“This… This must be fake! Fake! ”

John spat out a mouthful of blood.

The whole body was wrapped in armor and was blasted away by Luo Xiu.

He barely managed to stabilize his body, looking at the burns on his chest that were almost pierced, and the whole person’s heart was full of disbelief.

“Lao Tzu is a member of the Locks Pirates!” Cadres of the Locks Pirates! ”

“How could Lao Tzu be so embarrassed to face a ‘new man’?! This is absolutely impossible! ”

John let out a loud roar, ignoring the silver axe discoloration reminder.

Only to see John’s machete on the armed color domineering flashing a scarlet light wrapped around.

The air beneath your feet makes a cracking sound.

Suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xiu, straight with terrible pressure to cut down!

Only to see the machete fall, the explosion sounds, and the smoke rolls!

This was a huge slash mark of hundreds of meters that instantly appeared in the lava sea starting from Luo Xiu.

The hearts of the people outside were trembling.

John… Worthy of being a cadre of the Locks Pirate Regiment!

Although it is rumored that Captain John is at the bottom of the ranks among the cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment due to his extremely greedy personality, this combat strength is absolutely worthy of the position of cadre!

John struck a blow and laughed maniacally.

“Boy, did Lao Tzu just say that?!” How could Lao Tzu fail?! ”

“This is a change in the domineering ‘flowing cherry blossoms’ of armed color!” Destruction from within, even if you are a natural ability, it is absolutely uncomfortable, right?! ”

“Lao Tzu has won!”

“‘Flowing Sakura’?”

Rosie’s voice suddenly rang out.

Only to see thick dust and smoke disperse.

Luo Xiu’s domineering right hand wrapped around the armed color to resist the attack just now appeared.

Rosie watched as he stayed where he was, his eyes showing an impossible John.

Luo Xiu’s eyes showed a hint of disgust.

“Don’t be self-righteous, it’s just a change in the basic form of an armed color, and it deserves to be used by you as a hole card, no wonder future generations can’t hear your fame at all.”

As he spoke, Luo Xiu’s figure flashed.

Appears in front of John.

John’s face showed horror.

Luo Xiu’s right hand of burning lava was fierce! Grabbed John’s neck!


In the face of the hot lava heat, John immediately screamed.

“No, it’s impossible! Lao Tzu is a cadre of the Rox Pirate Regiment! This is absolutely impossible! ”

“Nothing in this world is eternal… Of course, you don’t understand these estimates with you. ”

Think of the end of the Rox Pirates.

Luo Xiu glanced outside to see this scene, and was almost shocked by the audience that swept through his whole body.

Rosie clenched his fist in his left hand.

Flaming lava emerged, and the temperature in the vicinity soared in an instant.

Not far away.

Silver axe to see.

“Not good!”

“This boy is going to kill him!”

John is going to lose!

Luo Xiu seemed to have more than enough strength to deal with both of them alone.

If you lose John’s combat power.

Silver Axe had no doubt that he was definitely not Luo Xiu’s opponent.

So he had to go and stop Rossius!

And also.

Silver Axe turned his head to look at the island suspended above the distant viewer.

Can’t help gritting your teeth.

Golden lions those fucking eggs.

He didn’t care about him and John at all.

Damn it!

This moment.

With the anger of the silver axe, the breathing of the people outside almost stopped.

Rosie actually caught Captain John!!!

That move

Is it to kill the killer?!



Or is it the ruthless man who appeared on the sea after only Locks?!

If you kill the cadres of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

Narosio and the Rox Pirate Regiment really don’t die!

Countless people’s eyes widened and their hearts jumped wildly.

And Luo Xiu’s shot speed is very fast.

After all, Rosie had always adhered to it.

That is to do it is to do it.

Since it is the enemy.

Then we should lie honestly in the soil, and no one will see each other in the future, so as not to disturb each other.

The John in front of him is no exception.

Rosie will not leave his hand because of the identity of the other party.

They will not care about the forces behind each other.

After all, there are always guys looking for death, and although Luo Xiu is afraid of trouble, he will definitely fulfill their wishes one by one!

“Honestly die.”

Luo Xiu’s face could not see the fluctuations, as if it was like killing chickens.

The flaming lava in his left hand was billowing black smoke, and Rosie slammed his fist-clenched left hand into John’s chest before the silver axe could stop it!


“Wow, cough!”

The terrifying heat and impact made John spurt out a mouthful of blood, and the expression on his face was extremely frightened, which was unbelievable before he died.

Only to see the lava easily penetrate John’s body, without pause, the hot lava carrying flames gushing out from behind like an eruption! Explode!

It’s like a brilliant spark bursting in the scalp of countless people!

And the cost.

It was John’s life!

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