A determined look flashed in Akiyama Haruko's eyes, and she ran towards the direction of the sound regardless of how dangerous her behavior was at the moment.

The closer she got to the location where the sound came from, the more falling objects appeared in her line of sight. At the same time, she could also hear the breathing of zombies, and the crackling sound of the skeleton shooter when it was attacked.

Then, after Akiyama Haruko inserted a torch again, she saw it!

Saw a red pixelated zombie wearing an iron breastplate punching a skeleton shooter.

It seems that because the battle has been going on for a long time, the skeleton shooter that was generated in the dark died directly in this blow, turning into two bones and a light point representing experience, and when the experience light point surged When entering the zombie that killed the skeleton shooter, whether it was Haruko Akiyama or the others who arrived, they all understood the reason why there were only materials along the way.

Zombie Kyoko Lv.7!

When seeing the level to the right of the name Zombie Kyoko, not only Haruko Akiyama and the others fell silent, but so did Baosheng Eternal Dream.

Immediately, he confirmed his guess!

Even players whose data has been taken away by dangerous zombies and turned into zombies may have some personalities with them!

The reason why Zombie Kiriya will not attack players is because Mr. Kujo is a doctor!It is impossible to attack the patient!

The reason why the zombie Kyoko attacks other monsters is because...

Even if she becomes a monster, Master Kyoko still wants to clear the game!Even if she becomes a monster, Master Kyoko still wants to clear the game!

Thinking of this, Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his fist subconsciously, and then hurriedly asked Akiyama Haruko.

"Miss Haruko, do you have a golden apple with you?"

Baosheng Yongmeng has always firmly believed that golden apples are the only hope to beat this game, but until now, players have found that golden apples seem to be only for food, adding buffs to players.

He has also tried it, and even after him, there are players in the clearing group risking their lives to use golden apples on dangerous zombies, but they still can't use them!

Everything seems to indicate that golden apples can only be used to increase the player's error tolerance rate when fighting dangerous zombies, but Baosheng Yongmeng has always believed in this matter.

Because he believes in himself!Believe that the gift you most want to get is not used to increase the fault tolerance rate!

"But isn't the golden apple completely useless against zombies?" Akiyama Haruko said as she struggled to resist the attack from the zombie Kyoko.

Just like when she was transformed into a zombie at the beginning, although the zombie Kyoko is killing other monsters and even seems to have fought against dangerous zombies, she still shows a strong desire to attack when she sees the player!

But Haruko Akiyama couldn't do anything, so she could only resist passively, and was even attacked with a data poisoning Debuff because she was distracted by the communication with Baosheng Yongmeng.

After finally using milk to remove such a debuff, Akiyama Haruko stopped other players from suggesting to build a heavy machine gun turret to deal with the zombie Kyoko in one go.

Even knowing that the zombie player will be resurrected after being killed, she really can't do anything to Sakura Kyoko!

It's true that she has a golden apple on her body, but it's not because she wants to test whether the golden apple can work against zombies like other players, but...

"Didn't Master Xingzi say that? She wants to taste the golden apple."

Baosheng Yongmeng's words sounded, expressing what Akiyama Haruko was thinking.

The golden apple cannot be used against zombies, which has been confirmed by the player. The reason why she carries a golden apple is for this reason.

She hopes to be able to give the golden apple to Sakura Kyoko as soon as she is resurrected, and then say something to that profiteer kid that will definitely hit her hard, for example, "Profit dealer kid, I will take all your property." Come to exchange for a golden apple, thank me! ' and the like.

"Yeah... The red-haired profiteer wants to taste the golden apple..." Haruko Akiyama raised her sword again to block the attack of the zombie Kyoko, and was then thrown into the air.

The embarrassed appearance did not make her change her complicated tone at all, nor did she change her mind.

She couldn't attack the zombie Kyoko in front of her.

And this sentence also silences others.

Zombie Kyoko and Zombie Kiriya have demonstrated that some players have the ability to influence the behavior of zombies even if they are transformed into zombies.

As a CR doctor, Kujo Guiliya's goal is to save the player, so even if he becomes a zombie, he will not attack the player.

As a talented player, Kyoko-sama's goal is to clear the game, so even if she becomes a zombie, she will take the initiative to attack other monsters.

It is precisely because of this that the players in the strategy group want to save these sacrificed players so that they can truly return to this world, instead of using zombie players who have some traces of their personality Prove they ever existed!


A deep roar came from the mouth of the zombie Kyoko again, and then rushed towards Haruko Akiyama, proving to everyone that even if she became a zombie, she is still a genius player among zombies!

The fierce attack made Akiyama Haruko once again fell into the state of data poisoning, but this time she was not in a hurry to remove the debuff, and also stopped other people from wanting to do it again, and stepped back a few steps towards the opposite Kyoko, the zombie of her roar, spoke calmly.

"I've always thought red-haired profiteers were special."

This sentence seemed to be said to the zombie Kyoko, and it seemed to be said to Baosheng Yongmeng and others.

"I don't know what this guy has been through, but this guy doesn't take his life seriously, because this is a game, so death is a matter of course, and then she learned a lesson."

Haruko Akiyama remembered the fear in the eyes of her 'problem child' during Game Over.

She can dream of such eyes every time she dreams.

She wants to save this red-haired profiteer!

Only in this way, this red-haired profiteer will understand how precious life is!You will learn your lesson!


"If you are so special, even if you become a zombie, you must want to eat very much..." Haruko Akiyama had a golden apple in her hand, "It's scary not being able to eat all the time."

Haruko Akiyama remembered how she always held food in her hands when she was with Sakura Kyoko.

It must be a very bad experience if you are such a greedy brat and suddenly can't eat anymore.

Akiyama Haruko thinks so, and her description of Sakura Kyoko also gives other players a clearer understanding of the highly respected genius player Kyoko.

What surprised them even more was that after Haruko Akiyama took out the golden apple, the zombie Kyoko stopped attacking.

Did you make it?

When people saw this completely different performance from other zombie players, their hearts seemed to be hanging in their throats.

Although judging from the current situation, the zombie Kyoko is just like the zombie Kiriya. She was only attracted by the golden apple in Akiyama Haruko's hand because of her desire to taste the golden apple before being transformed into a zombie. Hope it will work!

Players at this stage really need a hope!

Although the emergence of facilities such as monster spawning towers and semi-automated farms has solved the material problem, players are still at a loss as to how to truly conquer this game, so this is why some players would rather take risks than Reasons to give it a try.

"You must want to eat it, right..." Haruko Akiyama shook the golden apple in her hand towards the zombie Kyoko, and when she saw the zombie Kyoko's head funny and constantly turning along with the golden apple in her hand, a smile appeared on her face , and then dropped the golden apple in his hand.

She has tried it, and the golden apple still can't be used on the zombie Kyoko, but she believes that this red-haired profiteer is special!

Then, under the expectant eyes of others, Zombie Kyoko picked up the golden apple that fell on the ground.

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