Chapter 53 Battle! Do not lose to the armor color strength of the general level!.


The sound of breaking the air spontaneously sounded on the Valley of the Scorching Ruins of the Gods. The sound of the moon stepping on the air tearing is particularly clear.

When Steelbone Kong is determined to kill Locks here.

The general-level combat force sent by the World Government had a gloomy and angry face, and erupted with a powerful momentum, like two sharp arrows rushing towards Luo Xiu’s terrifying move that Luo Xiu had just unleashed.

Obviously in their eyes at the moment.

Rosie had already been considered by them to be a huge threat to the stability of the world government that was no more than Locks!

In addition, Luo Xiu was charged with killing almost all the Dracos in the Valley of the Gods. Then it would be absolutely impossible to let go of Luo Xiu!

If Rossius had been left unharmed, the war would have been a complete failure.

Not only did the navy lose the strength that would take years to recover, but it also had to build on the prestige of the world government that had been gathered in the eight hundred years since its establishment!

This is an absolutely unacceptable situation for them from the world government! Therefore.

They turned their target to Rosie for the first time!

Whether it is Locks, a “madman” who is trying to subvert the world government.

Or the Roger Pirates, who were predicted by the Navy to threaten soon to be invincible to the Rox Pirates.

Or maybe this man who is now a greater threat to the future of the world government than Locks! Now that things have happened, there is no way to get it back.

Then the world government and the naval government will certainly do their best to completely snuff out these “evil flames” in this Valley of the Gods War!


Luo Xiu looked at the two figures that rushed in anger one after another.

One of them was tall, with bulging muscle blocks, releasing a powerful breath to take a step ahead, and the armed color domineering qi covered his arms and slammed into himself.

Luo Xiu’s face did not show panic, and he noticed another enemy who dared to come after him. Luo Xiu raised his head, and a hint of war flashed in his eyes.

“If it’s thinking I’m in a weak state… It’s too much to look down on people. ”

Witness the domineering fist covering the pitch-black armed color.

There was no panic in Luo Xiu’s eyes.

Also raise your arms, clench your fists, and arm them with domineering covers. Shoot straight at each other and blast out!

“Ahem! Don’t use the Demon Fruit ability?! It seems that the pirates are indeed a bunch of evil and arrogant guys! Go to hell! ”

Seeing that Luo Xiu did not release the Demon Fruit ability.

This general-level warrior from the world government was dismissive. I was convinced of one thing.

Weak period! That’s right!

That horrible move just now.

Even for those with natural abilities, the consumption is absolutely enormous. Therefore, Luo Xiu now had to choose to fight with armed colors! However.

He is from the world government of the world!

The cultivation of armed color domineering is not comparable to these “mud-legged people” of the sea sea thieves! Coupled with the appearance of Rosius’s age.

Want to touch him? Find Death!

There was a flash of hatred and murder in his eyes, and a fierce glint flashed.

This general-level combat strength arm muscle block condensed, the whole body was powerful, and the fist slammed in! Directly collide with Luo Xiu’s fist that unleashes the armed color domineering!


with a bang. Two figures collide together!

It is a huge sound and air waves that erupt at sea in an instant!


As far as the naked eye can see, the sea surface near Luo Xiu was instantly stirred up by the aftermath of the collision! Splash of water! Demonstrate the terrifying power of the collision between the two fists!


The face of this general-level combat strength did not continue to change. The collision of fists and fists of armed colors and armed colors of confrontation…

He expected that Luo Xiu’s armed color was directly broken, and the picture of tearing did not appear. Or maybe his fist directly knocked Luo Xiu back.

“To such an age is obviously a fledgling guy, a guy from, armed color senior”

The lesson. How he feels is…

His fist and armed color seemed to crash into one…

On the mountain! Motionless!

Whether it is the strength, or the quality of the armed color! No less than him!

“How is this possible?!”

The face of this world government general-level combat force could not help but change. Armed color domineering.

This is a power that can only be cultivated through nurture, similar to the flow of blood in the body.

Only by constantly deepening the storage amount of “blood”, with the cultivation of time, the strength of the armed color will become stronger and stronger.

To put it bluntly, the armed color belongs to the same as physical strength, which can be enhanced through exercise, and will also be consumed by strength. And even if it is the same armed color, there is a gap in the strength between them.

This is like a piece of steel forged with a thousand hammers, how can it be comparable to ordinary pig iron?

Whether it is toughness or strength, the two will be very different! The same is true of armed colors.


The things that he couldn’t understand came out like this.

At Rosius’s age, on the sea should have been the fledgling period of countless young people.

But it was inconceivable that Rosie could possess the power of the devastating Demon Fruit.

Generally speaking, those with Demon Fruit Ability will not help but be immersed in the strength of Demon Fruit Ability, and subconsciously will rely on ability, and the more powerful Demon Fruit Ability, the more this is here.

The strength of the armor color and physique will generally be much weaker than that of the physical strong. That’s where his confidence lies!


Rosie’s armed color?! With Luo Xiu’s apparent age, how exactly did he cultivate?

Even if you master the armed color domineering from birth, it is impossible to exaggerate it so much, right?

··· Ask for flowers…


That level of armed colors…

It was not at all inferior to the strength of his armed color domineering qi that he had cultivated for more than fifty years!!! How could this world government general accept this?

His pupils widened as he looked at Luo Xiu in front of him. He thought of a man! Golden Lion…

A sea thief with powerful demon fruit abilities and great sword powers. But, considering Rossius’s age… Monster!

The word popped up again from the bottom of my heart.

As a strong man born in the world government, he looked down on the pirate waste on the sea from the bottom of his heart.

But in the face of the Luo Xiu in front of him, for the first time, he had the idea of “absolutely not allowing himself to live”! Even if nothing just happened!

Teether. Make a decision in your mind. However. At this time.

The moon stepped on the air, erupting with a tearing roar.

Another general-level combat force figure, seeing the previous picture, his pupils froze.

At this moment, he was like a meteor falling from the sky, carrying a powerful impact.

Condensing the armed color on the fist, the dark armed color gradually changed, flashing a touch of scarlet.

“Get out of the way! I got it! ”

“This time, there is a kind of re-blocking!” Sin pirates! ”

The sound sounded, and the armed color attack containing the flowing scarlet streamer seemed to pounce on the beast and fall! This scene couldn’t help but make the eyes of the torn Valley of the Gods converge.

But Luo Xiu’s face was still the same as usual, and he couldn’t see the slightest shock.

In fact, Luo Xiu looked at the armed color that flashed scarlet light, thinking of a future kingdom of “carrying the fruit of moving ability”, and his heart was in passing.

“Sure enough…”

“Flowing Sakura” No, this kind of armed color skill is a rotten street skill for those top strong people, and only the people of Wano Kingdom are proud to be unique. ”


“Flowing Sakura… I’m curious now if I can penetrate the Nature Demon Fruit ability. ”

Witnessing the attack was less than twenty meters away.

Rosie ignored the admiral-level combat power of the previous attack.

This time, he did not use the same armed color, but at the moment when Luo Xiu’s thoughts came up.

A scorching heat immediately spread out, and in the face of the terrible heat, the face of the World Government General-level combat force that had previously attacked Luo Xiu instantly changed.

That level of temperature… There was also the lava that immediately appeared when Rosie looked up.

“Isn’t it…? No way? This guy doesn’t have anything to consume at all?! ”

A palpitating thought popped up.

He subconsciously looked at his companions.

Rosie’s voice rang out the moment he turned his head.

At the same time, there are terrible mountain-sized lava that erupts like a volcanic eruption!!! Rolling heat waves and lava sweep across the sea!

“Big Spitfire!”

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