"Before Fantasy Company's products take over the world, once there are signs of competitors appearing, we must stop them. Everything is for the development of Fantasy Company."

In Tan Zhengzong's mouth, his actions seemed to be absolutely righteous, and the words that came out of his mouth immediately made the players feel the coldness that their souls were frozen.

"And the way to attack commercial opponents is naturally to directly attack the opponent's weakness, and thank you for finding out this weakness for Fantasy Company."

Tan Masamune showed a smile and looked at Haruko Akiyama.

"Zombie Chronicle player, do you remember what I said to you before? Compared to Kamen Rider Chronicle player, you don't even have the qualifications to be an employee."

This sentence caused a look of fear to flash in Akiyama Haruko's eyes.

She thought... She already understood what Tan Zhengzong said!


"Sorry, now only by becoming an employee of the Fantasy Company can we save everyone who has become "destroyed". "

The iron sword in Kondo Koyuki's hand slashed at the villager Kyoko without hesitation, and the villager Kyoko stood there stupidly, holding two blaze rods in her hand, as if she wanted to trade with Kondo Koyuki.

If it was normal, the players would have happily bought the blaze stick when they saw the blaze stick among the trading options of the villager Kyoko, but at this moment Kondo Koyuki did not hesitate at all.

Especially after seeing the appearance of the blaze stick, she closed her eyes in pain.

If she could, she didn't want to do anything to this profiteer villager who was always jumping around in the player's residence and making strange noises, but in order to revive Jing Feicai and others, she had to complete Tan Zhengzong's mission and eliminate this capable Kyoko, a villager with a blaze stick!

Anyway... this is not the real Kyoko-sama, Kondo Koyuki comforted herself like this in her heart.

The blaze stick is the hope of the players to beat the Zombie Chronicle game, but this moment has become the fuse that leads to the death of the villager Kyoko!

Kondo Koyuki closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look. She knew very well what it would mean if she did such a thing.

At the moment when she was about to succeed, she chose to betray her companions who had been struggling!



What rang in Kondo Koyuki's ears was not the scream of the villager Kyoko when she was attacked, but the sound of gold and iron clashing.

as well as...

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as what Yongmeng guessed."

eternal dream?

When Kondo Koyuki heard this familiar name, she opened her eyes subconsciously, and then saw Parad holding a diamond sword to block the sword blade she was shaking at the villager Kyoko.

She remembered this person, who seemed to be Baosheng Yongmeng's follower.


"Don't mention the name of this guy who betrayed everyone in front of me!!!"


"There has never been true loyalty in this world, and it is only because the price of betrayal is not high enough, just like excellent employees will be poached." Tan Zhengzong opened his hands and let the angry players hold their hands. The weapon slashed at him, but...

Obviously not wearing any protective gear, but the attacks of the players did not cause any damage to Tan Zhengzong!

Then, under their unbelievable eyes, Tan Zhengzong said calmly:

"And this is precisely the way employees measure their own value. I promised to give another player a reasonable remuneration, so now she has also started to make those two unnecessary NPCs out of print..."

These words made Haruko Akiyama and the others even more angry.

There is no doubt that they were calculated to death!

"That profiteer kid, you can't be compared with trash like you! She has been helping us even after being transformed into a zombie!!!"

Accompanied by Akiyama Haruko's angry roar, the attacks from the players once again poured on Tan Masamune, but...

"It is also because the value is too high, and it is a competitor, so it needs to be resolved as soon as possible, isn't it?"

Under Akiyama Haruko's unbelievable eyes, Tan Masamune's figure disappeared instantly, and a palm patted her shoulder the next second.

Just when she turned her head in disbelief, what she saw was a scene that made her powerless.

Dangerous Zombie Lv.2950!

Immediately afterwards, this exaggerated number jumped again and became...

Lv. 3000! ! ! Lv... 3000! ! !

When this exaggerated number appeared in the sights of the players, their breathing stopped at this moment!

Even the dangerous zombies at Lv.30 require the cooperation of players with a lot of equipment and supplies to have a chance to defeat them, and the monster level in front of them has reached 3000! ! !

Is this really something they can fight against?

And Tan Zhengzong's level has been raised just now, right?

Upgraded from Lv.2950 to Lv.3000!

Perhaps it was because this scene had too much impact on the players, which reminded people of what Kondo Koyuki said before.

If it is really just to occupy the market, then Tan Zhengzong does not need to make a cassette that can eliminate dangerous zombies, that is to say...

"Tan Masamune, did you absorb the data of dangerous zombies into your body through the player who used the antibody cassette?" Haruko Akiyama trembled.

Apart from this possibility, she really couldn't think of any other possibility!

The appearance of the antibody cassette did add a layer of protection to ordinary players so that they would not become zombies, but it also brought the game to another direction, eventually leading to the appearance of dangerous zombies at the Lv.3000 level!

Is this really a monster that players can conquer?

"That's right, dangerous zombies can be resurrected in the Zombie Chronicle game, but antibodies will prevent them from being resurrected. In the end, the only place where they can be resurrected is me, who has merged with dangerous zombies, along with the players. data together."

The condescending tone made Akiyama Haruko and the other players angry, but facing Tan Masamune's terrifying level, they didn't even have the courage to attack the opponent again!It was as if all the physical strength had been taken away from him at this moment!I don't even have the strength left to say a word!

However, someone asked the question on their behalf.

"So that's why President Tan, you didn't choose to take the initiative to eliminate the dangerous zombies in Tokyo that carry the data of the "destroyer" at the beginning. It was to let the players take the initiative to use the antibody cassette to eliminate the dangerous zombies, right? "

The person who spoke was Baosheng Yongmeng, and his appearance also surprised the players.

Because Baosheng Yongmeng has not responded to the antibody cassette incident, and has allowed it to continue to produce, this approach has created a gap between players, and even thought that the last CR doctor gave up saving his former companions, but At the moment when the players were most desperate, he appeared again!

"Didn't I say it before? Baosheng Yongmeng, no..." Tan Zhengzong adjusted his collar a little, and then changed the name of Baosheng Yongmeng.

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