Chapter 76: The Abilities of the First Ghost Cher, White Swordplay?.

The first generation of ghosts.

Looking at the demon knife at his feet that would have been retrieved by the Five Old Stars in the future. Luo Xiu’s impression was not shallow.

After all, this is so far.

In the true sense of the word, he was able to withstand the lava fruit ability that he unleashed with all his might.

There is no sword that turns into molten iron in an instant, like an ordinary sword. But think about it too.

The first generation of ghosts was one of the supreme fast knives.

There are only 12 top knives in the world.

Among them, the white-bearded “Cong Yun Cut” can withstand the power released by the shock fruit without any change. It can be seen that the material of these twelve supreme knives is extraordinary.

Whether it is strength, toughness, endurance, it is far from the ordinary sword comparable.

“Unfortunately, my Lava Fruit ability attack power ranks first among all Demon Fruits, and I have no interest in becoming a swordsman.”

Looking at the demon knife that seemed to be ‘himself’ running at his feet, Luo Xiu touched it. However, Luo Xiu thought about it and still took it in his hand.

It wasn’t that Luo Xiu wanted to become a swordsman, but that Luo Xiu wanted to see the special abilities of the first generation of ghosts. The reason why the demon knife is called the demon knife.

It is because these demon knives have their own will. If the owner does not have enough ability to control.

Some demon knives will turn the user into a bloodthirsty madman, desperate for blood, and eventually die a tragic death in the madness. Some demon knives need to devour the user’s armed color domineering qi before use, otherwise it will swallow the user’s life force. Of course, if the amount of armed color domineering is not enough, the user will be directly sucked into a dry corpse!

In others, the demon knife will actively devour the user’s consciousness and try to control the user. For example, the ‘Seven Star Sword’ In short, the reason why the demon sword can be called a demon sword is that it is smelling on the sea. More or less illustrates the inability and horror of these demon knives.

And in these smelling demon knives. The first generation of ghosts.

As one of the only twelve works of the ‘Supreme Great Fast Sword’, it is recognized as the strongest demon sword. The will contained in this demon sword is definitely far from being comparable to that of ordinary demon knives.

“Maybe: It was no accident that you appeared in front of me, but that the master had just run over after he died, right? ”

I thought of the crazy Aquaman just now.

Luo Xiu thought about it and put his hand on the handle of the sword of the first ghost. Next second.

A huge creepy aura permeated from the first ghost. Although outsiders could not see the view in front of Luo Xiu’s eyes.

But since Luo Xiu grasped this ‘restless’ demon knife. The whole world in front of you turned blood red!

Immediately after that, this is the blood-colored world that is magnified and diffused with visible to the naked eye.

The scene changed, Luo Xiu opened his eyes, and he found himself standing on a mountain with no end in sight, composed of countless white bone cool heads!

The sun overhead has also turned red, and there is a juxtaposition of red moons! And.

The first ghost in his hand was not inserted on the deck, but at the highest point of this ‘mountain’.

At the same moment, the roar of the Endless Shura Demon in the blood-colored world came from all directions.

He told Luo Xiu that the white bone skeletons with no end in sight were all swordsmen who had used this demon sword before! Seeing this is an illusion that is enough to make anyone crazy.

Luo Xiu’s face did not show any fear. Long.

Rosie let out a word.


The voice dropped. The next moment.

Only to see the blood-colored world begin to appear like cracks in the glass breaking! Diffuse, spread! Then, ‘Boom’ just shatters!

The whole world seemed to return to calm again.

Rosie was still standing on the windless belt, still standing on the deck of the boat at his feet. It was as if what had just happened had never happened.


Most of the huge Neptune corpse had turned into white bone!

Luo Xiu looked at the demon knife on his hand like a living creature that would devour flesh and blood, emitting an inexplicable burst of demonic hot breath. Rosie thought back to the picture just now.

Looking at the burning breath of the first generation of ghosts in his hand, he thought about it.

“Has almost all the qualities of a demon knife. And the user will adjust the characteristics, but at the same time, all users will not end up with a good ending, no wonder it will be the strongest demon knife. ”

It is worth Rossio to go through the illusion just now.

Now he could clearly feel that he should be able to release the ‘slash’ with a single blow at his own hand, even if Luo Xiu himself had not cultivated any sword skills.

However, holding this sword, Luo Xiu’s own sword skill level would definitely not be inferior to any swordsman on the sea.

If Luo Xiu was willing, as long as the user holding this sword was strong enough, he could even directly perform a sword technique of the same level as the Great Sword Hao.

And those sword skills were naturally not Luo Xiu’s own sword skills.

“It was clearly one of the ‘abilities’ that belonged to the original ghosts.”

It can release the sword skills of successive users through the demon sword itself

Is this the truth of that swordplay? No wonder I felt that aside from the Demon Fruit ability, that level of swordplay always felt a little different from the previous Golden Lion. ”

Rosie recalled those ability slashes that came with frozen fruits and murmured. Undeniable.

The first generation of ghosts.

This knife is really strong.

Worthy of the strongest of all the demon knives in the pirate world.

At the same time, the cost is extremely serious, and it will also give users unimaginable power to ordinary people.

After all, it can be direct

“White prostitute, swordplay and the corresponding realm, even if you don’t know anything about swordplay, you can reach the level of swordplay that countless people have practiced for a lifetime and can’t reach in an instant.”

This alone is enough to drive countless swordsmen crazy.

However, this did not make Rosie arouse much interest. After all, Bai Yan’s swordplay was not Luo Xiu’s own true sword skill level. Moreover, the thing that Luo Xiu does not lack at present is ‘attack power’! But.

Looking at the demon knife in his hand, he thought of the change of will that this demon knife had just emitted.

Luo Xiu suddenly found that he seemed to have some eyebrows about how to solve the ‘will’ possessed by the lava fruit itself. Although it may be a little difficult to do in terms of method.


“If the level of awakening reaches 10… What really happened, it will make people look forward to it. ”

Luo Xiu casually threw this sword, which even if he knew it was a demon sword, would make countless swordsmen in the whole world blush into the debris behind it. Subsequently, Rosie made a bold move that would definitely shock others.

As a capable person, he took the initiative to extend a part of his body to the forbidden area that the capable person did not want to touch the most, the sea!

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