"Commodities of this level have no production value."

This sentence made Xiao Xingzuo stand aside cautiously, the face of Xiao Xingzuo, who had turned from the president into an employee, turned pale instantly, and even Baosheng Yongmeng's face changed slightly.

"This is the type of MOD that is most helpful to players at this stage!" Xiao Xingzuo said first, and then tried to pick up a piece of paper and explained to Tan Zhengzong.

The documents above are full of small mods that can help players increase production efficiency and combat effectiveness, and there are even suggestions on making large-scale professional mods, but they are ignored by Tan Zhengzong.

"Huanmeng Company's energy is limited, it is enough to devote all of its energy to making antibody cassettes." Tan Zhengzong said lightly, and then asked Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Baosheng Yongmeng, do you want players to risk their lives to fight?"

The serious tone sounds as if he is very concerned about the players who are fighting on the front line, but Baosheng Yongmeng can understand the other party's meaning.

Since it is cooperation, each party needs to pay something.

Tan Zhengzong took out the antibody cassette that only he could make, and then it was his turn.

Baosheng Yongmeng knew what Tan Zhengzong wanted.

"Then I think that if you have this thing, President Tan should be able to spare part of his energy in making other MOD cassettes during the process of making antibody cassettes."

Baosheng Yongmeng took out the faulty drive obtained from Poppy and put it in front of Tan Zhengzong.

"With this thing, it can indeed save me some energy, then I will pay you for your labor accordingly."

Tan Zhengzong reached out and picked up the faulty drive.

"Your request, Fantasy Company will fulfill it."

After finishing speaking, Tan Zhengzong motioned Xiao Xingzuo to pick up the scattered documents, while he turned the chair and faced out the window, as if Baosheng Yongmeng could leave.

Baosheng Yongmeng didn't say much, and left Huanmeng Company under Xiaoxing's complicated and apologetic eyes.

But just after he left the fantasy company, a cold voice sounded from behind him, making him stop.

"Baosheng Yongmeng, you shouldn't be cooperating with Tan Zhengzong." The one who spoke was Kronozi.

After Jon had invited her to join the game as a game master, she had been thinking about what she should do.

She couldn't understand why Tan Lidou chose to release Tan Zhengzong, and she was also a little worried that the unexpected factor of Tan Zhengzong would eventually lead to the development of this perfect game in a bad direction.

At the same time, she also asked Jon why Tan Lidou did this, but she got a rhetorical question.

"Kronoko, why did you join the game? Is it just because of my invitation?"

At that time, Kronoko hesitated for a moment before giving his own answer.

As a bugster, she wants to make a game that can make all human beings happy.

But what should she do to make the players happy?

She couldn't come up with an answer, but after seeing Baosheng Yongmeng chose to cooperate with Tan Zhengzong, she couldn't help showing up.

In her eyes, if you want all human beings to play the game that makes them happy, then it is correct to continue as Jon and Dan Lidou designed.

"It seems that Ms. Kronozi has found the answer." Baosheng Yongmeng turned around with a smile, "Dan Lidou made a world where life can be repeated because of the preciousness of life, and Mr. Evol wants to let people Knowing that creation and formation have created a utopian world with unlimited resources and energy, then what is the reason why you are the third game master, Kronozi?"

"I want everyone to play a game that makes them happy." This time, Kronozi answered Baosheng Yongmeng's question without hesitation, "So as long as the players follow the rules set by Dan Lidou and Master Evol, The rules will suffice, and then everyone will be happy."

"So I thought so..." Baosheng Yongmeng scratched his face in distress, and then said embarrassedly: "Last time I was too impulsive and made Mr. Evol angry, so I can ask Krono Can you pass me a question, ma'am?"

Krono nodded slightly.

"The question that bothers me is this - in a world of unlimited resources and energy, will human 'talents' become commodities?Make the gap between different people bigger? "

Bao Shengyong dreamed of a sentence that Jon said before.

Not everyone can afford the high medical expenses of the Affiliated Hospital of Shengdu University. This is the difference brought about by the class gap.

Krono closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, she opened her mouth to reply: "Master Evol's answer is... The right to choose is human beings from the beginning to the end."

This answer made Baosheng Yongmeng smile.

Yes, who knows what the real answer is before humans really make a choice?Even the world described by Tan Zhengzong is only possible.

"Sure enough, it's an answer in the style of Mr. Evol. Ms. Kronoko, please apologize to Mr. Evol for my previous impulsiveness."

Baosheng Yongmeng stretched out his palms together and begged Kronozi, then turned and left.

But Kronozi stood there quietly.

She had a feeling that Master Evol's words were not only addressed to Baosheng Yongmeng, but also to her!


"The right to choose has always been human beings themselves. Sure enough, Mr. Evol and Tan Lidou are very different."

Baosheng Yongmeng felt that if it was Tan Lidou, he would definitely promote his own ideas centered on himself, even if his advanced ideas had already begun to challenge the world.

The approach of Mr. Evol is to truly show mankind a future path, but the right to choose whether to follow this path is left to human beings themselves.

"I always feel that under the mediation of Mr. Evol, Tan Lidou's ideas have become much easier to accept."

Baosheng Yongmeng sighed, and then returned to the players' quarters.

But when he came back, he saw a strange scene.

It was a braided girl in the game guild where Akiyama Haruko was before she became the CEO of Kyoko-sama Mining Company, who was holding Akiyama Haruko desperately, looking like she was about to cry.

"Shut up, President Haruko, Kyoko-sama's backpack is full of food today!"

Haruko Akiyama, who was dragged by her life, looked red-eyed.

"Let go! This time I will definitely make money from this profiteer!"

Accompanied by the joyful cry of the villager Xingzi, Akiyama Haruko resentfully handed the emerald in her hand to the villager Xingzi, and exchanged it for several roast chickens.

Recalling the scene where she saw the other party wandering around beside the automatic roast chicken oven, Akiyama Haruko has reason to suspect that the other party is stealing the roast chicken from the player's resident and selling it to the player!

The capitalists will cry when they see it!

"Just let me see if the next one is...the next...upgraded?"

When Akiyama Haruko gave the emerald in her hand to the villager Kyoko, and was about to see if there would be any valuable commodities, she was stunned to find that the trading level of the villager Kyoko had changed from a veteran to an expert.

However, there are still only two options for trading, one is to receive, and the other is to sell, which is not at all like the normal game where more goods will appear when the trading level increases, which makes Akiyama Haruko feel that the other party is doing it on purpose.

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