Ying Shanren raised his face and sniffed the air, scratched the messy beard on his chin and smiled happily, and some traces of egg yolk could still be seen on his teeth.

The tone of voice sounded very strange, as if acting like a baby to a person. If this tone appeared on a child, it would be very normal, but when it appeared on such a person, it gave off an extremely weird feeling.



Wuma Youxiang subconsciously sensed something was wrong, and then her pupils shrank suddenly, because she saw the man in front of her reach into his pocket, and took out a black belt with scars all over it, and strange compound eyes on the front And the structure similar to the handle, then turned to look at her.

"You're the eviction squad in this city? So do you know where the... worms are?"

Deportation class?

Wuma Youxiang and other combatants found that they could not understand the words of the man who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, but when the other combatants asked Wuma Youxiang whether to use strong means to take him away, Wuma Youxiang Ma Youxiang showed serious eyes.

Belt, is this guy also a Kamen Rider?

Wuma Youxiang thought about this question, and then saw Ying Shanren put the belt on his waist very simply.

"I said, can you answer my question?"

It sounded like a questioning speech, but the tone of this word-by-word speech seemed extremely weird, and before they could respond, the other party spoke again:

"If I help you kill this bug, can you...can you tell me the whereabouts of the bug...?"

After speaking, Ying Shanren didn't even wait for Wuma Youxiang to give a response, and turned the red handle on the left side of the belt.

In the next moment, the green light on the belt, like the compound eyes of insects, lit up.


This scene made Wuma Youxiang's eyes widen, but just when she turned on the communicator to contact the countermeasure team...

"Amazon..." Jin Yingshan said softly.


【Blood and Wild! Wi-Wi-Wi Wild! 】

Dazzling flames burst out from Ying Shanren's body with the explosion, making him seem like a flaming torch, followed by scorching air waves, blowing away all the fighters around him out!

Just the movement when transforming, let Wuma Youxiang feel the powerful power of the other party!Even her ability to control the cold was suppressed!

Chapter 267 Blood and Wildness (2250 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)


When the camera on the combatant's helmet was connected to Ningwu's computer, he couldn't hold the water glass tightly in his hand, allowing the water inside to wet his pants and fall to the ground.

Kamen Rider...

Appeared again!

The dazzling red light made the picture captured by the camera extremely unclear, but even just looking at it, Ning Wu could feel the terrifying movement caused by the other party's transformation!Even the vegetation around him dried up and was ignited in a short moment, which is enough to prove how terrifying heat the other party released at the moment of transformation!

The opponent's body is burning, and the surrounding air is distorting due to the high temperature!Even Ning Wu, who was in the countermeasure team, seemed to feel suffocated at this moment!It even made him subconsciously take a few steps back.

If the previous Kamen Rider transformations were full of technological style, then this time...

It is extremely wild!

The flames dissipated, revealing the opponent's figure, and not only Ning Wu, but everyone who saw this scene froze in place.

Is this... Is this Kamen Rider too?

It can be said that the image of Takayama Jin after his transformation has greatly impacted their impression of Kamen Rider!

Layers of folded armor like some kind of biological cuticle covered his whole body. His chest was covered with silver armor like fish scales. There were various sharp protrusions and countless scars all over his body, as if he had experienced After countless terrifying battles, his hands, the back of his calves, and his back have fin-like black blades, making him look like a terrifying monster born purely for fighting.

For a moment, the entire countermeasure team fell into a deathly silence.

Such an appearance, even if it is a disaster, I am afraid no one will doubt it!


"Is this... really a Kamen Rider?" Wuma Youxiang looked at the red figure in front of her in disbelief.

In her heart, the image of Kamen Rider has long been a myth!

Whether it's the scene where the dragon pulls her out of despair, or the scene where the Kamen Rider like a racing driver protects Xiaoxuan, or Kagami Shino's choice of bravely rushing towards the monster even if he can't get Zecter's recognition, it's all in Wu Ma Youxiang was extremely impressed!

It is precisely because of this that Wuma Youxiang feels that she is not qualified to transform into a Kamen Rider!Because she felt unworthy!

She almost turned into a monster, and was manipulated by the monster!So she subconsciously rejected such a possibility!

But now Ying Shanren's appearance made her doubts.

Can this posture, which is almost indistinguishable from a monster, really become a hero in the minds of others?


Wuma Youxiang recalled Ying Shanren's appearance like a homeless man before, with worn clothes, messy and unkempt hair, and gray eyes that seemed to be blind.

She wondered what this middle-aged man had experienced.

Then, she saw Jin Yingshan move.

The red figure appeared in front of the calamity in the blink of an eye, and then slashed at the opponent with the blade on his arm.

Before that, even the heavy firepower on the back of the monster in front of him could barely tear off the horny layer. The armor was as fragile as paper in front of Ying Shanjin's blade, and was easily torn apart.

All of a sudden, blood splattered everywhere, dyeing Ying Shanren's body a darker red!

Accompanied by the painful roar of the monster, it turned around and came towards Ying Shanren.

In the hideous and terrifying mouthparts, there are barb-shaped sharp teeth the size of a normal person's palm constantly wriggling, as if intending to tear Ying Shanren's body into pieces.


Facing the giant mouth that was biting towards him, Ying Shanren did not dodge or dodge, but directly stretched out his arms to grab the opponent's upper and lower jaws.

The ground began to shatter continuously under the impact of this monster, but under this terrifying force, Jin Yingshan's knees did not even bend at all!

Disasters are roaring, but...

Jin Yingshan is also roaring!

A beast-like roar came from Ying Shanren's mouth, and the killing intent contained in it even scared the monsters who rushed towards him!

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