
“… This is?! ”

The golden lion and the whitebeard, who were releasing the overlord color, felt this new strange overlord color.

The pupils of the two men were slightly condensed.

Subconsciously look for this source of strong overlord color that does not lose to them.

When he saw that it was Rossius, the golden lion was stunned.

“This guy… Also the owner of Overlord Color? ”

Whitebeard didn’t have too many surprises.

“Sure enough.”

I secretly said goodbye to Luo Xiu before he was wanted by the Navy, and there was hardly any fame on this sea.

It was as if Luo Xiu just wanted to live quietly in the folk.

But when it came time to disturb Rosie fishing.

He could clearly feel Luo Xiu’s nature, but it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Such a man who will not live under people can never exist without overlord and domineering.

Of course.

If only Whitebeard knew that this was the overlord color that Luo Xiugang had just understood.

Absolutely will be shocked by the eyes.

Overlord color domineering.

For the first time, people who ‘awaken’ because of external stimulation can generally only passively release the domineering color.

Moreover, the strength and proficiency of the Overlord color also need to be controlled and skilled step by step.

Where there is such a thing that is unreasonable at first, whether it is scope or intensity, it is not at all inferior to the two of them.


Luo Xiu did not care about the reaction of countless people not far away, he looked at the white beard and said:

“Stop, Newgate, I have your kindness in my heart.”

Whitebeard can unleash the Overlord color for him.

It was something that Luo Xiu did not expect.

After all, he and Whitebeard, the ‘silly big man’, had met once, had a drink, and by the way, Luo Xiu knocked away a bottle of fine wine.

To be honest, the real relationship between the two is not actually a friend, at most it is just mutual appreciation.

Thus, Whitebeard can prevent the Golden Lion from taking a shot at him in a ‘weak’ state.

It can already be seen by Rosie as a true ‘friend’.

But it was for this reason that Rosie stopped Whitebeard.

Now the Rox Pirates have not been destroyed.

He was alone and naturally didn’t care about Locks.

After all, except for Rox himself, Luo Xiu was not much sure, and the rest of the people had no worries about how many Luo Xiu would kill.

But the whitebeard of the current era is different.

Whitebeard is currently a member of the Rox Pirate Regiment, with a number of people under his command.

If this thing reached Locks’s ears.

Whitebeard was definitely under pressure far more than Rosie.

So Rosie thinks that’s enough.

This shot was enough for Luo Xiu to recognize this friend.


Even after killing John and the Silver Axe, Rosie is not in a ‘weak’ state at the moment.


Because Rosie didn’t really fight a pirate who was rewarding more than 1 billion baileys.

Therefore, after this battle, Luo Xiu’s strength not only did not retreat in the slightest, but on the contrary, it rose a lot.

In addition, the lava sea would continue to restore Luo Xiu’s physical strength.

A golden lion, Luo Xiu has every confidence to fight again!

“Gollum, okay, hey, don’t die.”

Whitebeard sensed the convincing temperament that radiated from Rossio’s body as it did that day.

He hesitated for a moment and revoked the overlord color domineering.

Although he had only met with Luo Xiu once and had a drink, just once, Whitebeard was convinced that Luo Xiu was not a madman, a madman, a madman who did not care about any consequences, as the outside world had been rumored to be in the past few days.

On the contrary, when he went to find Luo Xiu that day, Luo Xiu, who was sitting on the rock fishing, had been calm from beginning to end.

Whether it was hearing that he was from the behemoth of the Locks Pirates, or knowing that he was Edward Newgate, Rosie did not have the slightest fear or fear.

It can be seen from this that Luo Xiu must have a complete grasp of it!

Next second.

Only to see that as Whitebeard gave up releasing the Overlord color.

Some of the pirates who were present and could still keep their minds from being unconscious were relieved.

The two monsters, the Golden Lion and the Whitebeard, were terrifying.

These two people are rumored to be among the top five of the top existence in the Rox Pirates.

The two overlord domineering forces that clashed were like two shockwaves visible to the naked eye, trying to squeeze them to death.

Not to mention that there was Luo Xiu released in the back, not losing to the overlord color domineering spirit of these two monsters in the slightest!


The collision between the three overlords and domineering spirits was like a huge mountain pressing on the hearts of countless of them, and it was naturally they who suffered, and they could not even move their half-kneeling bodies.

Now that Whitebeards are willing to quit, the pressure on them will naturally be much less.


With that in mind.

It is clear that the bearded overlord color domineering has chosen not to release.


Originally, only the domineering power between Luo Xiu and the Golden Lion was left, but an even more terrifying confrontation broke out!


The whole sky began to change color, the clouds split, and the sea set off huge waves.

Many people who had just felt their bodies loosen and tried to move suddenly felt the aftermath of the more terrifying Overlord color shock coming!




I saw that the part that was originally half kneeling on the ground could stay awake, and at this time, the whole person was almost completely lying on the ground!

There are even some pirates who feel that in the face of such an impact, their consciousness has begun to blur, they are unconscious, and cold sweat is all over their foreheads.

The expression on their faces changed.

Reluctantly lifting a nod, it can be seen that their faces are all shocked.

It turned out that just the overlord color shock between the golden lion and the whitebeard… It didn’t take full force at all!

Now without the white-bearded Overlord color as a buffer, the Golden Lion and Luo Xiu’s terrifying strength Overlord color could be said to have completely collided together!

“Weird… Monster! ”

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