Chapter 49 Shock! What is the difference between this and discounting the world government’s ‘own son’ in front of his face and stepping on a few feet?.

The scorching heat swept across the sea on the east side of the Valley of the Gods.

Scalding lava emerged from Luo Xiu’s right arm, and with his fist, it almost exploded like a volcano. Compared to the original range.

Right now. Rossieu’s “Great Spitfire”.

Standing in the perspective of the Warring States and the Draco people, it was like the silhouette of a “fist” in the area of a mountain suddenly appeared, and the terrible orange-red lava volcano wrapped in flames erupted! The scalding lava has not yet arrived, and the heat wave has crossed the border like a fierce wind.

The air was twisted, scorched, and trembling because of the searing heat. Thenceforth.

Vaguely, a group of Dracos on the warship could be heard panicking, fleeing in all directions, making extremely frightened sounds. Although the Warring States reacted, scolded secretly, and stepped forward, countless golden radiances appeared on their bodies.

This is a golden Buddha suddenly appearing, standing on the deck, shaking his fist, and releasing an invisible shock wave with full force to try to stop the “power of volcanic eruption”.

However. At the moment of contact.

Feel the power of nature that is worthy of the three most terrifying natural disasters. Sengoku’s face changed instantly.

“Blocking… Can’t! ”

An invisible shock wave touches mountain lava released in the form of a volcanic eruption. Don’t say you want to stop it.

He couldn’t even pause for a moment!

“This, how is it possible?! Not good! ”

A mouthful of blood spurted from Sengoku’s mouth.

Watch the mountain-sized lava erupt and explode head-on!

Or the other figure behind the discoloration, the eyes are fast, directly pulling the Warring States apart. However.

The result of this was that the warship carrying the Dracobo on the Valley of the Gods at the foot of the Warring States was not so lucky. Let the Dracobo terrified, the ghosts cried and howled, panicked and fled, kicking and numbing the slaves to vent.

They were powerless to stop the Great Spitfire before it arrived, and it was already like a mountain of fiery lava that was crossed by a hot wind! Above!


with a bang.

A violent explosion appeared.

The rolling sound swept across the sea on the east side of the Valley of the Gods. The sound and movement seemed to destroy the world.

The sound of the sky and the scorching heat wave traveled so far that almost everyone felt a hot wind blowing across the sea! This sudden change…

I couldn’t help but attract the hearts of the entire Valley of the Gods battlefield. Next second.

Whether it’s the pirates of the Rox Pirates, the cadres.

The Navy, or the Navy’s high-end combat strength, marshals, steel bones and air and so on. When you see the direction of the warship carrying the Draco.

Everyone’s pupils shrank sharply, their faces changed suddenly, and their eyes almost stared out. Only to see the blue sea on the east side of the Valley of the Gods.

Flames filled the sky, and the hot orange-red lava could not dissipate for a long time. And in the position of the warship that originally carried the Dracobo on the Valley of the Gods.

It was a boiling sea!

As far as the eye could see, there was a humanized ash and the melting wreckage of a warship scattered. Smoke billowing!

At a glance, even “no eyes” can be convinced. It doesn’t matter who is on the ship or what kind of big man it is.

In the face of that tragic situation at sea, the people above were absolutely all dead and could not die again!!!

“So, that’s Li?!”

“It’s impossible!”

“What’s going on?! Is that… The ship on which the Dracos retreated?! ”

“What the hell is going on there?!” Who did it?! ”

“Is it the Locks Pirates?!”

“Or some other force?!” Damn it! Crazy?! ”

In the Valley of the Gods War, countless people on the Navy side changed color in unison.

Whether it was a major general, a lieutenant general, or even a senior general, his heart trembled violently. Ask.

What is the purpose of the Navy this time? Destroy the Locks Pirates? Right.

Otherwise, the naval government would not even send out marshals, and even secretly dispatched the forces of the world government and the former generals! However.

This war is fought from start to finish!

Top priority purpose! It’s Draco!

The Rox Pirates launched this attack against the Dracos in the Valley of the Gods. The Navy is on such a scale.

The purpose is also the Draco.

It’s just that compared to Locks’s heartbreak.

The purpose of the Navy is to give priority to protecting the Dracobo evacuation!

The second is to completely bury the “turtle in the urn” of the Locks Pirate Regiment! If something happens to the Dracos in the Valley of the Gods.

Then even if the naval government and the world completely wipe out the Locks Pirates. This naval government action is also equivalent to a complete failure!

Even, there will be the thunder wrath of the world government! And right now.

In the Valley of the Gods, the Locks Pirates have now been defeated, and the war has gone from white-hot to final. Apparently no one thought of it.

The warship that was supposed to be moving with the Draco. Something went wrong!!!

And this one happened.

The Navy didn’t even have time to stop!!!

“Hahaha! Is that? Draco?! ”

“Navy! Look with your eyes wide open, the group of pigs and dogs you want to protect don’t seem to have succeeded! ”

On the Valley of the Gods.

Locks unleashed dark energy unscrupulously.

Seeing the destroyed warship in the distance, he was stunned at first, and then Locks laughed viciously. Take advantage of the three opponents in front of you to be stunned.

Locks clearly wouldn’t let that opportunity go by. The armed color domineering spirit emerged, and the red glow flashed.

Locks saw the opportunity and slammed into a person in an instant. The situation changed again in an instant!

Steelbone Void turned back, his face gloomy, furious, and wanted to attack Locks. Locks is not an idiot.

Hurriedly step back and pull away. Locks did not forget to mock.

“Steel Bone Empty, do you still have the heart to pay attention to Lao Tzu?!” It is not Lao Tzu who uses his hands, use his brain! Look at the way you look, that’s not your arrangement, right? ”



The steel bone and empty face suddenly sank again. Meanwhile.

“Hey, hey, hey… This is no joke. ”

Jaba looked at the stunned eyes of Wang Zhi and Kaido in front of him, and noticed the destruction of the warship on the east side of the sea, and Jabba felt a rush of blood.

After all.

That’s Draco…

Good villains are world aristocrats, not an exaggeration. That is the “heart meat” of the world government.

The madman of Locks would end up surrounded by both the Navy and the World Government. Isn’t it because you want to move the Dracobo people here in the Valley of the Gods?


Who would have thought that at a time when this war was in full swing, there would be forces interfering.

Without even the slightest hesitation, he directly destroyed the evacuated Dracobo warships on the Valley of the Gods… To describe the words.

Which terrible man is this? Don’t forget.

There are people from the world government and the naval government. Almost all the high-level combat forces on both sides are fully mobilized.

But there are only Rox Pirates in the Valley of the Gods.

As a result, the ship full of Dracos was destroyed in front of these top naval and world government powers.

What is the difference between this and throwing the world government’s “pro-son” 0.0 on the ground in front of the world, discounting his whole body, and stomping on a few feet?

This idea.

It’s not just Jabba under Roger’s Pirates.

There are also countless members of the Locks Pirate who have turned up monstrous waves. Of course.

In these people.

The whitebeard beside Roger was first stunned, then surprised in his eyes, and finally turned into a touch of strangeness.

It’s like a heat wave passing through a fierce wind…

Billowing orange-red hot lava…

Whitebeard obviously saw from these things that the extremely bold man came. Who the hell is that!

The figure that blackmailed him for a few bottles of meat and wine couldn’t help but flicker in his mind. But I have to say….

Whitebeard watched as the thick smoke gradually dispersed, revealing his true face on the sea. Those wines, the “real value” that was blackmailed by Luo Xiu.

Although, Whitebeard didn’t expect that Luo Xiu, the fishing guy, would actually come to the Valley of the Gods to mix and get a hand.

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