"Is the power of AgitΩ so attractive to you?"

Dou Zhen's voice was already tinged with sadness, he felt that these children didn't seem to understand his dedication.

Because he deprived AgitΩ of his power, he wanted to give the other party more power, because the children of this world felt that there was a spiritual gap between people and thought they were guilty, so he was going to give these children the ability to perceive the hearts of others Ability.

What he did was correct!

What the hell is going wrong?

Even the part of the energy separated from him has found the answer, why can't he find it?

"What do you want, child, if you want to find your own home, then I can help you too."

Facing Dou Zhen's words, Mon Yashi slowly stood up.

He could feel that his body had reached its limit, but this was definitely not a reason for him to retreat!

The three EVAs that wanted to help him had been restrained by Douzhen's power and couldn't move in mid-air, so they could only watch Kadoyashi staggeringly stand up.

"Why? Maybe it's because of stupidity..."

Monyashi drew the last knight card.

Behind this card is still a cloud of fog.

"Some people turned into black demons in order to protect the smiles on people's faces, and some people chose to rebel against the messengers of the gods in order to regain the destiny of mankind. Hey..."

Men Yashi looked up at Touma.

"The god that buffalo-like guy talks about is you, right?"

Although he asked such a question, Mon Yashi didn't expect to get an answer from Touma, but said calmly.

"And my idea is simple..."

The knight card spread out in the hands of Men Yashi in a fan shape, and then his eyes swept over the familiar faces.

With a snap, the knight cards were put away, and only one remained in Men Yashi's hand.

"That is to let everyone remember their stories! This is my purpose! Destroy everything! Connect everything! This is my mission as a "destroyer of the world", and then... Let them be born again in the destruction! "

At the same time as he said the words that made everyone stunned, Katoyashi turned the knight card in his hand to Touma, and tapped on the edge with his fingertips.

"You seem to be unable to seal the power of this card, so the answer is already obvious."

Insert the knight card!

[Kamen Ride! 】

While plugging it in, Monyashi turned around and said to Unit [-] who was restrained in mid-air.

"Shinji, remember the story of Evol well."

Drive, close!

[Evol! 】

The conduit carrying the red and blue energy unfolded again, and this time, people finally understood the purpose of Men Yashi.

Destroy everything, connect everything, and be born out of destruction!

But since everything has been destroyed, how to get new life in the destruction?


It's already obvious, isn't it?

There are some things that people have to accomplish even if they need to bet their own lives, such as saving the lives of their companions!


"How could I kill you, child." Dou Zhen sighed.

"Being unable to seal it doesn't mean you can touch me with this power."

In the next second, a torrent of black energy erupted from Douma's body, destroying the armor that was about to condense on Monyashi's body, and the whole process did not hurt his body at all!

The transformation failed, and the knight card inserted into the driver popped out, and even the driving card box on the waist fell to the ground because Katoyashi, whose body had reached its limit, fell to the ground.

At this moment, all he felt was despair!

But just when he stretched out his palm and wanted to grab the only knight card and control card box that could not be sealed by Douzhen, a palm picked them up before him.

"Although I don't know you, you have worked hard. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yusuke Godai."

Mon Yashi raised his head in disbelief, and then saw a familiar face with a signature smile on his face. He gave him a thumbs up, and then handed over the Knight card and control card box.

Who is this?

When people saw this man, who looked like a traveler, pick up the knight card and the driving card box, and handed them to Men Yashi, they were all stunned.

In fact, when they saw that EVA was restrained by Douma and couldn't move in mid-air, and even all the power of Men Yashi was sealed, they were ready to accept their fate.

In their eyes, there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

After all, Dou is not like Ikogen Hall, nor is it like SEELE who is ready to let everyone eliminate the wall of heart. Even if he really does not understand human beings as Ikari Shinji said, but this god is also using his own way. Love humans!

People felt that was enough, especially for someone who had experienced the second shock, it was already the best possible outcome.

But the will that Men Yashi showed at the end moved everyone. Anyone with a discerning eye could see the will to die that appeared on Men Yashi at that moment!

Destroy everything, connect everything, and finally bring everything back to life through your own death!

The will shown by Men Yashi makes people understand why they don't reject hearing what Men Yashi thinks in his heart like they exclude others, that is...

This man who chose to bear the title of "Destroyer of the World" in order to save his companions is absolutely trustworthy!

Because he is trustworthy, people can open their hearts to each other without hesitation!

The result is already obvious!

As Ikari Shinji said, the existence of the Wall of Heart is not decided by an independent individual, but by everyone!

They don't know whether their feelings at this moment can be conveyed to Men Yashi, but they hope that this man who is worthy of everyone's trust will stand up again!

Yusuke Five Dynasties thinks so too.

Even if he didn't know the embarrassing Menyashi in front of him, and he was only invited by Jon to come to this world, but he could see the other's will from the eyes of Menyashi.

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