"Tan Li Fighting God, are you interested in adding some other interesting factors to your game?" A black evolution bottle appeared in Jon's hand, with a white diamond-shaped gemstone logo on it.

"I think, if it is Tanli Fighting God, he must have already known that if it is jointly cultivated by Baosheng Yongmeng and Palade, then the talents obtained in the end will be stronger, right? And...Tanli Fighting God also wants to take revenge on his father, right?"

"Of course! I'm..." Tan Lidou covered his face intoxicated, "Tan Li Dou Shen."

Although he didn't understand what the examiner was going to do, how could he admit it as the fighting god of Tanli.


After retrieving the Kamen Rider Chronicle cassette, Rito's next plan will be to resurrect his father Tan Masamune, and then use the hands of Baosheng Yongmeng to train Parad, who was separated from his father, into a talented player , and then borrow the strength of the opponent.

This is the most important prerequisite for Tan Lidou to complete his plan.

The combined power of a genius game maker and a genius player.

It is precisely because of this that the Palad separated from Tan Zhengzong looks exactly the same as the Parad separated from Baosheng Yongmeng under the special cassette designed by Tan Lidou, and the existence of Baosheng Yongmeng is also very different. Not unfamiliar at all.

But this is unnecessary in Jon's eyes, he has a better way!

As for Tan Lidou's collaborators, it's easier to solve!

So shortly after...

"Are you sure? Tan Rito." Tan Rito's collaborator Yaotome Saiko straightened her crooked glasses with trembling palms after hearing Tan Rito's temporarily changed plan.

The reason why she chose to cooperate with Tan Lidou is to bring about changes in regenerative medicine and revive her father, but at this moment...

She felt like she was cooperating with a devil!

Is this... really something a human can do? !

After all, Tan Zhengzong is his father! !

"Hey hey hey ha ha ha ha ha! This is the price of offending Tan Li Fighting God!" Tan Lidou once again put on the posture of looking back, laughing triumphantly: "I can complete my plan and take revenge on Tan Li at the same time!" Authentic, this is a method that a person with the mind of a god can come up with."


This is really the devil!

Yaotome Saeko's body was trembling slightly, and she even covered her mouth in fear.

"Then...what's the reason? If you do this, Baosheng Yongmeng and the others...will definitely be suspicious."

She was so frightened that she wanted to vomit, but in the next second, Tan Lidou was already close to her ear, and whispered in that voice that seemed to come from hell.

"Let's just say... This is the follow-up treatment prepared in advance for Kamen Rider Chronicle players, isn't it enough? Although you are mediocre, such a simple thing can't be done, right?"

"I...I understand..." Yaotome Saiko swallowed subconsciously.

At this moment, she didn't even have any thought of resisting Tan Lidou.

"I do!"

"Hey ha ha ha ha ha——!"


Soon after, the Affiliated Hospital of Shengdu University.

When Hosei Eimu, Parad, and Asuka Kana opened the door and walked into the meeting room, they saw Yaotome Saiko sitting behind the desk. The color is a special game machine with one pink and one yellow.

"Yaotome Saeko, is there something important?"

Baosheng Yongmeng, who received the invitation from the beautiful doctor, subconsciously realized that this usually confident senior seemed to have just received some terrible shock, and he didn't even notice it immediately when he opened the door and walked in.

"I... yes, there is something important." Yaotome Saiko, who was awakened by Baosheng Yongmeng's voice, had a complicated expression, but finally picked up the two special game consoles in front of her.

But when she touched the pink one, her fingers trembled unconsciously.

"I want Dr. Baosheng, who is good at playing games, to do it...to be the test player...it was jointly developed by Fantasy Company and our regenerative medical center...to jointly develop..."

As if feeling that she would go to hell if she said the next word, Yaotome Saeko hesitated, but finally said her purpose through gritted teeth.

"Co-developed follow-up treatment plan for Kamen Rider Chronicle players. If these two games are completed, the research on restoring the "destroyers" should be able to achieve a breakthrough. "

Yaotome Saeko picked up the pink game console tremblingly, then gritted her teeth, handed the game console to Baosheng Yongmeng, and signaled him to start it.

Baosheng Yongmeng started, and then...

【Let's develop Bugsters! 】

【Game Start! 】

A cold female voice sounded.

God!please forgive me!

As Baosheng Yongmeng pressed his finger, golden data gushed out from the game console, condensing into a tall green figure with a black metal ring around his neck.

She looked coldly at Baosheng Yongmeng who was holding a game console, and said indifferently:

"I hate little ghosts who disturb ladies' rest." The tall figure, proud bust, green hair draped casually and the same green lip gloss make this female figure appearing from the game console very attractive, even The cold gaze shot from the yellow-green pupils hidden behind the green transparent goggles did not affect such charm in the slightest, but instead added a touch of strange beauty.

But what Hosei Eimu and Parade care about is not the charm of this woman who suddenly appeared in front of them, but...

All kinds of deja vu styles on the other party!

The green horns that seem to grow directly from the head, the gamepad button logo on the chest, and...

A faulty drive on the waist and a green game cartridge on it!

"Kamen Rider Cronus?!"

After Baosheng Yongmeng and Palad saw the figure appearing from the game console, they stood up subconsciously, with vigilant expressions on their faces.


"No..." Yaotome Saeko was also scalp numb, but in order to revive her father, she could only bite the bullet and tell the story that Tan Rito had prepared for her.

"This is an image unanimously decided by the experts of the Regenerative Medicine Center. It is called Kronos. The experts believe that this appearance, which is similar to Kamen Rider Kronos but completely different, can perfectly complete the "destroyer" Their follow-up rehabilitation treatment will no longer leave a psychological shadow in their hearts. "

In the end, it seemed that even Yaotome Saeko herself was persuaded by such a reason, and her tone became normal accordingly.

"Also, as long as we play the game with the image designed by the game, let the energy tank on her neck that shows the similarity with human beings be filled up, as long as this experiment is completed, then after we successfully retrieve the data of the "destroyer", we will able to turn them back into humans. "

"Destroyers", that is, people who died from the game disease, but medically denied that they were actually dead.

So after hearing this title, Baosheng Yongmeng and Palad breathed a sigh of relief, and Asuka also came out from behind Baosheng Yongmeng with peace of mind.

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