Chapter 71 Luo Xiu is young and does not want to have a group of thousand sons and accidentally harvest ‘pure gold’.

The Valley of the Gods in the Scorched Black.

The sky was just getting dark.

What is blowing from the sea is not the refreshing coldness of the early morning. Instead, it was a scorching wind.

“Sizzle… Is this what a hangover feels like? ”

Luo Xiu opened his eyes, propped up his body, and rubbed his forehead.

In front of his eyes, this is sitting in front of the burning fire with a childish knife, and the white-bearded man laughs ridiculously and hands over a glass of water.

“Gollum la la la: Looking at the way you look, sure enough, it is the first time to experience it, how does it feel? ”

“I see you asked knowingly, Newgate.”

Luo Xiu drank the water and at the same time activated the lava fruit ability in the body, and the residual alcohol in the body evaporated all the residual alcohol in the body under the high temperature of elementalization.

Luo Xiu felt that his head was much clearer for an instant. Look up.

I saw that near the charcoal fire were all empty wine bottles, piled up like a hill, and the strong residual smell of the wine was still floating in the air.

It can well be imagined.

How much wine was drunk at the three-day feast.

Although Rosie was able to use the fruit ability to evaporate the effects of alcohol from the very beginning. But it was rare to experience the feeling of a banquet, and Rosie did not do that.

It turns out that no matter what the quality of the wine, as long as you drink enough, you can definitely get drunk. A hangover is not a good experience and will make people’s vigilance drop a lot.

Rosie shook his head secretly. Turning to look at Whitebeard: “Roger those guys are gone?” ”

Seeing and smelling the color released, there was no Roger Pirate and other people’s breath on the entire Valley of the Gods. Whitebeard nodded.

“Well, Roger those guys aren’t a bunch of guys who like to settle down.”

“It’s okay.”

There was no surprise in Rossius’s eyes.

After the disbandment of the Rox Pirates, the Golden Lion and these guys are ready to meet them

“The Great Times, the Coming. Naturally, the people of Roger’s Pirates would not fall behind. ”

“That’s right.”

Whitebeard suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone sank, saying

“Before the Roger guy left, he said that if he had the same purpose, the next time they met, they might be the enemy.”

“The enemy? Interesting. ”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth curved and looked in the direction of the sea. Some guys in this world are really funny.


Looking at the injury, drinking actually did not have too much white beard in this banquet. Completely awake, Rosie stood up.

Look down at the Valley of the Gods at your feet.

“Newgate, we should go our separate ways, but this time thank you, stay here.”

Whitebeard drank the least at this banquet due to his injuries.

The whole banquet was counted as Whitebeard and almost no drunkenness.

After Roger’s Pirates had all left, he was still sitting here, apparently waiting for him to end the bad experience of the hangover.

“Nothing, if you really want to thank you, Gollah, you might as well join my pirate group, Rosie.”

Whitebeard half-jokingly said, “You know that’s impossible, I’m a person who doesn’t like that way of life.” ”

“Even if you were to be the captain?”

Whitebeard suddenly quipped.


Rosie refused without any hesitation. Collect the white beard as a crew member to be precise, a future son of the Crazy Demon Four Emperors as a subordinate… I have to say that the picture is surprisingly weird.

So the first time Rosie vetoed it.

Not to mention that Luo Xiu was young, and with his charm, it was uncertain how many beautiful women would throw themselves into his arms after the sea. He didn’t want to inexplicably have a bunch of ‘sons’ so early in the future.

“Gollum, all right.”

Seeing that Luo Xiu did not hesitate, Whitebeard Ben did not hold out hope.

“By the way, where is the crew you want to introduce me?”

Rosie: “…”

Heard Whitebeard suddenly lift the crew.

Rossius’s mind flashed to Marco, a pineapple head who was now a little teenager. Luo Xiu touched the back of his head and was silent for a moment.

“I think. Should still be alive, right? ”

Because of this banquet that Roger suddenly initiated.

As a result, Rosie did not immediately inform Whitebeard of the island where Marco was dropped. Now three days have passed:

“I hope there are no beasts of prey on that island.” Thoughts silently arose in Luo Xiu’s heart. ”

Rosie then left the Valley of the Gods with a white beard.

Nameless island.

It’s not too far from the Valley of the Gods. The island is lush with vegetation and lush forests. The environment is not bad. Except that from time to time there are beasts roaring.

Whitebeard followed Rossio to the island and was dumbfounded.

“Are you sure… Is it here? Rossius? ”

The corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched slightly.

On the way there, he knew that

“Crew, now it’s a little ghost of about ten years old. He had just seen the release of the beast, and the number of beasts on this island was quite large. ”

Replaced by ordinary people here, it is estimated that staying for a while will feel a chilling shock. Three days of time.

Whitebeard had every reason to suspect that the crew ghost that Rosie was talking about might have become the prey of some beast. Rosie touched his nose.

Without saying much, it was enough to make Whitebeard can’t help but release the moving sight and smell. In an instant, the entire island is engulfed, and everything inside is unobstructed.

The next moment.

Find what you’re looking for.

There was a hint of surprise in Rosie’s eyes, and his tone revealed a smile, and he looked at the whitebeard and said, “Newgate, it seems that your luck is very good, no, this time you have to thank me a lot, that guy is not only alive, but also gained interesting abilities.” ”

“Ability? Referring to the Devil Fruit? Whitebeard was stunned. ”

For ability, the first thing he thought of was the Demon Fruit.

If he had eaten the Devil Fruit here, the little devil’s luck would have been very good. Suddenly.


A birdsong sounded from the forest on the island.

Later, it was a ten-year-old boy with his arms turned into flaming blue flame wings with three blue flame phoenix tail feathers on his back and hairstyles like pineapple heads.

“This is?!”

Whitebeard saw this vaguely familiar ability. His face changed slightly, and he shouted, “That admiral who was killed by the golden lion has the ability?!” ”

“Good value for money”

Rosie nodded.

“1 There is only one Demon Fruit.”

So when the current host dies, the Devil Fruit will be randomly reborn somewhere in the world. Admiral Ender of this era died.

“Then the immortal bird fruit he possesses will naturally be reborn in this world, and it seems that there are more than just some surviving guys who have good luck.”

Rosho had thought that Marko would acquire the ability at least eight years later.

Unexpectedly, by chance, he obtained this esper species demon fruit with powerful healing power early. In a way.

Marko’s luck was indeed good. Immediately.

Watch Marco fight a giant eagle beast.

Luo Xiu patted the shoulder of the whitebeard that he couldn’t touch at all, and turned around, “Well, a crew member with potential has been given to you, and I should go.” Whitebeard’s eyes moved. ”

“Next time we meet? Rosie smiled. ”

“Look at the luck, your hometown, and the impending turmoil on the sea, I think you will be very busy, I hope that when the time comes, they will not become enemies.”

“The enemy? The old man would rather fight the navy than be an enemy of a monster like you. Whitebeard was stunned, thinking of the unforgettable terrible natural disasters in the Valley of the Gods, and then jokingly touched his head. ”

Rosie smiled.

Without saying a word, he jumped up and landed on a simple boat.

“Okay, I remember, and next time don’t forget to prepare one more.”

Some wine, yes.

Rosie added deliberately, “Ask for good wine.” ”

“Gollum, definitely.”

Whitebeard’s eyes flickered, and then he threw a box.

“This is what Roger and those guys asked me to hand over to you, and this is found inside the wreckage of those Dracos who floated from the sea, and the other party is holding this thing deadly, although it has not been opened, but because you killed those Draco, we think it should be your booty.”


Luo Xiu’s eyes moved, and he took this small box at sea. Draco stuff?

Look at this almost completely sealed box. A hint of surprise flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes.

The lava fruit is activated and melts away the appearance. Open the box and meow a glance at the string.

Inside this stuff.

Luo Xiu revealed a rare surprise. It turned out to be ‘pure gold’.

Think of the effect of this thing.

“Interesting… Then I took it. ”


Rosie put pure gold in his pocket that could delay aging, and drove the boat to the sea outside the Valley of the Gods.

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