
He doesn't seem like a nice guy either.

If the magical girls were deceived by alien creatures, then Long and Wuma Youxiang were deceived by the objects they wanted to help!

The more guilty he felt, the more he liked the magical girl Madoka, and hoped that Long and Wuma Yuxiang could be saved in the end.


This seems impossible.

Jiang He didn't even dare to tell the story!

That guy...that guy named Guan Qing is here!

Jiang He didn't think that Guan Qing came here because he was interested in the infected body incident. It was probably because the plan had reached a critical point, so this guy came here.

In fact, he had already noticed that something was wrong with the dragon, but he didn't say it out, and he didn't follow the instructions to supervise the dragon and let her inject spiritual fluid regularly.

If he had just come to Guishi, he would have acted according to the order no matter how guilty he felt in his heart, but after seeing these magical girls being deceived and then going to fight and finally turned into witches, Jiang He found that he couldn't do anything .

Knowing that if this plan is successful, it will be beneficial to the whole world, but he still hesitated.

If possible, he hopes that he can replace one of the children to accept such a fate, but unfortunately he is not qualified, so he can only watch these children be deceived and become immortal.

And the first one to become like this is very likely to be a dragon.

"Is it luck or misfortune?" Jiang He looked at the ceiling and muttered to himself.

Originally, based on Dragon Girl's adaptability to spiritual power, the first one is definitely not her turn. There is a high probability that it will be the girl named Wuma Youxiang, but because she accidentally came into contact with Xingyun after she first came to this city Gas, and then the adaptability to spiritual power became excellent, which led to such a result.

"Encountering an adventure and then becoming excellent in aptitude, and at the same time obtaining a gold finger like the Kamen Rider system, this seems like the treatment of the protagonist in an online novel, but the result is completely different..."

Jiang He sighed.

Getting the Kamen Rider system, and then becoming the hero she dreamed of becoming, all this seems to be the template of the protagonist, but what awaits her is not flowers and cheers, but a dark abyss.

"Damn it! Why am I not a magical girl? If it were me, would it still be like this?" Jiang He said the words that have been popular in the forum recently as if mocking himself, but just as he was about to When he went back to rest, a distressed voice came from behind him.

"If you're a magical girl, then you'll have hot eyes."

Jiang He turned around subconsciously, and then saw Jon walking out of the gray smoke.

"Blood dive?" Jiang He was a little puzzled, as if he was a bit suspicious that Jon would come to him. Although he was the deputy team leader, he was a transparent figure in the countermeasure team. Then he quickly realized something and showed a sudden realization expression. .

"Did Team Leader Ning ask you to come to me?"


ps: Thanks for everyone's blades.

」∠*)_ _(??ω??

Chapter 328 Paradise Project

Jiang He was not at all surprised by Jon's arrival. After learning that Jon left Gui City and appeared in Mingguang City, he had already expected this to happen. This man should have noticed the dragon just like him. Something is wrong.

But how?

Jiang He found that he had no reason to stop.

Especially after the Pandora's Box and the Enigma system appeared, the countermeasure team did not dare to take action against this man before they figured out the real strength of the opponent.

Similarly, Jiang He was also very curious, wondering why Jon would do such a thing for the dragon.

The blood dive that appeared in Kamen Rider Build is still mysterious, making it unclear what his purpose is.

But it was precisely because of this that he felt the last glimmer of hope.

"You want to ask about the situation of the dragon." Jiang He sat in his seat and watched Jon.

"It seems that you have already expected that I will come." Jon raised his eyebrows and asked.

Jiang He didn't respond, but after confirming Jon's purpose, he leaned back on the chair and continued.

"It's actually nothing to tell you about this kind of thing. After all, as long as it reaches the critical point, someone will soon discover the abnormality."

"The critical point refers to the current state of the dragon?"

"Dragon's words are coming soon." Jiang He rubbed his forehead and said calmly: "Once it reaches the critical point, then she is no longer fit to live in the normal world."

"Will she die?"

"No, after the last procedure, she will evolve into a brand new state." Jiang He shook his head and said, "Once she evolves into this state, she can only rely on special devices to maintain her life."

This answer made Jon a little puzzled. He didn't think that the countermeasure team had gone to great lengths to cultivate people with special abilities such as dragons and Wuma Youxiang just to get some specimens.

He asked this question, and Jiang He had expected it.

"It's because they are too precious that I want to protect them like this." Jiang He sighed, and then gave an answer that surprised Jon.

"Once the dragon transforms into a brand new posture, as long as the device that maintains her life does not fail, she can live forever. You can understand it as another form of immortality. This is the final stage of the "Paradise" project. "

"But this way... well, I think I understand." Jon subconsciously wanted to say something, but halfway through the sentence, a sudden realization appeared on his face.

He probably understood what the countermeasure team did.

By turning the dragon's whole body into a spirit, and then using a special device to maintain her life, and then using the special nature of the spirit to make her inside the life support device, she can interfere with the outside world through spiritual power.

It was somewhat different from his previous conjecture, but it had to be said that this was a very genius idea. As long as it could succeed, as long as the human side could keep up with their spiritual power, they would be able to gain a steady stream of combat power.

"So what does the dragon have to lose?"


"Pain...taste...smell...only sight and hearing are left." Guan Qing directly talked to Long about this after she came to the countermeasure team the next day.

After knowing that Ning Wu and Xue Qian had met, Guan Qing knew that this plan could no longer be concealed, so he found the dragon girl who was still sleepy, and told the true face of the plan, because he knew , Long will definitely not refuse.

Then he continued under the surprised eyes of the dragon girl: "What you get in exchange is that you don't have to be afraid of the body injured in the battle. Even if you are defeated by a disaster, you can immediately re-manipulate the spiritual power to condense into a new energy body." , which is the ultimate purpose of the plan.”

"Will I die?" the dragon girl asked, not only the white part of her eyes, but also white marks appeared around her pupils.

"No, you will always be alive, able to appear on the scene as soon as a disaster occurs, and protect more people." Guan Qing smiled, and then briefly drew his vision on the paper.

"With the location of Longyou as the center, set up nodes and signal receiving devices in various areas of the city through special devices buried underground, then Longyou can appear in any area of ​​the city at any time, and the whole city will become your paradise."

The dragon girl stared blankly at the spider web-like pattern drawn by Guan Qing.

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