Chapter 74 “Natural Disaster” Rosho.


All over the world. Somewhere, somewhere.

When someone starts to see the last page of the Navy’s latest bounty, the collective can’t sit still. No matter how shocking the bounty of the monsters on the sea before them is.

But in the face of this bounty, their reaction is almost subconsciously shocked to get up! The pupils narrowed sharply, and the loss of voice cried out to show this one

“Special, the difference between the bounty order.”

Only to see the portrait above, the background is standing above the boiling sea flowing hot lava, on which stands a young figure with a half face in shadow, which clearly shows the handsome appearance and temperament of the young man.

However, when this bounty order was presented to everyone.

But the impression is not the profound appearance of youth, but an invisible oppressive temperament, just like the karmic fire demon that stepped out of hell! It’s breathtaking!

Immediately after that, the following figures even saw the latest bounty of those top monsters.

But still no one could remain calm anymore, almost instinctively getting up, his fingers trembling faintly, and he lost his voice: “This?! How can it be?! ”

“The reward above this is.”

“Ten billion Baileys?!”

“Am I not mistaken?”

“Or is everything I see now a dream?!”

“The world government went so far as to personally issue a bounty to a pirate. Crazy?! ”

“This is unprecedented in the history of pirates, right?!”

“And the world government.?! Surprisingly, a huge reward of ten billion Baileys was offered to the ‘Pirate Regiment of only one person!’ ”

“‘Hot Tiger’! No, it should be the man of the “natural disaster” now, and one person is worth ten billion Bailey?! ”


“Not only that!”

Someone saw the following conditions, and after a huge palpitation, he shouted: “There are two conditions that the world government is willing to attach!” ”

“Whether it is life or death, even a corpse, anyone who can kill that man, regardless of origin and power, can get it.”

The voice said that it almost became trembling, and there was a trance in his eyes that could not believe that this was a line of sight. In the urging of the people nearby, the speaker hardened his scalp and said in disbelief: “The world, the world government is willing to give.”

“Stay in Holy Land Mari Joy, qualification! Even, even… The world government will also promise a ‘within reach’

“All conditions included!”



As his voice fell, everyone in the bar couldn’t stop getting up, and their hearts were shaking.

If the amount of the previous reward made the scalps of everyone present tingle, it was impossible to believe it. Then the world government behind it has conditions.

It was like a bomb bursting in everyone’s ears. Yu Ming’s voice made it impossible for them to return to their senses.

At this moment, my heart and worldview felt an unprecedented shock of terror! It was as if before death, a cold breath of chamber breath rushed from the soles of his feet to the door of his head!

It can be seen that the ‘special’ bounty order gave them a shock. Meantime.

This scene.

It is also staged all over the world.

And through the Valley of the Gods event… The title of Luo Xiu has successfully changed from the eyes of the world.

‘The hot tiger, at the beginning of the spread and fermentation of the Valley of the Gods, the impact became ‘God Killers’ and ‘Enemies of the Gods’

‘Demons from Hell’ as well.”

‘Red Dragon’ and so on.”

But to say the most recognized title. The first impression is that the title ‘natural disaster’ is exactly what it means. Maybe Rosie was only one person.

This ‘unknown pirate group’ also has only one person. But this man.

But it is this great sea, which countless people can’t avoid in their eyes. The power of man.

It can be compared with the terrible disasters in nature that human beings cannot resist. Just like the ‘natural disaster’ walking on this sea!

One person.

It can be compared to the pirate regiment formed by the legendary monsters.

It has the terrifying power to make the world government and the naval government jealous!

It has the power to easily destroy any kingdom in the world!

After seeing the ‘Flame Meteorite’ descending from the Valley of the Gods, like the 5.7 rift clouds of the Doomsday, no one would doubt the demonic power that was like stepping out of the karmic fire hell.


Plus a bounty issued by the world government itself. Everyone thought of Rossius’s first impression.

It was Luo Xiu standing on the lava, countless flame meteorites tearing apart the atmosphere, like the picture of the end of the world! And so on.

I think of ‘natural disasters’!

Rosie, no doubt! It is the ‘natural disaster’ that has been walking on this sea in the coming era since the collapse of the Locks Pirate Regiment!

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