Immediately afterwards, Xiaoxuan showed a suddenly realized expression.

"I remembered! I remembered why I thought this Kamen Rider was very familiar before!" Xiaoxuan waved her small fist and almost knocked over the dragon girl's water glass.

"A trainee teacher who looked exactly like him came to teach at the school last year, but left after staying for a semester!"

This answer stunned the dragon girl.

She didn't know whether it was Xiaoxuan's misremembering or a coincidence. After all, children's ideas are always unconstrained. Of course, it may also be a coincidence, just like in the world of Kamen Rider Amazons, there is a person who looks exactly like Wanzhanglong. Just an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, the dragon girl didn't care too much.

Because the next one can be busy!

The stories of the four worlds of Kamen Rider are presented in one go, so you must read them all in one go!

Ok!There is also a world called Evangelion!Although many episodes appeared at once, it didn't seem to be played to the end in one go.

Looks like it's going to be busy!

There are quite a few people who have this idea, and most of them choose to read the story of Kamen Rider Kabuto first, because the story of the Kamen Rider world has been presented to the most exciting stage before that.

But the more they looked, the heavier their hearts became.

Because Tiandao Zongji's parents were also killed by a race outside the earth, and Kusakabe Xu... was because his mother was pregnant at the time, and the child was born after being killed by the "zerg" and imitated.

She is not only a 'zerg', but also the younger sister of the head of heaven.

The Director of Heavenly Dao has never given up such hatred, and has always wanted to avenge his parents, but when he did it, he hesitated because he saw Kusakabe Xu.

Although the 'Zerg' who killed his parents died in the end, he was not the one who did it, and it also caused Kusakabe Xu to misunderstand that the owner of the knight belt killed her parents. did something wrong.

Even if it is proved in the end that it was not the zerg that killed the parents of Tiandao, but the protozoa that 'willing' to coexist peacefully with humans, but...

Are protozoa really peaceful?

By killing human beings, imitating them, and living in this world instead of their everything, is it really peaceful coexistence?

People don't think so, after all, their world has also experienced the destruction caused by protozoa.

Such a monster is completely different from Orfino and the previous "parasites"!They are pure monsters!

To humans, there is not much difference between zerg and protozoa!

Sure enough, in the end, the conspiracy of the protozoa was exposed!

Their so-called 'peaceful coexistence' with humans is to transform all humans into protozoa!It's exactly the same idea as the protozoa who infiltrated the high-level headquarters of the countermeasure team in this world!

Even the so-called Zecter system was developed by them to protect their fragile stages before moulting. They obviously have strict transformation requirements for humans, but as long as the user is a protozoa, they can directly transform.

People suddenly find it ridiculous.

Because in the world of Kamen Rider Kabuto, there are protozoa who pretend to want to coexist peacefully with humans, but want to transform all humans into the same kind, and there are protozoans who want to protect their sister who is a protozoa. The Chief of Heaven who was taken away by the Zecters.

There was also a Zerg, and became the Zerg King, but the purpose was to drag the Zerg race into hell, and finally died in the posture of a human being beside the butler.

Jindai Sword is Zerg, Kamen Rider Sasword, but most importantly...he is human!

At this moment, the impression he left on people was deeper than that of the ever-confident Director of the Heavenly Dao, as if any difficulty would be easily solved in front of him!

During the recent period, it can be said that students and office workers have the most inactive day, and the reasons are mostly the same, all in order to complete all the ending Kamen Rider stories.

As the Kamen Rider Kabuto who was completed first by the most people, the story of this world has left a deep impression on people, and let people know how much effort the knights made to find out the protozoa mixed in the high-level human beings.

Then there is Kamen Rider Kuuga and Kamen Rider 555.

For those who live in Xingxia City and have experienced the Orfino incident, Kamen Rider 555 is definitely a Kamen Rider story that they must read.

Perhaps it is because Qianqiao has already proved his will, and people are not surprised that Qianqiao turned out to be the wolf Orfino in the end.

Because Orfino is also human!

Even Orfino would drag his scarred body and risk his life to protect ordinary people!

Compared with other Kamen Rider worlds, Ganqiao's identity is very ordinary. Except for Kamen Rider Faiz and Wolf Orfino, he is just an ordinary employee who helps out in a friend's laundry shop. Apart from the characteristic that his tongue is afraid of being scalded, he and Others don't make any difference.

But Yuji Kiba had a complex expression after watching all this.

" this my original trajectory..."

Obviously as the person who most wanted Orfino and human beings to coexist peacefully, but in the end, fueled by various misunderstandings, it evolved into that result.

"It's like an AT force field..." A companion of Orfino couldn't help but interjected, and then he couldn't help but let out a big breath. There were still thick dark circles on his face, as if The appearance of staying up late.

After seeing Kiba Yuji's puzzled gaze, he explained: "The translation is probably the wall of the heart, because of the constant alienation from other people, resulting in some things that can be clearly explained in a few words. But in the end it wasn’t spoken out, and that led to bad results.”

"Wall of Heart?" Kiba Yuji muttered the word, "Looks like I have to check it out."

"However, that world seems a bit strange. It seems that it should have ended, but it hasn't ended, and it feels like there are many things that are unclear. I can only wait for a big hand to explain it."

Orfino, who told Kiba Yuji of the existence of the Heart Wall, let out another breath, then stood up to catch up on sleep, but before going to rest, he asked curiously again.

"Yuji, after watching your original trajectory, what do you think of Sogaya?"

"So Kaya..." Kiba Yuji recalled carefully, then shook his head, "I don't know."


Compared with Kamen Rider 555, the story of Kamen Rider Kuuga is much more shocking.

In this world, people saw the most brutal monsters.

The people in that world call the Gurangi unconfirmed life forms. They have wisdom, but they spend all their wisdom on obscure killing games.

For them, human beings are just tools for killing games!

And Five Dynasties Yusuke is fighting against such enemies!

Unlike other knights who have companions who are also Kamen Riders to help, Yusuke Godai can only rely on his friends who are ordinary people.

Kaoru Ichijo, a police officer in charge of investigating unidentified life forms, and Sakurako Sawatari, a researcher of ancient characters.

Kaoru is not a Kamen Rider, but it is precisely because of this that he brings the greatest touch to people.

As an ordinary person, he stands on the front line of fighting against unidentified life forms despite the danger!And when everyone else doubted the identity of Yusuke Godai, he bet his career to guarantee it!

This may be unbelievable in the eyes of Kaoru's colleagues, but such a choice clearly tells people the reason why Kaoru chose to take this path.

It is for the sense of justice in my heart!

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