Just like the name of this game, only monsters like zombies are special, they will appear from the ground to attack players every night, even if they are killed, they will be reborn the next night.

But the only thing that is confusing is that no player has encountered the zombie Kyoko so far.

Even the zombie Kyoko, who was turned into by Dr. CR, has been seen by players, but no one has ever witnessed the existence of the zombie Kyoko.

It seems that the first player who was transformed into a zombie has completely disappeared from the player's sight.

And what's strange is that the zombie Kiriya seems to be different from other zombies. It doesn't seem to attack the player actively. Every time it appears, it will just stand there stupidly, and then burn to death when the next day comes, even if there are players If you build a shelter next to it, you will also choose to walk out actively.

Haruko Akiyama felt uneasy about this, so she chose to return to the abandoned mine with other players.

Then the next second they came back to the abandoned mine, they noticed something was wrong.

"The torch is broken..."

Akiyama Haruko frowned and looked at the torch floating on the ground, then picked it up and reinserted it on the ground.

Obviously, no player will deliberately destroy the torch and leave it on the ground, so the only possibility is the monster!All the way forward in the dark abandoned mine tunnel, Akiyama Haruko's brows became more and more wrinkled. Although her face was distorted due to wearing a full set of iron armor, it was hard to see her current mood, but it pervaded the players The atmosphere around us is not deceiving.

In theory, as the CEO of Kyoko-sama's mining company, she shouldn't have taken the risk, but from the moment she learned that the zombie Kyoko had never appeared, she had such an idea.

And this choice also made the players on her left and right sides extremely nervous, wary of the monsters that might appear around them, holding the dirt cubes tightly in their hands, ready to build a launcher that can launch densely like ghosts and animals. Arrow, a simple fixed turret named "Redstone Machine Gun".

But what confused them immediately was that even though they continued to advance in the abandoned mine tunnel, they did not find any monsters. Instead, they saw the destroyed torch again on the ground, and...

"Spider eyes?"

When Akiyama Haruko saw a spider eye in the abandoned mine, her tone was full of astonishment.

Combined with the fact that the torch was destroyed, it is clear that this spider eye was not left by the player.

After observing the surrounding environment and confirming that there is no terrain that could cause the monster to fall to death, Haruko Akiyama came to a conclusion that made her feel absurd.

The monsters are fighting?

This scene was also transmitted by Akiyama Haruko to Baosheng Yongmeng, who was assisting Fantasy Company in making game cassettes, through a live broadcast.


"Suspect that there is a battle within the monster?" Baosheng Yongmeng, who was trying to use his genius game player power to create a replay cassette that could affect the zombie chronicle, stopped his progress after learning of Akiyama Haruko's guess.

It is not new for monsters to kill monsters. At least one green monster called a creeper has a more terrifying lethality than dangerous zombies. When it explodes, it can easily kill the surrounding monsters and destroy the terrain together. But this is a situation that can only be created through player induction.

Under normal circumstances, the monsters generated will not attack each other, at least that is what they see now, so Baosheng Yongmeng subconsciously thinks that this is impossible, but as Akiyama Haruko and his party continue to move forward, not only did they not encounter any monsters, but saw After more items were left on the ground, Baosheng Yongmeng was also stunned.

Then he realized a possibility, and there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

"Miss Akiyama, do you think... could it be Master Kyoko?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Haruko Akiyama's trembling voice came after a long time.

"What's the reason?"

"Because she is Master Kyoko." Baosheng Yongmeng smiled, "If it is Master Kyoko, I think she might bring us another miracle, just like Doctor Jiutiao."

This sentence was full of Baosheng Yongmeng's own subjective thoughts, but Akiyama Haruko chose to believe it without hesitation.

After hanging up the phone, Baosheng Yongmeng directly called up the data collected by the Ministry of Health. Although such data was not accurate, after all no one dared to go underground at night.


"If that's the case... Mr. Kujo, do you want to pass on some clues to us?"

Baosheng Yongmeng called up a few pictures, which showed a pixel style zombie wearing a floral shirt.

Zombie Kiriya.

This is the photo that the player witnessed and took.

It looks very funny, and has been witnessed several times, but every time the zombie Kiriya appeared in front of the players, there was no sign of attacking the players, and he didn't even choose to go back to the ground when daylight fell, and He stood there quietly and was burned to death by the sun.

In addition, it seems that because the other two CR doctors were directly killed by Tan Lidou, the game administrator, there were no zombies with their names.

Therefore, the zombie Kiriya with strange behavior has become the object of discussion among many people, but most people think that Kujo Kiriya's will has overcome the zombie's instinct to attack humans, so he has never attacked humans, but Baosheng Yongmeng knows some things that ordinary people don't.

Kujo Kiriya itself was revived in a Bugster way!

So different from ordinary players, even if Kujo Kiriya was transformed into a zombie, it was transformed into a zombie from its own data state!

That is to say, it is very likely that Kujo Kiriya did something when he fell into data poisoning and was about to be transformed into a zombie, so the zombie Kiriya behaved so strangely.

So since the zombie Kiriya will undergo such a change, will the zombie Kyoko be the same?

After all, she died because she couldn't get rid of the data poisoning state after killing dangerous zombies, or is it that Kyoko-sama...

Just as Baosheng Yongmeng was thinking about the possibility of this matter, Xiao Xingzuo, the president of Fantasy Company, came in, holding a just completed cassette in his hand.

When handing over the cassette to Baosheng Yongmeng, Xiao Xingzuo hesitated.

"Is it really all right? Doctor Baosheng."

When the Zombie Chronicle game started, Fantasy Company had already started to develop a game cassette that could help Dr. CR, but after Dr. CR died one after another, Xiao Xingzuo gave up this idea.

Because CR's doctor was kicked out of the game by Tan Lidou as a cheating player, if Fantasy Company continues to develop the cassette, it is likely to cause the same consequences, but...

"No problem..." Baosheng Yongmeng took the cassette from Xiao Xingzuo and said with a smile, "Because this time we are following the rules of the game to attack the game."

After Jon left before, Baosheng Yongmeng took a good look at himself.

It's not that he did something wrong, but that he was too irrational at the time. If it were Mr. Kujo, even if he was very angry, he would hide that emotion in his heart, and then obtain information on how to solve this game. But he chose the most irrational approach.

Especially the last question from the other party made Baosheng Yongmeng even start to doubt whether his actions were correct.

Do you really want to let patients who could have been cured die for the so-called value of life?

Baosheng Yongmeng understands that the reason why the game administrator has been in contact with him is precisely because he wants to get advice from him as a talented player M to fix the shortcomings of the game, but he always looks at these things from the perspective of a doctor problem, so let the other party leave disappointed.

But now, he knew what he needed to do next.

"Creation and formation, I think I understand, although it's a bit late." Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the pixel wind cassette in his hand, with a clear look on his face.

"This is not the power of the game administrator, just like in the previous normal world, ordinary people can also make replay cassettes."

Switch, press!

[Gemmologist! (Appraiser)]

[Gemmologist! (Appraiser)]

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