Of course.

Rosie made this trip to the ‘Valley of the Gods’.

Its main purpose was that Rosie felt that the war should only be just the beginning.


Just projecting such a fierce battle between the Rox Pirates and the Navy is just the beginning!

Although the current naval administration has invested an unprecedented number of troops in dealing with the Rox Pirates.

Among those who appeared were the current Marshal of the Navy, Gang Bone, who personally led the team, three admirals, plus lieutenant generals, rear admirals, and tens of thousands of naval forces.

But the Rox Pirates are strong, and as the ‘uncrowned kings’ of the sea in this era, the Rox Pirates are not necessarily weaker than the Navy.

In a sense, the strength of the Locks Pirates is also unprecedented.

This pirate group, whether in the future or in the past, the current Locks Pirate is the only pirate group that really threatens the ‘world government’, which even Roger Pirate did not do in the era.

And now.

The Locks Pirates alone set aside Locks himself.

Whether it’s Whitebeard, Golden Lion, or Charlotte Lingling.

As the top sea thief on the sea in the current era.

The three of them alone against any of the generals were basically stress-free.

If you want to pose a threat and defeat, you need to send at least two generals, even a large number of naval troops, and it will take at least one day and one night to divide the results.

The Naval Headquarters must have been well aware of this.

Therefore, he fought against the 5,000 men of the Locks Pirates, but chose to gather the naval forces that crushed the Locks Pirates in numbers.


In Rossieu’s view, this is still not enough.

Don’t forget, although John and Wang Zhi are dead, they are now replaced by the stronger Bundy Wald, plus Wang Zhi, the future Four Emperors Kaido, and so on.

The battle of the Valley of the Gods is only mentioned in the original book.

But the war that decided the fate of the Locks Pirates and the Navy Government, the real finishers who survived were the Roger Pirates and the Kapu and others.

The price of the Rox Pirates was its complete dissolution.

It can be seen how terrible the scale of this war is at present.

Although Roger Pirates have not yet entered.

But don’t forget.

Behind the naval government is the great tree of world government, which has stood for less than eight hundred years since its inception.

The secrets and secrets of the world government.

Compared with the naval government of the lower government, it is definitely only strong.

Although there is no such object as a ‘world government’ in Luo Xiu’s current enemy.

But considering that the naval government’s bounty order was tacitly approved by the world government.

The world government is also a potential enemy of Rossius.

If you can stop by this time to see the bottom card of the world government, you will not lose this trip to witness it.

Of course, on the one hand, Luo Xiu was a crosser.

In order to prevent someone from sending him to death, he has undoubtedly brought butterfly effects to the world.

Bundy Wald’s joining the Rox Pirates is the best proof of that.


Although the fate of the original future Locks Pirates is known.

But Luo Xiu didn’t want to be inattentive, causing something to happen to Whitebeard, one of the few friends.

“That… Gollum, are we going to that battlefield?! ”

At this time, Marko, who was about ten years old, noticed the smell of killing coming from the distant sea.

Marco subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After all, he is not the leader of the future Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

Marco was still a teenager.

So now Marco Dang found the direction in which Rossius was looking.

Marco had fully understood what Rossius meant when he first said, ‘Don’t be scared.

Marco looked at Rosie with a complicated look, and his eyes could not hide a shock in his heart.


Or a monster?

Rosie even added his little arms and legs

Marco thought of the pirate fight and navy that had just projected on more than ten thousand people

Marco swallowed another mouthful of saliva.

You are at most one and a half people who want to participate in the war between the most terrible pirate regiment at sea and the naval government!!!

If it is a normal person, it will definitely go straight to the legs and go crazy, right?!

Marco had seen many ‘incredible’ scenes in Rosie along the way.

But this time, if he hadn’t made up his mind, I’m afraid he would really have weak legs….

“Don’t worry, there’s a quote you should have heard.” Rosie noticed Marko’s reaction and touched it.

Although Pineapple Head is a little younger now, he is worthy of being able to become the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment in the future.

For ordinary people, this face is not to say that the legs are weak, and it is not exaggerated to pee and pee.

“What, what?” Marko’s ears stood up.

Luo Xiu did not hurry to spit out the words, only to see the pineapple-headed teenager’s expression visibly hardened.

Only to hear Luo Xiu say, “Just as the so-called encouragement B is full of obstacles in front of him, do not experience it, do not witness it, how do you know that it is not OK?” ”

Pat the pineapple head teenager.

Rosie then said:

“Of course, you can find a safe place to stay later, as long as you make sure you survive.”

Marko: “…”

Is it enough to ensure that you will survive?


The pineapple-headed teenager looked at the cruel battlefield with a knife in the distance, and the sound of fighting was earth-shattering

Marco always felt that Rosie had some misunderstanding of this sentence in front of him.

Is that a question of being able to survive with guarantees?!

Fortunately, Luo Xiu really did not intend to be of any use to a teenager of about ten years old.

So Rosie casually found an island within the distance of the Valley of the Gods.

And this time.

The fierce war in the Valley of the Gods had just begun to escalate further.

What does it feel like to be the Navy’s most powerful general and a bounty of more than 3 billion Bailey pirates?

The pirates and navy in the Valley of the Gods have experienced it firsthand.

A casual slash can spread up to hundreds of meters.

The fists and feet of the hand cause vibrations and can emit waves of air visible to the naked eye.

Every blow, every collision, can be described as destroying the world.

Whether it is the head of a male lion condensed by the golden lion using countless dust, or the flames and lightning released by Charlotte Lingling and others, the power is not inferior to the disaster that occurs at sea.


If such a strong person is around to fight.

Be sure to hide as far as you can.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to die!

Even a vice admiral is facing this level of fighting!

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