Lu Heng is not surprised even if the few monks guarding near the wooden house are not monsters, but real humane monks.

After all, traitors cannot be eradicated unless they are wizards who practice incense and fire.

He didn't care about these harmless monks. Led by Xiao Juechen, Lu Heng headed all the way to the wooden house. None of the monks he saw along the way dared to stop him.

Unimpeded, Lu Heng and the others came to the wooden house and found the little girl who was sitting cross-legged on the small viewing platform near the lake to practice.

Sensing someone approaching, the little girl opened her eyes, a little surprised.

"Uncle Xiao, these people are..."

The little girl's curious eyes wandered over the three of Lu Heng.

Lu Heng smiled and said: "My name is Huo Feng, I am the Ruo Shui River God. I have received the kindness of the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain, and now I am here to repay the favor."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, the little girl suddenly stood up and became excited.

" know my daddy?"

Lu Heng smiled slightly and said: "A few years ago, when the wolf god went down the mountain and wandered, he passed the Ruoshui River, and he was kind to me. So after knowing that the daughter of the wolf god was staying here, I came here specially. Protect the little goddess and return to Hanyu Mountain to reunite with her father."

Lu Heng casually told a mess of lies.

Although no one present had heard of Ruoshui's place, Lu Heng's incense and supernatural power was very convincing.

After he said these words, Xiao Juechen admired in his heart, and secretly gave a thumbs up.

As expected of a giant in the magic way, this lie was made up without any flaws.

Chapter 317

"Huo Feng... Weak Water River God..."

In the wooden house, the little girl murmured what Lu Heng said, and did not doubt Lu Heng.

After all, the uncle in front of him is full of incense and supernatural power, which cannot be faked.

But the little girl was still curious, where did this weak water river god come from?

She looked at Xiao Juechen at the side, and asked curiously, "Uncle Xiao, did you find this Lord River God?"

Xiao Juechen sighed, and said: "The situation is chaotic now. Not long ago, the wolf god has gone down the mountain and entered the world to wander around. Maybe he wants to stop the chaos of the demons dancing in the Huotong country. He is no longer in Hanyu Mountain."

"The messenger we sent to Hanyu Mountain to deliver the news failed to meet the Wolf God, so I asked some trustworthy orthodox monks to deliver the news of the Wolf God's daughter, hoping that the Wolf God would know your whereabouts and come to look for it. "

"It's a pity that the miracle of the wolf god is vague, and it is difficult for ordinary people to know. We have not waited for the arrival of the wolf god, but we have waited for this Huo Fenghe god."

"He was given the guidance of the wolf god, and he met the wolf god once not long ago. He knew the location of the wolf god, so he took the initiative to come to your door and sent you home."

Xiao Juechen continued to follow Lu Heng's lies, and the two sides cooperated seamlessly.

After hearing this, Shen Wuyu was very grateful, and bowed generously: "Thank you, Uncle Xiao, and thank you, Lord River God."

"Hey, hey! You can't do it!"

Xiao Juechen quickly reached out to stop her, but he didn't dare to let the little wolf girl bow down.

The Hanyu Mountain Wolf God does not know what kind of existence it is, but it has an extremely high personality.This little wolf girl is his daughter. Although her cultivation level is very low, her personality is not necessarily low.

I may not be able to stand the bow of this little wolf girl.

After finally stopping the excited little wolf girl, Xiao Juechen secretly wiped his sweat away.

Then said: "Since that's the case, God Huohe will take you out of this place later to find your father."

"God Huohe was instructed by the God of Wolf, and his cultivation base is extremely high, much better than me. Even in today's chaos of demons, there are not many demons in Huotong who dare to provoke him."

"So Miss Wuyu, you will be safe if you walk with Huohe God."

Xiao Juechen's words made the little girl even more grateful, and said: "Thank you uncles for taking care of me, uncles for your kindness, Wu Yu will never forget it."

"Ai ai ai... No need, Wu Yu is polite."

In the wooden house, after some evasive courtesy, the little girl went to pack her bag and prepared to leave with Lu Heng.

Then, led by Xiao Juechen, they left the wooden house and headed towards the huge Tongtian portal in the distance, and soon passed through the Tongtian portal and came to a deep valley.

Here is another fulcrum of the Sancai Gathering Formation in Qingming Grottoes. It is thousands of miles away from Fuyu Mountain. It is located in the northern border of Huotong Kingdom, surrounded by dangerous mountains and wilderness withered spirits.

It looked like a scene of catastrophe where all things withered and demons danced wildly.

But Lu Heng knew that the desolation of the northern border was not because of the monsters in Qingming Grotto.This is what the northern border of Huotong Kingdom looked like before the monsters ravaged.

The reason is related to the Youxiong Kingdom in the north of Huotong Kingdom.

There are bears...

To be honest, Lu Heng has always paid special attention to this country title.

After all, the name Xiong may have something to do with Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor.

It's just that the current domestic situation in Huotong is chaotic, and Lu Heng has no time to pay attention to what the Xiong Country further north looks like.

The valley they are in now looks barren and empty, but in fact there are many demons lurking in the valley.

Just because of Shen Wuyu's appearance, those monsters carefully hid themselves, not daring to show their heads.So the huge demon cave is now empty and desolate.

Outside the valley, Xiao Juechen said goodbye to Lu Heng and his party.

The little girl was full of reluctance and gratitude to this "Uncle Xiao" who took good care of her, and said goodbye all the way.

Xiao Juechen sighed, cupped his hands at Lu Heng and said, "For the rest of the journey, I will entrust the God of the River."

Lu Heng smiled slightly, and said: "It's due, Brother Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely send the daughter of the wolf god to... See you in the future."


Outside the valley where the evil spirits occupied, Lu Heng and Xiao Juechen said goodbye to each other.

It seems that it really looks like the orthodox monks are separated.

However, both Xiao Juechen and Lu Heng knew what the other was referring to, that they would meet again in the capital of the Huotong Kingdom three days later.

At that time, the dragon soul will appear in the world, and the demons will descend from the mountain!

After leaving Yougu, Lu Heng took Xiaoai and Shen Wuyou all the way to the south.

The strong wind blew around the four of them, and after leaving the range of the deep valley, the little boy Shen Wuyou, who had long been unable to hold back, spoke excitedly.


He grabbed Shen Wuyu and said happily, "Look at who I am?"

The little boy looked excited, and Lu Heng smiled and dispelled the blindfold on the little boy, allowing Shen Wuyu to see the real appearance of the boy in front of him.

The little girl, who was frowning slightly because of Shen Wuyou's sudden transgression, saw her younger brother's face clearly, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Wu... worry-free? How could it be you?"

The little boy laughed happily and said, "Not only me, but also Daddy and Miss Ai!"

Amidst the little boy's happy laughter, the blindfolds on Lu Heng and Xiao Ai beside him also dissipated, revealing their original appearance.

Seeing this scene, the little girl's eyes widened involuntarily.

"This... what's going on?!"

The little girl suddenly discovered that the situation seemed to be a little different from what she expected.

In her unbelievable expression, the little boy talked to her about all the things he encountered after the separation.

And as the little boy continued to tell, the eyes of the little girl who began to understand the truth of the matter became wider and wider.

By the end, it had turned into an unbelievable shock.

"Uncle Xiao and the others... are demons?!"

This incident completely overturned the little girl's cognition.

Escape the light and run quickly in the sky.

Both Lu Heng and Xiao Ai didn't speak, but the little boy chattered a lot.

His experience along the way was so tortuous and shocking that he couldn't help but want to share it with his sister.

Now that I finally saw my sister, and at the same time I calmed down, I wanted to tell my sister all the things in my heart in one breath.

When Lu Heng and the others approached the capital of Huotong Kingdom, the story of the little boy was finally finished.

The little girl Shen Wuyu looked at Lu Heng with hesitation and panic, and said, " you Daddy?"

Lu Heng looked at her expectant eyes, smiled, and said, "I am indeed Lu Heng, the wolf god of Hanyu Mountain."

The little girl suddenly took two steps forward excitedly, her hands tightly clenched in front of her chest, "Daddy!"

The little girl said excitedly: "I finally see you!"

Lu Heng sighed slightly, and said, "Come down with me to rest, and we'll talk about this later."

Amidst Lu Heng's sigh, they fell outside the capital of Huotong Kingdom.

On the wide and flat road, some wizards had already seen the light coming from afar, and stopped below to wait.

The moment Lu Heng fell, the wizards recognized Lu Heng's identity and saluted one after another.

"I have seen the wolf god!"

Chapter 318 Blossoms and pedicles

Outside the capital, several wizards who came to greet him respectfully saluted.

And in the city wall further away, the wizards immediately became excited when they heard the noise here.

The little girl beside Lu Heng couldn't help but widen her eyes, watching this scene in shock, her doubts about Lu Heng's identity were completely dispelled.

There are so many master wizards saluting to daddy... This is not something the demon can do in disguise!

Daddy is really as in the legend, majestic and revered by all!

The little girl's eyes were filled with admiration.

Lu Heng said to the wizards who came to greet him: "Is the lord in the capital now? Mr. Lu has something important to discuss with her, please let me know."

While welcoming Lu Heng into the capital, the wizards said: "The lord is not in the capital, but if the wolf god has something important to look for, he can take a rest in the palace and I will notify the lord to come back immediately. Within three hours, the wolf god God will surely see the king."

There is some kind of long-distance communication technique among the wizards of Huotong Kingdom.

This is why Lian Shanjing, as the lord of a country, can wander around.

It seems that she is running around without doing business, but in fact, she basically understands domestic affairs, large and small.

Many times, even personally involved.

Lu Heng was not surprised by this, nodded and said: "Then please inform everyone, this matter is of great importance, I hope the king can come back as soon as possible."

Lu Heng's expression was a little dignified, and the wizards didn't dare to take it lightly.

Who would dare to underestimate something so important to the wolf god?

But before the arrival of the king, they have to be careful in entertaining the wolf god, and they must not neglect it.

Soon, under the escort of the wizards, Lu Heng and his party passed through the gate of the capital, stepped onto the floating boat, and headed for the floating island above the sky.

The capital of the Huotong Kingdom is called Yanjing, and it is a huge city covering an extremely wide area.

It is the largest city that Lu Heng has seen since he came to this world.

According to Lian Shanjing, there are 500 million living beings in Yanjing, and there are [-] floating islands of different sizes.

Lu Heng stood on the floating boat, looking around, there were buildings and noisy people under the sky.In the sky above the city, there are seventeen huge suspended islands that are far or near, silently standing in the void.

In the daylight, the houses on the floating island look like houses, the eaves are flying, and there are spirit beasts howling. The waterfall descends from the sky and falls into the huge lake below. The scattered water droplets hang a rainbow in the air.

Although practitioners are prohibited from flying within the capital, birds are not included.

Between the suspended islands, there are many rare birds and birds flying back and forth, and there are even demon cultivators with bird prototypes flapping their wings in the air and heading for the distance.

Of course, there are also land creatures like Lu Heng who are on floating boats and go up and down through public flying facilities.

Demon cultivators, human races, and many strange aliens... Lu Heng couldn't take his eyes off the appearance in Yanjing, and it was even more lively than the South China Sea Merman Convention.

After all, the Merman Conference was only open to top practitioners, so it seemed deserted after all. Unlike in Yanjing City, ordinary mortals without cultivation could be on the same boat as top practitioners with cultivation.

Even the magical movies of the previous life could not show these scenes.

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