Along the way, he met many people like him. These people had confusion and fear on their faces, as if they would be killed by zombies on the street helplessly without the guidance of others.

Similar situations have happened in many places, and the fortress facilities that have become deserted due to the emergence of antibody cassettes have been re-crowded with players, and most of these fortresses are old players who are trying to command these clumsy new players. Something, just like how they were commanded to fight under the hands of their predecessors who had turned into ordinary zombies.

The placement of cubes and the delivery of materials are things they have learned through countless battles, which are far from being comparable to those rookies who just rushed forward because they had antibody cassettes.

The current antibodies can't save their lives, but the experience left by the predecessors can!

The battle belonging to the players has officially begun!

While these fortress systems were being reactivated, Haruko Akiyama was also caught in a bitter battle.

Even with the blessing of Baosheng Yongmeng Buff, the dangerous zombies at Lv.3000 are still too powerful!

As Tan Zhengzong said before, the only way to get him to eat the golden apple as a reward is to work for the fantasy company, there is no other way!

The pale armor has condensed on Tan Zhengzong's body, and then shredded the players in front of him, absorbing their data into the body.

"It seems that you, as players, don't understand what a game is." Tan Zhengzong reached out and grabbed a player's head, and then violently!

Even the diamond helmet with enchanting effect was directly destroyed by Tan Zhengzong, exposing the head of the player below.

Ignoring the attacks of other players, Tan Zhengzong lifted the player in front of him.

"Can't you even tell that this is a dung game that is destined to be impossible to pass?"

Tan Zhengzong taunted the overwhelmed player in front of him, but what he got in return was the opponent's response without hesitation stabbing the diamond sword in his hand on his mask.

"This game is not..."

click ~

The player couldn't finish his sentence, and Tan Zhengzong crushed his head.

"I almost let you say the words I don't like to hear the most. It seems that you don't even have the qualifications to be commodities, so let you... all be out of print."

After absorbing the data of the killed players, Tan Zhengzong said calmly towards the group of players who had rearranged their formation and came continuously from other places.


"Master Kyoko, I can't pretend that I didn't hear that." "Master Kyoko, I can't pretend that I didn't hear that."

When this familiar voice sounded in everyone's ears, the players all showed astonished expressions on their faces, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

It wasn't the girl they were familiar with, but the villager Xingzi who was always bouncing around the player's residence, selling all kinds of cheap things at high prices, and occasionally spawning some high-value items to attract players to trade.

And now she still has this name on her head.

Villager Kyoko!

But how is this possible? !

Obviously Master Kyoko was killed by a dangerous zombie, even the data was absorbed!

Could it be that even if the golden apple is used against ordinary zombies, it also has the function of regaining data?But why is Master Xingzi no longer pretending to be a villager now?

While the players were excited, such confusion appeared in their minds.

But even if they were confused, they didn't have any doubts about Sakura Kyoko's thoughts, because Kyoko-sama has always provided the method to beat Zombie Chronicle game!

Even if she disguised herself as villager Kyoko before, there must be her reasons!

However, Tan Zhengzong was a little confused. After leaving the basement where he was imprisoned, he immediately understood the situation of the Zombie Chronicle game. Naturally, he also knew the existence of the genius player Kyoko that the players said.

But Tan Zhengzong can be sure that if the golden apple is used on ordinary zombies, it will only create villagers corresponding to the player, and cannot take back the opponent's data!

What happened to the player in front of him? !

"It seems to be a valuable commodity..." Tan Masamune looked at Sakura Kyoko's current appearance and gave such an evaluation, but Kondo Koyuki who was standing behind Sakura Kyoko seemed as if Frozen, roared:

"Shut up! Kyoko-sama is not a commodity in your mouth! Kyoko-sama is really betting on her life in the strategy game!"

The angry voice made Masamune Tan cast his eyes on Kondo Koyuki standing behind Sakura Kyoko.

"As an employee, can't even complete such a simple job? It seems that I overestimated your value."

This sentence made Kondo Koyuki even more angry, but just when she was about to continue to say something, she was stopped by Sakura Kyoko.

"Enough, there is no need to say more about meaningless things."

"It's not a meaningless thing..."

Sakura Kyoko's words made Kondo Koyuki bite her lip tightly, as if she wanted to tell the truth, but...

"Actually, the profiteer game is still very fun. If possible, I really want to play games with you all the time, but it seems that I have no chance now."

Amid Kondo Koyuki's gushing tears and the astonished gazes of others, Sakura Kyoko had a game-changing cassette in her hand.


【Mahoushoujo Chronicle! 】

Magical Girl Chronicles?

This title reminds people subconsciously of the Kamen Rider Chronicle that has brought pain to countless people, but why does Master Kyoko have such a thing in his hands? !

At this moment, almost all players' attention was attracted by the game cartridge in the hands of the pixel-style Sakura Kyoko, but no one answered them. into her body.

[Enter the game! 】

[Rescue the game! 】

This scene is like those Kamen Rider Chronicle game players used to transform with a replay cassette, but it is completely different.

Because the appearance of Sakura Kyoko in people's eyes has not changed much, she is still pixel style, but she is wearing a pixel style battle suit, and a long gun appears in her hand.

The name of the villager Kyoko was also changed after she completed her transformation...

Magical Girl Kyoko!

But what people are most concerned about is the sound that resounds in their ears when Sakura Kyoko activates the Magic Girl Chronicle to play the cassette, which is completely different from when the Kamen Rider Chronicle is activated.

Enter the game, save the game?

What exactly is going on? !Why does the talented player Kyoko-sama have such a thing? !And most importantly, if this thing is used, will it be considered a cheating player by the game administrator?

This is not only a concern of players, but also a concern of Baosheng Yongmeng!

So after Sakura Kyoko transformed with the Magic Girl Chronicle cassette, he subconsciously stood in front of Dan Rito, but...

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