Chapter 66 The End of the Valley of the Gods War!.

Torn apart on the Valley of the Gods.

Luo Xiu stepped on the hot flowing lava towards the battlefield of the Valley of the Scorching Gods that was torn apart. Whether it’s a vice admiral.

Or Bundy Wald.

Or the cranes and the Sengoku who were blocking the front. This moment.

Sensing Luo Xiu’s move, they couldn’t help but feel a huge invisible sense of oppression sprung up in their hearts, and their hearts shook violently. But the good thing is.

The location where Rosh and the Marshal General of the World Government fought was on the sea east side of the Valley of the Gods.

The few surviving admirals and others on the current battlefield of the Valley of the Gods from the “Meteor Volcano” are on the furthest north. Bundy Wald and Sengoku and others were also here, so they and Rosie were staggered.

And on the other hand.

Luo Xiu stepped into the torn valley of the scorching gods and didn’t care about them at all. Not far away, though.

Reilly and Whitebeard here.

Jabba looked at the young figure who was now like a demon god stepping on the Valley of the Gods from the lava sea, and the direction of progress… Jabba’s hands couldn’t help but hold a pair of double axes, turn his head to look at Reilly, and stammered, “Hey… Is it my delusion? Vice Captain Reilly?! That dangerous monster seems to be coming for us! ”

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Jabba’s forehead and slid down to the ground.


Reilly looked up and saw that Rosie was actually walking this way.

Reilly subconsciously placed his hand on the unsheathed saber around his waist, stood up, and his eyes under the lenses flashed a glint of light, and sighed: “It’s been a long time coming, this nervousness, Jaba, when was the last time we felt it?” ”

Jabba: “….”

Black lines appear on the forehead. The corners of Jabba’s mouth twitched.

“Vice Captain Reilly, that’s not a good feeling, and compared to the last time I confronted the Rox Pirates, the monster man that even the Marshal of the World Government can kill this time is obviously more dangerous!”

“Hahaha! That’s right, but…”

Reilly pressed his heart, put the hand on the saber back, turned his head to look at the white beard, and thoughtfully, “I don’t think that man will shoot us, so don’t be nervous.” ”


Jabba was stunned.

For a moment Jabba did not react to the meaning of Reilly’s words.

When Jabba turned his head to look at Luo Xiu again, he found that Luo Xiu was less than forty meters away from them not far away. Jabba couldn’t help but get up, block ahead, and even prepare for a big battle.

However. This time.

Rosie spoke, glancing at Reilly and the others, then at Whitebeard.

“Can you still move?” Newgate. ”


Jabba’s body stiffened in place. Newgate?

His eyes widened, and Jabba subconsciously turned back. Saw Whitebeard and Rosie say hello.

Jabba’s brain couldn’t help but feel a chill in his head, and a shock welled up. These two monsters no, no!

It should be said that Edward Newgate is the top monster in the Locks Pirate Regiment after Locks. And Rossius, who was almost the opposite of the Rox Pirates?

Do these two people really know each other? Relationship looks good?

So didn’t Rosie come here to kill Edward Newgate, who was a member of the Rox Pirates?

“Rest assured, this injury will not kill me.”

Whitebeard used his fingers to penetrate the chest from the back of the heart near the heart, and now it was wrapped in a sandcloth and was no longer in the position of the injury that was oozing blood, and then Whitebeard said with a strange face: “Speaking of which, you didn’t have any hand left just now…”

It tears apart the atmosphere, like the stars falling! Tear apart the clouds in the sky above, the flaming meteorites that occupy the entire sky. Have to say.

Even Whitebeard is afraid that he will have to remember the “meteor volcano” for the rest of his life. ”

Rosie didn’t care, smiled and said, “This is not to clean up some trouble, and with your strength, I believe that you can’t die, otherwise if you die there, you should give up the name Edward Newgate as soon as possible.” ”

Whitebeard: “…”

Touch it. Look at Rosie.

This is a “good reason”.

Subsequently, Whitebeard did not bother with this, propped up his body with a childish knife, and smiled: “Luo Xiu? So now are you going to? ”

Luo Xiu heard this, looked at the current battlefield of the Valley of Gods, and the flame lava on his body emerged, “Since you can still move, let’s end this war together, with your character, you won’t let people even straighten the bridge, right?” Some things, it is better to do it yourself. ”

Since Whitebeard had decided that after this war, he would leave the Rox Pirate Regiment completely. That being the case, there are some things, as a man, that naturally have to be solved by hand.

After all, he was not interested in turning Whitebeard, a son-taking demon, into his own men.

Whitebeard heard the words, followed Roxie’s gaze, and saw Roger and the others who fought with Locks, and he thought about it.

“Gollum…! You’re right, it’s time for this war to end. ”

Whitebeard stood up and grabbed the knife.

Jaba, who was with Roger Pirates, saw Whitebeard’s sudden rise and found that the sand cloth wrapped around Whitebeard’s chest seeped blood.

His face was shocked.

“Hey! Now is not the time to move freely! In case the wound cracks again…”

Jabba hadn’t finished speaking.

Reilly looked at Rosie at this time, and the light in his eyes flickered.

He stopped and said, “Don’t stop him, Jaba. ”


Jabba was shocked.

“But in that case…”

Reilly smiled and said, “There are some things that need to be broken by hand, and you don’t think that this war between the Locks Pirates and the Navy Government has killed too many people, and it is time to come to an end.” ”

Speaking of which, Reilly placed his hand on the saber around his waist.


Whitebeard turned his head and looked at Reilly unexpectedly. Immediately.

Whitebeard’s legs sank, and with a force, he was ready to jump up, turned his head to look at Luo Xiu, and said in a deep voice: “.. Thanks this time, Rosie. ”

“Nothing, don’t forget to bring out a few more bottles of your wine when the time comes.”

To solve the problem of Locks, who is now on the verge of extinction.

Rosie had no intention of fighting Locks at the moment. After all, it is better to take advantage of the danger of others.

And after a great battle with the World Government Marshal Owl, who is the Frozen Fruit Ability. Rosie was already convinced.

Not the peak state of Locks.

There is no value worth his shot at all.

And with all the deeds he has done in the Valley of the Gods now, it is estimated that he will kill Locks.

Tomorrow’s headlines in the Great Sea Newspapers will only be that XX Sea Thieves dare to kill the Valley of the Gods Draco, or that by the power of the world government, they will directly choose to erase the news about this Valley of the Gods War overnight, and it is not impossible.

Deceiving the whole world is not something that has not been done in the style of the world government, and the Valley of the Gods War does not seem to have taken advantage of either the Rox Pirates or the Navy and the World Government.

But apart from the fact that the Navy has really lost the most, it may take a few years to recuperate, and the world government alone is far from being broken.

Luo Xiu would not be proud of killing a strong man who had never heard of fame and an old bone, so he would arbitrarily judge the power of a world that had stood for less than eight hundred years.


All in all, regardless of the outcome.

Locks is now less important.

Although he had now completely torn apart the entire Valley of the Gods War, Rosie was perfectly capable of giving Locks a chance to live. But since Rox was already an enemy of Rossius.

That’s the thought.

Instead of waiting for an enemy to return to its full glory.

Today’s Luo Xiu prefers to be a witness to the end of an era. The era of Locks is destined to end in this Valley of the Gods War. is the enemy.

You should lie honestly in the dirt.

Never disturb each other with Rosie again.

“Gollum, good! Certain! ”

Whitebeard nodded without hesitation.

“That’s right.”


Rosie looked at the whitebeard who was about to jump out. He thought of someone he had almost forgotten himself. Marco.

“When this war is over, you should start forming your own pirate group, right?”


The whitebeard twisted his head and his eyes flickered.

“Gollum, huh?”

Luo Xiu shook his head directly and refused, “You should understand me, I don’t like to join other pirate groups, let alone be under people, but I did meet a crew member who is very suitable for you on the way to the Valley of the Gods…”

Hearing Rossius’s unhesitating refusal.

Whitebeard sighed in his heart.

If there is a powerful guy like Rosie who is willing to join… Although he also knew in his heart that this was impossible.

After all, whether it is the Golden Lion, Roger, or the Luo Xiu in front of you now, these people may have different personalities, but they all have their own courage, and they can never choose to live under others all the time.

For example, the ambitious cadres who did not hesitate to abandon Locks this time are the best proof. The pirate group that uses terror and interests to tie together is doomed to be unsustainable.

However, Whitebeard heard Rossieu’s words behind him.

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed with light, and he jumped up, and the voice came next.

“When this war is over, introduce it to me, Gollum.”

Rosie stood where he was, not caring about Jaba, who was staring wide-eyed next to him, and touched his chin. Luo Xiu’s mind flashed through the pineapple-headed teenager of the current era.

“It looks like things have happened, although this crew is still a little guy at the moment.”


Jabba: “..”


Although Rosie gives people the feeling of getting along and fighting is completely different from young.

But… How come this conversation between Rosie and Whitebeard just now always had a strong feeling that someone was being fooled? This?

He glanced at Luo Xiu, who looked as usual. Jaba’s eyelids jumped. Cough.

Should? Was it his delusion?.

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