



The earth of the Valley of the Gods trembled violently.

The sky was swept away by loud noises that erupted everywhere, resounding across the sky.

Entertainment and extreme luxury of the island compared to half an hour ago.

It seems to have a vague sense of fragmentation.

The sea surrounding the Valley of the Gods is even more furious from time to time, setting off countless seas.

Highlights the current terrifying war between the Rox Pirates and the Navy in the Valley of the Gods.

A future that is about to be destroyed.


“Get out of here! This holy command you damn slaves! ”

“Hearing no, take Ben Saint away first!” Get out of this dangerous place! ”

It’s such a terrible battlefield.

There is also a group of ‘different’ figures.

In the port, the Dracos kicked the naked slave with their feet, as if to vent their anger.

But most of them could not hide the emotions on their faces that had never appeared before.

Fear, panic, and a deep sense of powerlessness to the unknown.

The Valley of the Gods is the ‘Holy Land’ inhabited from the legends of the Draco, the safest place in the world that no one dares to invade.

Now it has been completely transformed into a place of war between the two top powers on the sea.

Although only a short hour has passed.

But feel the trembling of the earth beneath your feet, the tremor of the sky, and the earth-shaking fighting and blood splashing.

It is difficult for ordinary people to feel it once in a lifetime.

Not to mention the Draco, who was born with a delicate and noble birth.

Coupled with the fact that Locks cut off the head of a Draco’s head with a knife, the rout of the ‘Draco Man’s strongest shield’ had made the Draco people in the Valley of the Gods completely panic and taste the despair called ‘death’.

Crazy wants to leave this place in the Valley of the Gods.


Before the Rox Pirates raided, Charlotte Lingling had already destroyed the harbor near the Valley of the Gods with a sword.

Those extravagant and impractical ships were basically completely scrapped.

The navy’s ships were large ships that needed dozens of people to control together, and the Draco currently had insufficient escorts to operate.

Consider all of this.

Now some Draco people were eager to let in more untouchables from the Valley of the Gods.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be where it is now.

Of course, although the war is gradually becoming white-hot at present.

The steel bone air is good in not forgetting the first purpose of this navy.

That is to give priority to helping the Dracos evacuate.

Otherwise, according to the current progress of the war, the high-end combat strength of both sides will be fully invested, and the place of the Valley of the Gods will not be able to hold up sooner or later, and it will fall apart.

When the time comes, there will be no need for the Locks Pirates to do it.

All the Draco people who remained on it were estimated to be directly dead first.

After all, the Dracobo people do not have such tenacious vitality, and they can shout for half a day with a fall, let alone expect this group of people to learn the difficult ‘skill’ of swimming.

A warship led by a lieutenant general headed for port.

The person who leads the tour is not someone else.

It was Sengoku and Tsuru who did not enter the battle.

As lieutenant generals, the two men did not intend to participate in the battle.

Instead, they had a more important task, which was to take away this group of Draco.

“Warring States, this kind of task is really not suitable for me.”

On the deck, the crane watched the rest of his life, and after boarding the ship safely, he immediately revealed the original arrogant Tianlong, and the crane sighed.

The Warring States did not say much.

The various demands of the Draco people behind them simply ignored them.

Some demanded a bath at once, to use the purest water, and still others ordered the navy not to sail first, and they wanted to watch the Rox Pirates collapse, and so on.

The heart of the Warring States is clear.

It’s good to be able to save your life.

Also ask for this and that.


Sengoku saw that most of the dragon people had ‘safely boarded the ship’, and he chose to ignore the individual Dracos with ‘pets’.

Pulled out a contact bone empty phone worm.





“Marshal, the mission has been completed, and all the Dracos have basically left the Valley of the Gods.”

The Valley of the Gods is a clearing.

Steelbone Empty punches and Locks constantly fights.

The sudden sound of the telephone bug in his arms couldn’t help but make Locks and Steel Bone stunned.

Locks heard the words, his face darkened, and subconsciously looked at the sea in the distance.

With a fierce glint in his eye, he quickly swept toward the battlefield to see Bundy Wald repel a major admiral.

Locks did not hesitate to order.

“Bundy Wald! Use your abilities to sink the ship full of Dracos in the distance! Immediately! ”

His plan had been in the works for so many years, and now he was once again putting all the fighting power of the Locks Pirates into it.

How could Locks have watched the ‘target’ run away from under his nose.

The steel bone and empty face changed.



The dark energy in Locks’s hand surged out, and the armor color flashed scarlet light, and it slammed into the steel bone sky.

The steel bone and empty pupils froze, and they could only resist and retreat.

The fierce light in Locks’s eyes flickered.

“Don’t be delusional about organizing, sooner or later the world government will be pulled off the altar by me, and what are a bunch of damn pigs doing with them?!” Hahaha, steel bone empty, although your strength is good, but in front of Lao Tzu, you must fight seriously! And also! ”

Locks watched as Bundy Wald pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the ship full of Dracos in the distance, and grinned

“Follow me in the feast of the beginning of a new world!” Hahaha! ”

The voice dropped.

In the distance, Bundy Wald unleashes the Demon Fruit ability.

A shell with the speed of a gun and no less powerful than a naval battle instantly flew out at the warship where Sengoku and Tsuru were located.

It was extremely fast, flying over countless fighting navies and pirates, and there was no time to stop it.

The steel bone empty face darkened, and the secret passage was ‘not good’.

But at this very moment.


This is the steel bone air coming to support several large warships on the deck.

A slash flew out suddenly!

Seeing that Bundy Wald’s shells were about to destroy the warship full of Draco.

The slash is like a lone light tearing through the sea, directly splitting it in two!

The sound of violent explosions mixed with smoke exploded, and the sky shook.

This kind of movement can’t help but make countless people who are fiercely fighting subconsciously look at it.

Next second.

Most of the cadres on the side of the Locks Pirates frowned.

The pirates under the Rox Pirate Regiment who were fighting with the Navy suddenly found that the Navy spirit in front of them was once again in a burst!


On the decks of those large warships.

Several figures reappeared.

Although the clothes on his body are not the general’s clothes, the breath emitted by his body is not worse than that of the admiral who is fighting with the golden lion and others!

“That’s … Mr. Former Admiral! “、

“And the great man who has served the world government and become the marshal of the world government!”

“Hahaha, kill this group of hateful pirates!” They will surely fail! ”

On the battlefield of the Valley of the Gods, the pirates could not recognize those figures, but the navy was very clear.

Former Admiral!

Although there is one more preface, the meaning of the next four words is added.

It speaks for itself!

Although he is a former admiral, it is the ‘highest combat strength’ of the former navy!

In this world where strength does not decline simply because of age.

This means that the Navy’s side has once again three more general-level combat strength!

If you add in the Roger Pirates before you, the skies of this war have tilted toward the Navy.

Then there are three more admirals.

The current situation is the overall leadership of the Navy government over the Rox Pirates!

“Former naval combat power … Really. ”

In front of the steel bone, Rox’s crazy face showed a touch of solemnity.

Seemingly furious, Locks’s fist slammed into the distant sea deck.

“One by one! It’s all a bunch of retired old stuff! They even came to stop me! Let’s all die! ”

Three general-level combat strength.

Locks had anger on his face, but it was clear in his heart that the Navy was not a fool and had been prepared.

At the beginning, he didn’t show all his combat strength, just to wait for the Draco to leave.

Now the Dracos are leaving

The Navy can completely wipe out the Locks Pirate without any scruples!

And three general-level combat forces joined.

One side of the Rox Pirates.

Ordinary members of the Rox Pirate Regiment heard the cheers of the Navy’s morale.

A look of despair appeared on his face.

Now all the high-end combat power of the Locks Pirate Regiment has been fully sold.

Whether it’s Locks.

Edward Newgate.

Golden Lion ‘Shiki’.

Charlotte Lingling.

Bundy Wald.

Wang Zhi and so on.

They are already controlled by opponents.

Now that the Navy seems to have fully invested in combat strength, there have been three general-level combat strengths…

How desperate is this for the ordinary members of the Rox Pirates?

“Damn it… This time it is not good, it is going to be planted. ”

Not far away, Wang Zhi forced Jaba back with a knife, and without waiting for Kaido to speak, Wang Zhi felt the three general-level breaths, and his face showed an ugly look.

“The Navy… There is such strength, damn, forgot to count this group of old guys. ”

The main ship of the Rox Pirates.

A short man in the shape of a chef had a hard face.

I couldn’t help but look at Charlotte Lingling, who was fiercely fighting with Reilly in the distance.

The head chef murmured:

“Locks is smart, but the people in the Navy aren’t stupid either… Even the Marshal General of the World Government has appeared, this is to hold the idea of completely destroying the Locks Pirate Regiment, originally if Locks can succeed, I and Lingling can still mix a good position, but now, I still look for an opportunity to let Lingling take me to slip along, the Navy lineup, Locks simply can’t win ah. ”

As he spoke, the head chef shrank his head.

He was one of the original members of the bigmom pirate group that would later be formed, Long Bread.

He is also the leader who took Charlotte Lingling on the road of the Shanghai thief.

Today’s bread, of course, is a member of the Rox Pirates.

Position and future have not changed, is the head chef.

After all, he was not good at fighting with his own Demon Fruit ability, so most of the time he was giving Charlotte Lingling advice.

And when the idea came up with long bread.

After some pirates in the Locks Pirate Regiment were desperate, there were many pirates who came up with this thought, or there were many pirates who had such thoughts.

After all, the Locks Pirate Regiment is a pirate regiment formed by profit and strength.

The crew did not have any sense of belonging to the Locks Pirates, which had been in the limelight in the past.

No one dared to provoke, and they were happy to follow behind to burn and loot.

But now we are faced with this ‘desperate situation’.

The Locks Pirates, which had no cohesion, immediately showed the biggest drawbacks.

People are not in harmony!


With the emergence of the new three generals, the war situation of the Rox Pirate Regiment fell into a disadvantage.

With the beginning of the unevenness of people’s hearts, the fight between the Locks Pirate Regiment and the Navy immediately began to be one-sided, and no one had the heart to fight with all their strength, and only had the idea of saving their lives and escaping.

I believe that according to this progress, as long as there are no accidents.

The Locks Pirates are not to mention subverting the world government, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely destroyed!

Of course.

This premise has already been said.

It is a ‘no accident’ situation.

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