Tan Lidou showed another smile.

It's no longer that kind of Yanyi performance, nor does it make a posture like looking backward, but simply shows a healthy smile.

"As a player, you should experience the fun of the game in this way."

This sentence also made Jon understand Tan Lidou's true thoughts at the moment.

Tan Lidou didn't care at all whether the player could block or attack dangerous zombies, otherwise he wouldn't have set dangerous zombies as attackable.

He didn't want to take the lives of the players from the beginning, but wanted to let the players experience happiness in such a game, and just understand how great the game he made through the talent of God is.

"Where's Kronor?" Jon asked, looking at Kronor who was sitting with his legs crossed not far away.

Kronoko's eyes moved back and forth between the big screen broadcasting the player's situation and Sakura Kyoko who was bouncing around and stooping from time to time, and then asked.

"Can such a game make players happy?"

While asking this question, Kronozi remembered the question Baosheng Yongmeng asked her before.What would she do if she got the ability of a genius player?

Kronozi was unable to answer Shang Baosheng Yongmeng's question at the time, but she did not put such a question behind her after she came back, but spent a lot of time thinking about it seriously.

What does she want to do as a Bugster?

It is her instinct to like to play games, and after leaving Tan Zhengzong's body and appearing in this world, what she sees and touches are all things she has never experienced before in a data state!

So she had an idea...

She wants to make a game that everyone can enjoy playing and feel happy!

So she asked the question.

"Whether I can feel happy is not something I can decide..." Jon scratched his chin in distress, and said, "Even if it is a game called a masterpiece, it will not meet the appetite of some people, so this I think this kind of thing should be judged by you, Kronoko."

This sentence made Kronozi silent, but the words that came out of Jon's mouth immediately made her stunned.

"As one of the producers of the Zombie Chronicle game, Kronozi can actually be regarded as an administrator, how about it? Want to join in and have a try? After all, the Zombie Chronicle game is still in the initial testing stage , the opinions of the players are also very important.”

Kronozi glanced at Tan Lidou subconsciously, and found that Tan Lidou closed his eyes and looked indifferent, he hesitated for a few seconds and then chose to nod.


At the same time, in the Shengdu University Affiliated Hospital that has almost been demolished and rebuilt.

After being led by Akiyama Haruko to visit this fortress built by players, Baosheng Yongmeng and the others also understood their next task.

"Do you want to minimize the number of players who were attacked by dangerous zombies on the first night and then turned into zombies?" Hosei Eimu asked Kujo Kiriya who had just finished talking with the Ministry of Health officials.

"That's right, since dangerous zombies and ordinary zombies belong to the kind of monsters that can be resurrected after death, then we must reduce the number of players who are transformed into zombies in the first wave."

"But..." Baosheng Yongmeng showed a hesitant expression on his face, "We can't protect everyone."

At present, they seem to be the only Kamen Riders who have the ability to deal with dangerous zombies, but they can't do doubles!

"It's a pity..." Kujo Kiriya sighed, then patted Baosheng Yongmeng on the shoulder, and turned to look at the others.

"Maybe what I'm going to say next seems cold and ruthless, but I still think that only Baosheng Yongmeng is the most likely to pass this game, not only because of his status as a genius gamer."

While speaking, Kujo Kiriya took off the white coat on his body, as if what he was going to say next was not worthy of the white coat.

"Because of his identity as an invincible player..."

"You mean that Tan Lidou might show up to stop us?" The Hua family members showed a clear expression on my face.

"That's right, the people from the Ministry of Health didn't think about such a possibility, but I think Tan Rito and Evol will come forward to stop us, after all, hasn't he already said it..." Kujo Kiriya spread his hands, pretending Reluctantly said: "For them, we are cheating players."

He took out the player drive from his backpack and looked it over carefully.

"I think they didn't do anything to us before, because we have always acted within the rules of the game and didn't use the power of the drive."

"Doctor Kujo..." Poppy understood the meaning of Kujo Kiriya's words.

Once CR's companions use the power of player drives, they are likely to be regarded as cheaters in the game, and then attract attacks from game administrators.

Of course, they can choose not to do so and continue to play the game as players, but...

"I understand." Jing Feicai looked at Baosheng Yongmeng seriously, "Just as Doctor Jiutiao said, only Baosheng Yongmeng with invincible player power can fight against the authority of the game administrator, then everything will be left to is you."

"Wait!" Baosheng Yongmeng certainly understood the meaning of Kujo Kiriya's decision.

The three days that Tan Lidou left for the players are too little!

Once the number of players transformed into zombies by dangerous zombies in the first wave is too large, the impact on the next players will definitely increase exponentially!

So Kiya and the others plan to eliminate dangerous zombies as much as possible on the first night, reduce the number of players transformed into zombies, and use their lives to buy players some time!

"There is no need to do this at all! Just let me use the power of an invincible player to deal with dangerous zombies. Mr. Kujo, you can still continue to help everyone as ordinary players!"

Baosheng Yongmeng looked anxious and wanted to veto this proposal, but...

With a bang, a jujube was thrown onto Baosheng Yongmeng's head and landed on the table.

Then Hosei Eimu saw the smile on Kujo Kiriya's face.

"Yongmeng, what you mean by this is like asking an excellent surgeon to castrate piglets. Although this kind of analogy is a bit ugly, but ah..."

Kujo Kiriya glanced over the faces of other people, saw their calm expressions, and expressed what Jing Feicai and the Hana family were thinking at the moment.

"We are not talented players like you. If we follow your proposal to become ordinary players, then we may only be able to mine, and if you are the only one, it will be blocked by the game administrator."

It is obvious that doing so may usher in death, but Kujo Kiriya doesn't care at all.

There are others who also don't care.

"The first night is when we can play our best role." Putting a date into his mouth, Kujo Kiriya smiled amid Baosheng Yongmeng and Poppy's complicated expressions: "Don't show such an expression Ah, can't genius players even beat a game?"

Baosheng Yongmeng was silent.

"Hey, hey, hey! Where did the genius pediatrician who always confidently said "I will change the fate of the patient" go?You didn't forget my medical records, did you?I am also your patient now, if you don't save my fate and show this expression..."

Kujo Kiriya patted Bao Sheng Yong Meng's shoulder, then whispered something in Bao Sheng Yong Meng's ear, and then smiled again.

"Doctors are supposed to have a smile on their face, and it's frightening for patients to show that face."

After speaking, Kujo Kiriya left CR's office directly.

Immediately after, it was Jing Feicai and the Hua family.

When the other doctors left one after another, leaving the office to Baosheng Yongmeng, Poppy and Prad, the atmosphere fell silent instantly.Baosheng Yongmeng and the others didn't know that after joining the Zombie Chronicle game, their every move was watched by Tan Lidou and Jon, and they even knew exactly what materials they had in their backpacks at the moment.

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