At this moment, Ganqiao knew where the resonance between himself and Men Yashi was, because...

Just like Orfino, AgitΩ is also human!

"So... what matters is never power! It's the bond between me and Shoichi!"

Cracks continued to spread in the energy barrier, and as the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel, it was the gun of Cassius from Ikari Shinji's hand.

"Mr. Douzhen, human beings... can also grow, blindly doting will only make human beings stagnate."

Following Ikari Shinji's words, Unit [-], holding the gun representing the destiny of mankind, stabbed at the energy barrier in front of him.


Energy barrier, broken!

At the same time, the beliefs gathered in the No. [-] machine dyed the red gun of destiny into pure white, and together with the power of Men Yashi, everyone seemed to have come to a pure white world .

These "lights" that appear in their sight seem to represent the whole world, and anyone can see the best part of human beings in it!

If all human beings trust each other and open the walls of their hearts, then it will definitely be as beautiful as it is now, but...

Such a beautiful world is not obtained by relying on external forces, but by the efforts of everyone, like Ikari Shinji, Monyashi, and the knights who appeared later, they need to rely on their own efforts to create!

The attacks of Men Yashi and the others did not hurt Douma, because they were not enemies from the beginning, and the way they used to persuade each other was not strength, but their own beliefs!

"Light" engulfed Douma's location, and brought Douma into this world built with human beliefs.

Dou Zhen was not surprised, he just stretched out his palm and shook it in the air.

He liked this place, and subconsciously regarded it as a gift from these hard-working children.


"This is indeed a gift, and it is a gift of extraordinary significance. You must know that they broke the "heart wall" of this gift and sent it to Dou Zhen's heart. "

Jon also appeared in this world constructed by belief, and at the same time stretched out his palm.

In the next second, golden power began to appear in the pure white world, gathered in his hands, and then turned into a brand new evolutionary bottle with golden hexagons on the bottle.

However, the logo on the bottle is so dim that you can't see it unless you look carefully. It seems to be telling Jon that the power of this bottle is very weak. Even if you use the Evol driver to fully exert its power, you can tear it easily. degree of fragmentation.

AT Field!

Wall of Heart! "Light" is a bond that can be passed on continuously. From the moment Ikari Shinji opened the wall of his heart to everyone, this bond has connected everyone together, and then brought this belief to the third Central Tokyo.

If you just look at this world, everyone will think that this is heaven, but this is not a paradise that only exists in fantasy and mythology, but a paradise built by human beings themselves.

Maybe you can't do it now, but you can definitely do it in the future!

In Jon's eyes, this is the real human completion plan!

The newly obtained evolution bottle may not be strong, but to a certain extent, the weaker it is, the stronger a person is!

After putting away the evolution bottle, Jon looked at Douzhen again.

"So Doujin, what did you see in this gift?"

There is no point in fighting Douzhen, what is needed to convince the opponent is human faith.

Just like in the original trajectory, after seeing Tsugami Shouichi's spiritual world, Douzhen was persuaded by him with faith, Jon doesn't think this stronger medicine can't do it now.

However, unlike Toma's thought that he was betrayed by humans polluted by the "power of light" at the time, he still loves humans deeply now.

Dou Zhen didn't answer, but felt the world carefully.

In this world, he felt the gratitude of human beings to him, and also the recognition of people to Men Yashi.

"Important...isn't it the power of AgitΩ?"

Dou Zhen muttered to himself.

"Yeah, the important thing is not AgitΩ, it's just that Katoyashi's friend happens to be AgitΩ..." Jon replied, "Even if Tsugami Shoichi is an apostle, or those angels under Touma, Katoya Warriors will also choose to do the same, the important thing is never the identity of the other party, but the fetters between them."

"For this reason, even if you lose your own life, would you choose to do this?" Dou Zhen closed his eyes and asked.

"Yeah, some people's beliefs are so strong, so..." Jon handed the dark power gem that Douzhen's avatar gave him to Douzhen, "The other you are also proud of the will of these children .”

"I think...I see."

Doujin opened his eyes.

After he regained consciousness, he has been observing the human beings in his world, trying to find the answer he wants.

Now, he has found it.

At that time, he failed to prevent Promeus from granting the "power of light" to humans. This was his fault, not humans themselves.

Those human beings who have awakened into AgitΩ are themselves innocent. Perhaps some of them have lost control because they cannot control this power, but there are also individuals who the child, Monyashi, wants to save with his own life.

But even such a child would not say that all human beings should accept AgitΩ, but felt that it should be judged by all human beings.

It is enough for humans to be human.

But what exactly is... what is human?

Dou Zhen didn't choose to immediately absorb the memory of his other self, but browsed the power he stripped from Men Yashi.

In this kind of power, he saw the figure of Monyashi, and also saw the other Yusuke Godai, and he also saw the AgitΩ that Monyashi wanted to save—Shoichi Tsugami.

That world didn't exist in him, but it was closely connected with the world he was in.

Before this, Dou Zhen had never understood a human being so carefully.

The strength and will shown by Kato Yashi made him curious, curious about what kind of AgitΩ is worthy of Kato Yashi to do this for him.

Then Doo-jin finds himself finding a better answer that replaces the original one.

"If it's AgitΩ like this, I don't hate it."

As Dou Zhen's words fell, the power stripped out by him also dissipated and returned to Men Yashi.

Immediately afterwards, he set his sights on the gem of dark power in his hand.

Although he doesn't need this thing anymore, but inexplicably, he has an idea of ​​not admitting defeat.

He felt that the answer he found was the best, even if it was another self, it was impossible to be better than what he found.

After all, this child named Men Yashi was the most outstanding child he had ever seen.

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