Chapter 85 Going to the Land of Peace, Two Purposes.

Of course.

Rosie this developed the Demon Fruit ability to 100.

At present, there is a slight difference between the present and the simple attributes expressed in a hundred percent. Through a long period of experimentation.

After Rosio succeeded in completely turning the lava fruit inside and out into his own shape. Luo Xiu discovered many secrets about the demon fruit.

Although he is not a genius scientist who can discover the ‘bloodline factor’.

But as a crosser, Rossio’s semi-speculation and personal experiments can still draw many conclusions. Among them, the demon fruit has inside


It is indeed directly related to the fear of the sea by those who are capable.

Or rather, the Demon Fruit is afraid of an ingredient contained in the sea that is close to the Sea Stone.

That ingredient will directly weaken the power of the demon fruit, thus affecting the ability to eat the demon fruit.

Therefore, when Rosio used the sea, it was like suppressing the will of the first ghost, completely eliminating the will in the lava fruit. Whether it is the effect of the sea, or the strong feeling of powerlessness that will appear when touching the sea.

All ushered in a sea change. Although there is still a slight effect.

But the impact has been minimal.

Although this is not excluded that Luo Xiu’s body and even soul are not people in the pirate world at all. But all in all.

03 The sea is a fatal threat to the ability of this weakness. Rosie was not worried.

Now, even if he went to war with the naval government and the world government and fell into the sea with his eyes closed, he did not worry about the pressure of the sea that frightened those who could do it.

And then.

The most surprising gain for Rossius.

Even the power of the lava fruit has room to continue to rise. Develop the power of the Demon Fruit to the limit.

That’s when it’s perfect.

Rosie discovered that the degree to which the Demon Fruit’s abilities were exerted began to depend on the strength of the Demonic Fruit itself.

That is to say, the stronger Luo Xiu’s own strength, the stronger the power that can be exerted to develop the perfect lava fruit. It’s like the previous lava fruit just gave Rosie the power to control the lava.

Now it became like Rossius himself was a moving volcano.

The power went from being able to manipulate lava to now being lava, the volcano itself.

Therefore, the stronger Luo Xiu’s strength, the stronger the lava fruit ability released would naturally be. This is naturally a good thing.

With Rossius’s current mastery of lava fruit.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can easily change the climate of any place permanently! Furthermore.

Rosie also deeply understood why the Demon Fruit had superiority. There is no weakest demon fruit, only the phrase developer who will not use it.

After Rosie developed the lava fruit to a perfect level. More and more think that it is a joke of netizens on the blue star.

Just as the degree to which the Demon Fruit is able to exert depends on the strength of the person who has the ability himself. The simplest example.

It is the lower level of lava fruit, which is also the burning fruit of the natural system.

As a crosser, Luo Xiu naturally knew that the temperature limit of fire in nature is very high. But this premise.

But a crucial factor was overlooked.

The power of the burnt fruit is the same as that of the lava fruit, which is to control a corresponding natural element. The power that lava fruit gives to Rosie is to control and be able to elementalize lava.

Burning fruit is naturally also a flame.

And the ordinary flame can be developed by you, the maximum temperature is hundreds of degrees, which can be seen from the flame temperature released by burning the fruit but cannot affect the surroundings.

If replaced by lava fruit, the high temperature released by the air alone will directly melt nearby. Moreover, even if the burned fruit really exists

“The potential for thousands of degrees of heat’.”

The capable person himself may not really be able to meet that need.

After all, it is as if everyone knows that the temperature of the flame burning on the surface of the sun is very terrible.

But how big is the volume of the sun in the sky? How much fuel is enough to supply that high temperature? If people improve their strength again, they can and themselves are not in the same

‘Magnitude’ of the Sun comparison? I am afraid that before the temperature is reached, the ‘physical strength’ used as a fuel will be exhausted first. ”

After all.

There is no question here that the Demon Fruit itself may have an upper limit.

The lava fruit is terrifying because it is the most powerful of all the demon fruits. The main reason for this is that the initial destructive power is far from being comparable to ordinary demon fruits. The heat of thousands of degrees, the destructive power.

Whether it is melting a human body or a weapon, it takes just a few seconds to suffice. There is hardly anything in the world that dares to withstand such an attack head-on!

Not to mention that usually the enemy is flesh and blood!

“It’s cool to be able to swim in the sea.”

Rosie popped his head, feeling a trivial weakening.

On such a hot summer day, it is indeed a rare enjoyment to soak in the hot spring and take a cold bath. The most important thing is that there is no one with that ability

“Feeling powerless.”

But it’s a good feeling.

But proper enjoyment is enough.

According to the current information of yesterday’s mother-in-law, the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment are going to the Kingdom of Peace.

“Thinking of this, Luo Xiu subconsciously thought of the ‘person with the ability to move fruits'”

Mitsuki Mita. To this person.

Rossius’s attitude was consistent. Appreciation does not come.

Especially the three generations of the Guangyue family.

Normal people who have a little brain, and the country of peace will not become what it will look like in the future. Therefore.

Rosie solved the problem of the weakness of the Demon Fruit. Planning to take a trip.


“Going the other side’s way? Leaving the other person with nowhere to go? ”

Such a thought came to my mind inexplicably.

The Hailou Stone Mine of the Land of Wano is indeed something attractive enough.

Immediately, Luo Xiu landed on the edge of Hydra Island like a fish coming out of the ice blue sea. But at this time.

In a jungle not far from the edge of Hydra Island, you can see a clear river. Many female warriors on Hydra Island happened to bathe here.

Under the hot summer day, at a glance, it is natural to have an unobstructed view. 847 and the other party saw that it was Rossius.

Unexpectedly, he did not shy away, but he looked at it very curiously, some said and laughed, and some bold people greeted Luo Xiu, shouting ‘Lord Luo Xiu is good, or something.’

Luo Xiu saw it, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, looking at the ‘scenery’ in the jungle not far away from the river, there was almost no cover, he touched it.

In this case, Rosie is not surprised.

Most of the women on Hydra Island have barely seen men. Male curiosity is reasonable.

Moreover, although Xia Qi’s original decision set off a great deal of discussion on Hydra Island. But the power of the Hydra Island Emperor was greater than Luo Xiu had imagined.

To say that it is the emperor is more inclined to blind faith’.

Moreover, the Hydra Pirate Regiment that left the Nine Snake Island in the name of Luo Xiu really improved the situation of the upper residents of Hydra Island.

Therefore, the attitude towards Luo Xiu, the nominal ‘owner’ of the Hydra Island territory, is naturally different. Of course, if replaced by a strange man who secretly landed on Hydra Island.

The attitude and treatment are very different. Thenceforth.

Rosie withdrew his gaze.

Sigh that this is life. Luo Xiu’s eyes sank.

It’s time to get down to business. This trip to the land of peace.

Yes, no, for at least two purposes.

First, Rosie is going to see Pluto! If it doesn’t work, just destroy it in situ! If you do it, you must do it, and this is the main purpose of Luo Xiu’s unhesitating hand.

If it can’t be used, then Rosius naturally won’t leave it to others.

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