Chapter 94 Rossius Newgate, otherwise what do you think I came here to do?.

…. Rumble!



Time passes.

The poisonous midday sun gradually became softer. But.

An unnamed island beneath the violently churning clouds. The violent shaking never stopped. With a deafening crashing sound. This is the earth that is constantly cracking.

Invisible shocks crash together.

The wind pressure that then spilled from all directions stirred the sea near the island! Only above it.

“Gollum! Joyfully! ”

Whitebeard, who had been fighting for hours, did not see the slightest tiredness. The physical strength seems to be endless!

The knife swung and the figure exerted power, and the overlord color wrapped around it, followed closely behind.

The white cracks that filled the fruit of the shock were like glass being shattered, occupying the space ahead! Aim at the erupting lava force and pour out!

Shake violently on the island. Right now.

Compared to hours ago.

As far as the naked eye can see, this is a huge ravine and crack full of cracks!

It seems that it is already a look of danger and burden! And at the same time that Whitebeard once again unleashed a powerful move.

Luo Xiu’s state was still the same as before, without the slightest fatigue or physical exhaustion. After all, to their level of strength.

Just think about it, fighting for a few days and nights is not a problem at all. However, I saw that the hot lava was filled, and it suddenly collided with its ability to shock the fruit! Under huge strong pressure.

A terrifying scene happened!

The entire crumbling island is overwhelmed. ‘Boom! ‘One sound.

It turned out to be a huge wound that suddenly cracked from between Luo Xiu and Whitebeard! The whole nameless island that was originally not large!


This island, which will continue to stay in this sea according to normal times, has reached the limit of withstanding the aftermath of the battle! Looked at.

Luo Xiu, who was ready to continue to shoot, and Whitebeard were both physically eating at the same time. The two are facing each other.


Then rubbed the back of the head. Tacit understanding stopped.

“It seems that we can’t continue to make trouble, Newgate, otherwise this island can’t stand it.”

Luo Xiu sighed in his heart.

The battle is a tough one.

But the situation of the island under my feet, I am afraid that if I exert another force, it will completely sink. It wasn’t enough for the two of them to continue fighting.

“Gollum, all right.”

Whitebeard also felt the overwhelmed cry of sorrow from the island under his feet, and put down the knife in his hand. It represents the ears of the two men fighting fiercely for several hours.

The island at my feet could no longer afford to stop. And this scene.

Landed on the Moby Dick in the distance.

‘Diamond’ Joz and the others were already shocked to the point of numbness. Whether it’s Daddy.

Or the man who fought with Daddy.

The battle between the two is simply a ruin.

For hours, the aftermath of terror kept pounding into their hearts.

And even more frightening was the fact that neither of the two men fighting on the island looked tired at all, if not for their own eyes.

It was hard to imagine that the crumbling desert island, which had almost turned into a bare ground and covered with cracks, was the result of the aftermath of the battle between two human beings on it!

“Sure enough… That man is ‘Natural Disaster’ Rossius! ”

“Offered 10 billion baileys by the world government 8 years ago, the world’s most dangerous pirate exists.”

On the deck of the Mobydick, ‘Ice Witch,’ Di Huaibei murmured in shock.

Eight years have passed since the Valley of the Gods incident. Much of history has faded over time. However.

If you want to mention a person, many people in the world will not forget.

After all, that was the source of the dismantling of the Rox Pirates and the tearing apart of that war. Alone, he was personally rewarded by the world government at that time.

Up to 10 billion Bailey’s horrible amount! Add to that the conditions that come with it.

It is arguably the most feared bounty condition ever made on the sea.

But even such a generous bounty. In the past 8 years, the man has never heard of being in danger.

Obviously, there are only a few possibilities for this.

One is that those who dare to think about it are dead.

The second is that the man’s strength is strong enough to make any force in the world jealous. Either way.

It’s all enough speculation to make your scalp tingle. Marco stood at the front of the deck.

Look at the situation on the island not far away. The bottom of my heart is also shocked.

How strong Daddy’s strength really is, he has been very clear in the 8 years he has been with Whitebeard Daddy. But judging from the results of the two fighting.

Daddy didn’t have the upper hand at all. Thoughts welled up in Marko’s mind.

As everyone knows, to say that the most shocking person on the Moby Dick.

It is tantamount to the time of light and moon. Before seeing Luo Xiu really strike.

She had always thought that it was just ‘too careless’, even if Luo Xiu’s strength was strong, if she was given another chance, there might still be a possibility of resistance.

But I witnessed the earth-destroying power that could no longer be described by human beings. Hikari found that Luo Xiu’s attitude was really ‘very gentle’.

It’s not that she can be too weak in the strength of the sword. It’s that the man is really too strong.

Even if she had been serious, she would not have ended up with her hands tied up without any injuries.


With the various ideas of the people on the Moby Dick. Rosie and Whitebeard both looked at each other.

Although the bitter battle was halted because the island was overwhelmed. However, after a fight, it is just going to be fun. But because I can’t continue to do it.

The two silently returned to the Moby Dick. Then quite simply, keep drinking!

Pirate’s entertainment is that simple.

Fighting, banquets, drinking and beautiful women, probably the life of a pirate should have normally.

“Gollum, you guys, you really want to drink all my wine.”

On the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard took the initiative to open the banquet. The whole ship was drinking heavily. And then.

Whitebeard vaguely regretted it.

Because Luo Xiu this guy almost drank the inventory again.

Although there is no difference between victory and defeat, no one has to lose to the other party a vintage of fine wine. But this banquet consumed the reserve of wine for more than a dozen banquets in the future. Whitebeard was already foreseeable.

By the time they arrive at their next supply site, there will be a long run for days when they don’t have enough alcohol.

“Don’t worry, Newgate, anyway, the fight is not enough to enjoy, then naturally you can only get it back from the wine.”

Rosie smiled.

“And maybe the next time we meet, I don’t know when it will be, right?” Whitebeard was dumbfounded, unable to find a reason to refute it. ”


Whitebeard touched the back of his head and looked at Rosie.

Then he laughed and said, “Well, then again, that thing…?” ”

Whitebeard’s tone was slightly dull.

‘That thing’ 3.8 Rosie and Whitebeard knew it.

Refers to nature as one of the legendary ancient weapons with the power to destroy the world! The purpose of Luo Xiu’s appearance on the sea.

Although Whitebeard was not interested in ancient weapons, out of concern just like the friends of the Valley of the Gods, Whitebeard did not want to see any unexpected changes in Luo Xiu’s plan.

However, unexpectedly.

As Luo Xiu looked into the distance from the two men fighting, because it was in the state of ‘locked country’, he had no idea what was happening at the door and Luo Xiu spoke amazingly.

“Newgate, hasn’t that thing always been in front of us?”

“In front of you?”

The white-bearded man was stunned and followed Luo Xiu’s gaze. Looking at the waterfall in the distance, it turned out to be an island with a backward stream. Whitebeard was shocked.

“What?! Was that thing on that island? ”

Luo Xiu’s face was as usual, and he smiled mysteriously, “Newgate, otherwise what do you think I came here to do?” ”


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