"Give it to Master Kyoko to eat!"

While stuffing the golden apple into Tan Masamune's mouth, Sakura Kyoko swung her spear and slammed it hard on Tan Masamune's forehead, forcing his open mouth to close because of a golden apple stuck in it, and then melted. Made a cannonball and fell towards the bottom.In the eyes of all the players, the blow of the talented player Kyoko-sama represents the blow of all players!

And when Tan Zhengzong was forcibly fed the golden apple in this way, all the players showed proud expressions on their faces.

They can even beat game masters, let alone this little dangerous zombie mode!


Is this the extent of Kamen Rider Chronicle?

That's it?

A large amount of data began to overflow from Tan Zhengzong's body and turned into a player again.

Some of them appeared in the main battlefield, and some appeared in the stone fortress that was resisting the zombie tide.

And the recovery of every player means that a zombie has truly disappeared in this world!

"Welcome back!"

The number of times the players said this sentence on this day seems to have exceeded the sum of their previous year, and it seems that the limit is far from being reached, because...

And many more turned into zombies, and those turned into "dead" are returning!

And all of this is the hard work of the talented player Kyoko-sama and all the players!

Even the players who had just been revived put on the pixel-style martial arts uniform in the next second, and the level above Sakura Kyoko's head soared again!

"Don't be shameless! Eat it if you tell me!" Sakura Kyoko waved her spear and smashed the faulty drive that turned into a chainsaw towards her body, and once again stuffed a golden apple into Tan Masamune in the mouth.

"The archive function is really a good civilization. It seems that it is no big deal for you who lost the reset power!"

The spear hit Tan Zhengzong's forehead again, forcing Tan Zhengzong to eat a golden apple again, which also caused more data to overflow from his body.

Immediately after...

The third one!


As the golden apples were fed to Tan Masamune by Sakura Kyoko in this way, Tan Masamune's number representing the level of dangerous zombies also continued to decline.

Although the power of dangerous zombies is meaningless to him after regaining the Kamen Rider Chronicle and switching to the cassette, Tan Masamune feels the ultimate humiliation when he is treated like this by the player, a commodity that is worthless in his eyes.

The green energy whirling blade shot out from the malfunctioning driver again, but was smashed into pieces by Sakura Kyoko!

And this scene also made Tan Zhengzong look unbelievable.

This guy...how could he have this level of power? !

"Because the current Kyoko-sama is the game itself!" Sakura Kyoko smiled viciously, and at the same time a golden apple appeared in her hand again.

But this time the golden apple that appeared in the hands of Sakura Kyoko was different from the golden apple that was forcibly fed to Masamune Tan before.

This is a golden apple, but it seems that it is not just 'one' golden apple, but is formed by countless golden apples.

"Now my level is Lv.16381576, and under the ability of Baosheng Yongmeng, every player has a golden apple in his backpack, which means... you can eat so many golden apples in one go, What a bliss..."

After the words fell, Sakura Kyoko stuffed the golden apple into Tan Masamune's mouth again, and then smashed down the spear again!

"For Master Kyoko! Eat it!!!"

After being forced to eat the last golden apple, Tan Zhengzong held his throat in pain.

He could feel that the player data stored in his body was continuously being lost, and the original terrifying level as high as Lv.3100 also returned to Lv.10 at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, levels like Lv.10 also disappeared above Tan Zhengzong's head.

This means that he has completely broken away from the identity of a dangerous zombie, and even if he hadn't regained the Kamen Rider Chronicle cassette, he would have completely disappeared like an ordinary dangerous zombie when such a level mark disappeared!

The data of all players who were turned into zombies were released and turned back into players.

This is obviously a scene worthy of celebration, but all players have the urge to cry.

Because they knew what it was, Haruko Akiyama tremblingly looked in the direction of Kyoko Sakura.

Not just her, but everyone else as well.

Then they saw Sakura Kyoko who was looking at the silence of her palm, and the funny cube body had started to dissipate gradually.

"It seems that this time is really coming to an end, Haruko Fat Sheep, we must have the most perfect ending." Sakura Kyoko showed a pixelated smile at Haruko Akiyama, and then...

With a bang, the magical girl chronicle game cassette, which would not fall out of her backpack even if she died or turned into a zombie, fell to the ground.

"Kyoko-sama..." Haruko Akiyama looked tremblingly at the location where the Magic Girl Chronicles replay cassette fell, and finally couldn't hold back the sadness in her heart, covered her face and burst into tears.

Is it all... really over?

Players conquered dangerous zombies and game administrators, but the player they most wanted to save was no longer there.

But it's not over yet!

Haruko Akiyama and the other players looked angrily at Masamune Tan who was slowly standing up.

They clearly heard Master Kyoko's last words before disappearing.

Be sure to hit a perfect ending!

This is Master Kyoko's wish, and it is also the way to defeat the last game master!


"Bastard...Damn brat...out of print..."

Tan Zhengzong kept cursing.

Although Tan Zhengzong felt that Tan Lidou's hands and feet on his body disappeared after getting rid of the identity of a dangerous zombie, and he no longer felt weak, but...

Before Tan Masamune's visor, which was smashed by Sakura Kyoko with the spear, recovered under the effect of the game field, his head was grabbed by a huge palm.

It's Dan Lidou!

"How does it feel? Tan Zhengzong, the feeling of being defeated by the people of the God of Fighting God of Tanli must be very angry."

Tan Lidou grabbed Tan Zhengzong's head and laughed loudly, then leaned closer to his ear.

"Want to know if Tan Yingzi will be resurrected in the end?"

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