Chapter 87; Destroying a kingdom or something is really troublesome.

“Now the misunderstanding between us can be solved, right?” An unknown island on the beach. ”

Luo Xiu touched it at this time.

On the side, this is located on the beach, with hands bound and backed by a large rock.

At first, the look on the face of the delicate facial features changed from resentment towards the ‘traffickers’, to shock, and finally to falling

“The traffickers’ hands, revealing panic and other mood shifts when the light moon.”

Although he was a crosser, Luo Xiu had already recognized the identity of the light and moon in front of him.

After all, the previously released See-Smell Domineering Qi felt any ‘human,being’ breath on the islands in this area.

Not long after he solved the trafficker, he encountered the mysterious light moon that appeared out of thin air, which had undoubtedly proved his identity. Superman, always fruit-capable.

At present, he knows that there is only one Demon Fruit Ability who has the ability to truly travel through time and space. Nature.

Although Luo Xiu recognized the identity of the light moon.

But this did not bring any ‘offers’ to the other party to dare to shoot at him.

Generally speaking, it is not the grave head grass that has been replaced for several generations. It is that he will never see Rosie again and disturb each other. However, considering the particularity of the demon fruit eaten during the light moon. And the other party has no malicious intent.

287 Luo Xiu had no choice but to let him reluctantly enjoy the treatment that Xia Qi had felt before.

First controlled, then explained, although it is a little simple and rough in the process. But just so as not to waste the time of everyone on both sides.

And the appearance of light and moon.

It was undoubtedly a surprise to Luo Xiu.

It made Rosie sigh that his luck had always been very good.

It was here that he could encounter the light and moon that came through time and space. According to Rossius’s memory.

This means that the vicinity should not be far from the country of peace.

After all, having a rough range is better than wasting time on the sea as a blind man looking for a reliable one.

“What the hell are you?!” The slave traders are not so powerful..! ”

Hikari struggled a few times, and found that Luo Xiu’s binding was unusually tight, and she didn’t even have the possibility of unleashing the Demon Fruit. I couldn’t help but become a little flustered, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared dead at the strange young man in front of me.

The time she used her ability to cross this time was too far away. It is not an exaggeration to say that people are unfamiliar with each other.

Unexpectedly, just after crossing into this era, I encountered the ship of the ‘human trafficker’. Human traffickers, this disgusting profession existed 800 years ago.

So the sight of Guangyue made her want to rescue those poor slaves. And then there is the scene that has just come to the present.

The rescue could not be achieved, and he ‘did not measure his own strength’ and also took it. Of course.

It’s not that she’s really weak.

From the fact that she carries a famous sword with her, it can be seen that she has the strength of a beautiful and ordinary sword hero. But in front of this young man. It’s so strong!

It’s outrageously strong.

Therefore, after the initial panic, finding that he could not get out, and forcibly calming down, Guangyue couldn’t help but have other ideas. Who the hell is this man?

If the slave traders on the sea were as powerful as the man in front of them. Then the era she traveled through time and space to this era is inevitably too amazing! It is difficult to hide the shock of the heart under a pair of beautiful eyes during the light and moon.

“I know what you’re thinking, but if you think of slave traders, I don’t think we’re going to communicate here right now.”

Luo Xiu saw the nervousness of the light moon in front of him, and seemed to be smiling.

When Hikari heard the emphasis on ‘communication’, the brush on his face turned white.

Obviously, even if she did not understand this era, she also understood some of the most basic knowledge between men and women. Fate that fell into the hands of slave traders, especially women, would never do anything good. But then, after a few glances, Luo Xiu didn’t have the idea of making fun of it anymore.

His second purpose in coming to the Kingdom of Peace this time.

In fact, it is also by the way to meet this ‘special, very exaggerated sex of the always fruit ability. After all, it is the ability of the Demon Fruit to truly travel through ‘time and space’.

Even if Luo Xiu knew that the Demon Fruit possessed all kinds of magical abilities, he couldn’t help but be surprised and curious. After all, this unique ability to touch time and space is placed on three blue star novels.

Definitely a top-level power system, and there is no one.

When Luo Xiu looked at Guangyue for a while, as if he was sure of something, he suddenly said, “You should know basic medical knowledge, right?” ”


Guangyue hesitated for a moment, biting her thin lip at the mysterious man of unknown origin in front of her and nodding.

Vaguely sure that the other party was not a slave trader, she could breathe a sigh of relief, and the current situation was clearly not doing any good to resist.

“That’s easy, do me a favor.”

Rosie pointed to the slave ship docked at sea.

There were quite a few girls from all over the world who had been captured by slave traders. The environment inside is naturally very poor.

These problems cannot be avoided.

Get out of here, find an island to put down, nature has nothing to do with him. But under his nose, Rosie still didn’t want anyone to die.

Of course.

By the way.

It is to first keep this capable person who eats the fruits of the time with him. Enough ability to travel through time and space.

Even if it wasn’t needed, Rosie didn’t intend to stay in the Kingdom of Peace like the King of Pluto. As for what the world will look like in the future.

What does this have to do with him as a traverser who wants to live quietly? As for the world government… Hmmm.

Last time at the Holy Land Mary Joy.

Although Rosie did not see ‘Im’, he basically saw the amazing hidden secrets of the world government. The strength is only a lot more than the naval combat power invested by the Valley of the Gods.

However, it is within the acceptable range of Rossius.

After all, in 800 years, with the tough style of the world government, if there is no more powerful bottom card, it is estimated that it will be overthrown by pirates on the sea or countries around the world.


Under this premise.

Luo Xiu naturally did not see that the world government still had room to continue to rise. The most critical.

“Except for one of the ancient weapons hidden in the Kingdom of Wano ‘Pluto’

This place in the country of Wano can be mined in large quantities of sea floor stones. Lost this source in the future.

In the future, the development of Hailoushi technology by the Navy Government is bound to be decades at night, or even more than ten years. After all, no matter how clever Punk is, it is useless to have nothing to develop in his hands, and it is impossible to make something out of nothing.

The so-called taking other people’s path, so that people have no way to go, is almost the same truth. Moreover, as a ‘sea thief’ who is jealous of the world government and the naval government, he went from the Valley of the Gods to the Mary Joya incident.

These years were once publicized as history

“The fiercest, ‘most evil’ pirate.”

How can Rosie not do the absolute point to repay the world government’s 10 billion Bailey sky-high reward? Of course, the premise of this.

Now I hope that this trip to the ‘Land of Peace, the trip to everyone’ can be friendly, some. Otherwise, Rosie himself would have a headache.

Treat friends, Rossius’s attitude is acceptable. If you can help by the way, just help.

But treat the enemy: Let’s be honest.

Destroying a kingdom or something, especially for a kingdom full of rivers, is really troublesome.

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