Chapter 59 Even if you are desperate! Kill Rosie too! Monster!.


On the cold and bone-chilling west side, the white frost brought about by the sudden drop in temperature is visible to the naked eye, flowing in the air, constantly releasing and sweeping around.

Wherever the area covered by this biting cold, the entire sea area on the west side has become a blue ice layer that is tens of meters thick and deep, which can be seen in the hot summer weather, but there seems to be snow falling on it!

The scorching east side of the sea side.

It is occupied by endless flowing flame lava, and from time to time there are columns of lava fire coming out, and the terrible heat burns the air to the point of distortion, and the sea boils! It looks like turning the world into a scorching hell furnace!

And in the middle of these two extreme forces, centered on the battlefield sea of the Valley of the Gods, it seems to engulf the entire sea.

The encounter between the scorching lava and the bone-chilling ice is constantly causing violent white explosions, and the white water vapor it forms just separates the lava on both sides from the cold ice!

Right now.

Scorching lava.

Luo Xiu’s eyes crossed the water vapor not far away, staring at the strong old man standing in the cold climate zone of the sea. Rosie had already come to a conclusion, black smoke came from his right arm, and lava was released.

“It seems that there is no need to guess, this kind of power absolutely cannot belong to the scope of the wave that the Great Sword Hao can unleash.”

“Interesting… It’s a shame that the opponent isn’t Locks, but…”

Feel the bone-chilling air that can almost compete with the lava fruit of his awakening. Needless to say.

This world government is code-named “Owl” as the Commander-in-Chief of the Whole Army. Suspected to possess the ability to naturally freeze the fruit.

Presumably, the degree of development of the Demon Fruit would definitely not be under his current lava fruit. In other words.

This is an opponent worth Luo Xiu’s real full strength! The war in his eyes exploded, the lava under his feet tumbled, and the flames rose! The breath on Luo Xiu’s body gradually increased.

The right arm is burning with fire lava! In this moment.

A side with a cold climate at sea.

The stout old man with white hair stared at the scenery that did not lose to the frozen fruit in full bloom, and the other half of the sea was occupied by lava.

The “Owl” originally had an absolute look in his eyes and first revealed a touch of shock, and then his heart sank involuntarily, and his face gradually became solemn.

The Demon Fruit Ability of the Nature System.

In addition to having elementalization and being able to control incredible elemental powers.

There is also a relationship between the natural demon fruit and the superior, and restrained. Although the frozen fruit he possessed and the lava fruit of Rosie were at two extremes. But in a sense.

Extreme cold can freeze everything, forests, islands, seas, even lava volcanoes.

At the same time, volcanic erupting lava can melt everything with terrible heat, engulfing it and causing a catastrophe that destroys the world. Therefore, these two natural demon fruits, both of which are extremely powerful, can be said to be extremely rare mutual restraint relationships.

But that’s true.

The two demon fruits themselves are almost indistinguishable from strong or weak.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army of the current world government, he actually knew one thing very well after reading the picture book of the demon fruit of the world government.

The Demon Fruit is even on the same horizon.

However, depending on the degree of development of the Demon Fruit.

Even the demon fruit of the same level can show the power of “world difference”. And he was confident that he could take down Rossio, and that confidence stemmed from this.

He was a former admiral of the Navy.

It can be hailed as the most powerful general in the history of the Navy.

First, he possessed the world’s largest sword skill in the previous era! And the “First Generation Ghost Cher” whose saber stopped countless swordsmen on the sea!

Second, after he was promoted to admiral in 1446 in the Haiyuan calendar, he received a world government CP at the age of thirty-two. Demon Fruit sent by the Agency.

On the condition of that demon fruit, he was invited to be the next Marshal of the World Government. Ate that fruit.

And with the sword skills that were enough to subdue the original ghost.

At this point, the most powerful general in the history of the Navy was born. It’s worth mentioning.

He ate the frozen fruit of the natural lineage, thirty-eight years after 1484. Although his level of swordplay was no longer at its peak due to the increase of age.

But the demon fruit of itself had reached an astonishing level of familiarity.

Even his frozen fruit, decades before he became the commander-in-chief of the whole army of the world government, had already reached the point of “awakening”, and the more powerful the demon fruit, the more difficult it was to develop.

For example, it took a full decade from the time he obtained the frozen fruit to the time he developed it to the time he awakened. Therefore.

Even after seeing the terrible “meteor volcano” and lava fruit abilities released by Rossius…

The owl has never wavered.

After all, it had only been a year since Luo Xiu had made a name for himself on the sea. Coupled with the fact that Rosie is under twenty years old, how much can the lava fruit be developed?

Even the most gifted monsters.

It was impossible to develop the Demon Fruit to almost the same extent as him, right? This is the source of his original confidence!


After seeing that he was actually enough to fight the world of flame lava that released enough cold air.

The commander-in-chief of the World Government’s entire army had begun to realize a fact that shocked him at this moment. The lava fruit that Rosie possessed is most likely to have touched the threshold of the legend… Belong to the beginning of the truly strong! Demon Fruit Awakens!

The face is visible to the naked eye and becomes dignified.

It proves the inner turmoil of the world government’s all-army marshal. The presence of Rossius, coupled with his age today…

And the strength not to lose to the real top monsters… I am afraid that there is a great threat to the future of world government: It was even bigger than he had imagined!

Turning back to God, I felt the rising breath in Luo Xiu’s body.

The “Owl’s” face darkened.

The bone-chilling chill was released without reservation.

The original thought in my heart that had killed Luo Xiu here had changed.

If it is said that before it was necessary to kill Luo Xiu, a great threat to the future. So at the moment.

The World Government Marshal of the whole army, with his arms tightened, has made a decision in his heart that is enough to sensationalize the Navy Government and everyone in the World Government.

Even if…

He gave up his life this time!

We must also leave Luo Xiu, the “monster” that gathers all the evils in the world, in this war in the Valley of the Gods forever! After all.

Even if Rosie’s terrible talent is not taken into account. But there is a problem that has to be considered. He is now 70 years old.

How old is Rossius? Under twenty years of age!!!

Such a terrible power already possessed! Let such monsters leave this war!

The Marshal General of the World Government was already incomparably convinced.

Even if the two Rox Pirate Regiments combined, they are definitely far from such a group that is still growing!

The monsters that have not really stepped into the “peak period” of future power are a great threat to the world government in the future!!!。

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