly seemed to remember something.

Decisively rummaged through the recent newspapers and the bounty order.

The next moment, when you can clearly see the appearance of the black-haired youth in the second half of the great voyage that has caused a sensation in the past few days.

They couldn’t help but exclaim:

“Yes, it’s Rossius!”

“The first time he was rewarded with 500 million yuan by the Navy, and then he rejected the Rox Pirate Regiment, and the Pirate Regiment issued an order to kill the new pirate Rosiu!”

“What?! Rosie?! The guy who has sensationalized the great voyage these days?! ”

“He’s here!” Sky?! ”

“Provoked the Locks Pirate Regiment, not only did not hide, but also appeared in a big swing, is this guy really crazy?!”

After recognizing Luo Xiu, the exclamation began to rise and fall.

In the past few days, the topic caused by Luo Xiu has been very hot, and the limelight has once overshadowed those old and famous pirates.

Everyone thought that after the Locks Pirates were angry, Luo Xiu, the new pirate group, would definitely hide for a while and hide for a while, after all, it was the Locks Pirates Regiment.


Rosie actually appeared!

Just appear on the sea!

This guy….


It’s crazy!

Think of what Rosie just said.

The money doesn’t want to pay, the place wants to go…

They swallowed a mouthful of saliva and their hearts beat wildly.

When the Locks Pirate Regiment issued a killing order to the world, he also dared to take the initiative to provoke the chassis of the Locks Pirate Regiment cadres.

They have no more doubts!

Rosie is a lunatic, and an outrageous fanatic!


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