【Critical Sacrifice! 】

Accompanied by this sound, a permeating green light appeared on Tanzhengzong's mask, but what was even more frightening was the frantic surge of green energy on the malfunctioning driver!

"Then let Tan Lidou and you have other products, all of which are out of print in my hands."

As soon as the words fell, the faulty drive in Tan Zhengzong's hand was mercilessly chopped off, and the green energy surging wildly on it turned into a huge green whirling blade at this moment, cutting towards Tan Lidou!

[The final blow! 】

But even in the face of such a terrifying blow, Tan Lidou just controlled the huge reinforced armor and blocked it with his hands in front of him.

The ear-piercing sound of cutting began to resound continuously, Mingming Tan Lidou had already blocked such an attack, but the aftermath of the explosion could easily tear everything around him into pieces!

and this...

Just the beginning!

【Gachan! 】

While controlling the green whirling blade to tear Tan Lidou into pieces, Tan Zhengzong once again changed the attack mode of the malfunctioning driver in his hand.

"Tan Lidou, you are the person I've ever seen who doesn't know how to run a company..."

【Kimewaza! 】

Rampage power flickered on the failed drive once again.

"Because lives are precious, they are the most valuable..."

"Hey hey, it's ridiculous to say such words from a mediocre person like you." Tan Lidou made a sudden force with both hands, tearing the energy whirling blade in front of him into pieces, "Mediocre people who dare to use the talents of gods, you Don't you just want to turn life into worthless data and then become their managers?"

What responded to Tan Lidou was the green light that shot out from the faulty driver.

[Critical Judgment! 】

The terrifying green light swept across Tan Lidou's breastplate mercilessly, leaving an ugly burn mark on his huge reinforced armor.


[The final blow! 】

Although he couldn't really hurt Tan Lidou who was inside the huge reinforced armor, this scene seemed to tell everyone that he, Tan Zhengzong, had the power to hurt Tan Lidou!

And this kind of power is completely different from the invincible player, it comes from his wish that Tan Lidou was not born in this world in the first place!

"I have taught you more than once that the value of a commodity will adjust itself according to its circulation in the market. As long as I turn the lives of all people except Tan Yingzi into data and manage them, then the only thing I will not Tan Yingzi who is willing to control will become the most precious in this world... No, she will represent wealth beyond the entire world at that time, because..."

Green energy rays shot out from the faulty driver in Tan Zhengzong's hand again, and slashed towards Tan Lidou and Baosheng Yongmeng.

"Tan Yingzi is more precious than me as a life manager!"

The penetrating light seemed to tear the sky at this moment, as if it also tore the heads of the players, allowing the darkness called fear to continuously penetrate into their souls along the wound!


This is absolutely a lunatic!

In order to prove the value of his wife, you want to turn all human beings into data control? !

Game manager Tan Lidou is playing with life?

Do not!

From the beginning to the end, only this guy named Tan Zhengzong treated the lives other than his wife as cold commodities!

Playing with life all the time...

"Tan Zhengzong is the only one who has been playing with life! In this world, there is no one who understands the preciousness of life better than Tan Lidou!" In front of Baosheng Yongmeng, the golden body glowed even brighter. golden light.

"Doctor Tan Lidou, the patient's lesion has been identified!"

This time, it was his turn to invite Tan Lidou!

"I told you I'm not a doctor, but forget it..." Tan Lidou showed a smile on his face under the mask.

The next second, he snapped his fingers.

The Tokyo battlefield began to change, from a broken city to a huge operating room, even the scalpel was dozens of times larger than normal players!

"Healing level Lv.1, now start to use the gift of God to perform nail removal surgery, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Tan Zhengzong, a mediocre person like you is worthy of this level of surgery!"

Even though he was wearing a huge armor, Tan Lidou's body showed amazing flexibility. He let out a strange cry and flew towards Tan Zhengzong.

At this moment, the golden and purple figures began to overlap, attacking the green demon together, which made the players feel sorry.

Because they find themselves once again excluded from the game.


Akiyama Haruko found that Sakura Kyoko, who was tightly held in her arms, had broken free from her arm.

"Fat Yang Haruko, remember to make a perfect ending." Sakura Kyoko said.

In the next second, the red field once again spread around her body.The players want to fight with Baosheng Yongmeng, but at this moment Tan Zhengzong's power has far exceeded the scope of their intervention.

It was as if at this moment, the ability to move in suspended time became the ticket to join the battle.

Sadly, they don't.


In a way, they have again!

Because the genius player Kyoko-sama can move in the suspended time!And it really has the power to fight Tan Zhengzong!

Start with Kamen Rider Chronicle and end with Kamen Rider Chronicle.

All this seems to tell people that whether it is the Zombie Chronicle or the Magical Girl Chronicle, they are made to eliminate people's fear of the Kamen Rider Chronicle.

The red field spread again, covering the battlefield that had turned into a huge operating room, and also made the players wear pixel-style martial arts uniforms again.

This is the only way they can help!

If Tan Lidou represents the game administrator, and Baosheng Yongmeng represents the cheating players who want to save them, then at this moment...

These real players can also join the battle!

Akiyama Haruko also stared blankly at the Wudan uniform on her body, and then looked at Sakura Kyoko who had stood up and turned her back to her.

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