The exchange between the two seems to be just a small episode, without affecting anything, and more and more areas are involved in the ever-expanding game field of Zombie Chronicles, as if in the near future the world It will become the same as the real game world.

Then in the process, Akiyama Haruko keenly found out what the uneasiness she had been feeling before was.

Dangerous zombies... and normal zombies...


Although she didn't notice the abnormality at the beginning, as time passed and the battles between players and dangerous zombies began to decrease, she couldn't see that she was a fool anymore!

Akiyama Haruko subconsciously thought it was a problem with the antibody cassette, but when she impulsively went to the Fantasy Company to question Tan Zhengzong, she got such an answer.

"Antibodies kill the virus, what's wrong with that?"

"Antibodies kill the virus, what's wrong with that?"

When these words were spoken calmly from Masamune Tan, Haruko Akiyama felt as though her soul had been frozen.

Of course, it is no problem for antibodies to eliminate viruses, but attacking dangerous zombies represents the hope of saving the first batch of players and all other people who have become "dead" due to game diseases!

Now, Haruko Akiyama finally understood where her uneasiness came from!

Antibody cassettes not only give players the ability not to turn into zombies when they are killed by zombies, but also give players the ability to actually kill dangerous zombies!

At this moment, the roles between the player and the zombies seem to be interchanging, but this is not what the players want to see at all!

They want to attack dangerous zombies, but definitely not this way!

They want to clear Zombie Chronicle because they want to save Kyoko-sama and CR's doctors!

Once the dangerous zombies are directly killed by the antibody, it can be said that the players will completely lose the opportunity to attack this game!

In this way, the person they want to save will never come back!

Thinking of this, Akiyama Haruko looked at Tan Masamune with anger in her eyes, but...

"If a person is killed, he will die. This is the truth of this world. Moreover, the moment those players die, they must have already made up their minds that they will never be able to recover. This is the value."

Masamune Tan leaned on the boss chair, rubbing his palms on the armrest lightly, and then, under Haruko Akiyama's angry gaze, continued:

"It's like how every specific drug can't save the dead patients after it's developed. This is how antibody cassettes work."

"They haven't died yet!" Akiyama Haruko said angrily, "You are the executioner who killed the players!"

Tan Zhengzong responded with a contemptuous smile.

"You will not succeed! The players will not agree to this method! We will not give up on Kyoko-sama, CR doctors, and other sacrificed players!"

Haruko Akiyama left this sentence angrily and was about to leave, but...

"Apart from you, who cares about these commodities that have lost their value? How to occupy the largest part of the market is what a company president needs to consider, huh? What do you think? Zombie Chronicle players, compared to Kamen Rider Chronicle player, you don't even have the qualifications to be an employee."

Tan Masamune's light and ethereal voice came from behind Haruko Akiyama, causing the veins on the back of her hand holding the doorknob to bulge.

Tan Zhengzong's meaning has been expressed clearly.

Even if they, the first batch of players, were moved by Master Kyoko and the CR doctors and wanted to save them, what about the other players?

The area covered by Zombie Chronicle is constantly expanding, and new players will join the game every day. They don't care about Master Kyoko and CR doctors, and what Tan Zhengzong values ​​is this part of the players. To stop the players' plan to really attack the Zombie Chronicle.

Akiyama Haruko doesn't know the detailed plan of Tan Zhengzong, but it is enough to know that Tan Zhengzong is preventing them from saving the sacrificed players!

Back at the players' residence, Haruko Akiyama couldn't help but glared at him even though she knew it wasn't Baosheng Yongmeng's fault, and then said that the players who used the antibody cassette would actually kill dangerous zombies and ordinary zombies. The matter was announced.

And this incident naturally caused an uproar among the player community.

At the same time, many keen people have seen how difficult it is to resist the practice of Fantasy Company, because this kind of thing has actually happened a long time ago.

The first batch of players and the players who joined the game later have different opinions on Zombie Chronicles.

Those who joined the game later felt less fear than the first players had faced.

This is slowly progressing!

In other words, if Fantasy develops the antibody cassette business to a place that has not been covered by the game field, then the Zombie Chronicle game has nothing to worry about for them.

Monster spawn tower?Semi-automatic farm?Automatic chicken roaster?

Perhaps these epoch-making products will be seen by new players just because they are the first batch of players, so they discovered it by luck.

And it wasn't the genius player Kyoko and the CR doctors who saved the players, but the fantasy company!

As long as the player base expands to a certain level, who cares about the thoughts of the first batch of players?

No one will care, maybe some people will think they are inexplicable at that time, such signs have even appeared in the communication between old players and new players.

It's like new players thanking old players for their help, but they don't feel much about risking everything to save those players who have been turned into zombies.

Perhaps from the very beginning, all they can rely on is themselves.

So after Haruko Akiyama told this story, the players who had already used the antibody cassette immediately withdrew from the battle sequence, and the players who had obtained the antibody cassette and could not use it in the future threw such cassettes into the game without hesitation. into the magma.

They don't need this kind of thing!

At the same time, the fact that after using the antibody cassette not only will not turn into a zombie after being killed by a zombie, but also has the ability to actually kill zombies has gradually spread.

As Haruko Akiyama expected, most of the new players regard the antibody cassette produced by Fantasy Company as the gospel and a commodity that brings changes to the world.

The later the players who joined the game, the more they think so, and the ordinary people who have not joined the game, except those whose relatives died of the game disease, all think so!

Old players and new players seem to be completely separated at this moment.

New players and ordinary people hope that antibody cassettes can be fully distributed and make this world a utopian world, while old players reject the existence of antibody cassettes and want to truly conquer the zombie chronicles and save those sacrificed players.

Also under such circumstances, the synthesis formula of the brewing stand was finally discovered, and the required material was the blaze rod that seemed to only be obtained from monsters that existed in the lower realm.

This kind of discovery encouraged the old players, not only because of the function of the brewing stand, but also because the materials for making the brewing stand can only be produced from the villager Xingzi!

Master Kyoko, a talented player, is still playing the strategy game with them!

Even if she becomes a zombie Kyoko, even if she becomes a villager Kyoko, she is trying her best to help players beat this game! "Yongmeng, this is the document sent by Huanmeng Company." Poppy put the document in front of Baosheng Yongmeng, and then asked worriedly.

"Yongmeng, is it really all right? Those players just need you to explain."

When Poppy asked this sentence, Palad, who was sitting silently watching, also raised his head.

Even as Bugsters, they can notice the gap between them and those old players, not to mention Baosheng Yongmeng. Therefore, it has become the current situation.

Of course, the old players are not hostile to Baosheng Yongmeng because of this kind of thing. After all, they were very happy when they got the antibody cassette. They just hope that Baosheng Yongmeng can officially respond to this matter, proving that he is still like other CR doctors. Same, want to save players who have turned into zombies.

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