Under the cold moonlight, the woman with red hair and red eyes, slender and plump figure appeared in front of Lu Heng, she was the lord Lian Shanjing.

The discussion in the side hall is still going on, but it has nothing to do with Lu Heng.

After all, he was only responsible for introducing the situation, and how to deal with it was a headache for wizards. Lu Heng could neither intervene nor have any interest in intervening.

So Lu Heng went out to hang out alone, but he didn't expect that not long after he came out, even Shan Jing came out together.

Just when Lu Heng was about to open his mouth to make some jokes and liven up the atmosphere, the red-haired woman in front of her curled her lips, revealing a quirky look that was completely different from Lian Shanjing's laziness.

"To my sister, you have a bright smile, but to me, you are serious and rigid... Husband, you make people very sad when you treat her differently!" Lian Shanyue said.

Lu Heng's eyes widened slightly.

Then I couldn't laugh or cry: "Master Yue, you can't yell like a husband, I just met you, how can you yell like a lord... Are you so casual?"

Lu Heng stabbed the woman a little.

But I didn't expect that Lian Shanyue didn't care at all, instead she snorted softly and said: "It's not a stern old maid, why should she be reserved with her husband? What's wrong with being a little casual in front of her husband? Boudoir fun!"

Lian Shanyue looked at Lu Heng, licked her lips, and said with a smile, "Husband, what do you think?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said: "It's the first time I've seen such a strange woman as Lord Yue, and I have to recognize her husband... To be honest, Lu's skin and flesh are average, and he won't live forever if he eats it. How did you attract Lord Moon?"

Lu Heng was very curious about this matter.

Lian Shanyue widened her eyes and said, "Do you need a reason to like someone?"

Lu Heng spread his hands innocently: "Don't you need it?"

"do you need?"

"Don't you need it?"

"Need...forget it, the man said it was love at first sight, do you believe me?" Lian Shanyue asked expectantly.

Lu Heng shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Lian Shanyue sighed and was very shocked: "My husband really doesn't understand style... Could it be that he is so unbearable that you can't even make your husband feel tempted? Just pick up a charming and beautiful woman as a wife for nothing. I think your husband should Will you like it?"

Lu Heng spread his hands again: "But the surprise of unknown origin is just like the death that will come every now and then. .”

Lian Shanyue said helplessly: "Didn't we say it? It was love at first sight, I fell in love with it the first time I saw it, there is no other reason... But my husband doesn't believe it, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Well... how about this, husband give me a chance to prove that I am really in love with him... How about it?" Lian Shanyue looked at Lu Heng expectantly.

Lu Heng was slightly curious, and said with a smile: "How will the Lord Yue prove it?"

Lian Shanyue grinned and said: "From today on, let us stay by my husband's side, live together with my husband forever, give birth to a child for my husband, serve him all my life, and use practical actions to prove that I am really in love with you." Husband... do you think it's okay?"

Lu Heng shook his head: "I don't think so."

"I don't think so either."

The third voice suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of Lu Heng and Lian Shanyue.

The two looked at the same time, only to see that Lian Shanjing had come to the yard at some point, looking at Lian Shanyue quite tiredly, and said: "You stinky girl, it's okay to mess around, but now you dare to come The god of pastime... Be careful that I will put you in a dark prison, and let you loosen your muscles and bones!"

Lian Shanjing's threatening words made Lian Shanyue look bitter: "But sister, I really like Wolf God, want to marry him, stay with him forever, and give birth to him."

"Wolf God is such a good man, I don't believe that you are not tempted at all. You and I are both angry..."

Lian Shanyue's mouth was instantly blocked by an invisible force.

Lian Shanjing stared at her with a tangled face, and said, "Even if I'm tempted, it's not your turn to share a cup... Get lost!"

With a slap of her hand, Lian Shanjing didn't care about her sisterly feelings, and slapped the bitter-faced Lian Shanyue away.

The flying speed of the fan was so fast that it almost surpassed the ordinary cultivation of the light, and it was several miles away in an instant.

Afterwards, Lian Shanjing sighed helplessly, turned her head to look at Lu Heng, and said, "Xiaoyue is ignorant and stubborn, making the wolf god laugh."

Under the moonlight, Lu Heng smiled slightly, politely: "The Lord of the Kingdom is serious, and the Lord of the Moon is innocent and innocent, which is enviable."

After finishing speaking, Lu Heng changed the subject and asked about the results of the discussions in the side hall.

As for what Lian Shanyue said just now, both of them seem to have forgotten.

No one mentioned it again.

It's just that when Lu Heng said goodbye to Lian Shanjing and took Xiao Ai to the residence arranged by the wizards, the little girl's expression was a little gloomy.

very unhappy.

Chapter 321

After being slapped away by Lian Shanjing, Lian Shanyue didn't know how far she was slapped away, and she couldn't see the other party's return in the sky over Yanjing City in the second half of the night.

Of course, it is also possible that he came back, but instead of returning to the floating island, he went to the city below.

But this has nothing to do with Lu Heng, and Lu Heng doesn't care.

For him, this eccentric and beautiful woman who wanted to marry him was simply troublesome.

Wherever Lu Heng went in the past, everyone regarded him as an ancient monster, either in awe or fear.Although Lu Heng has always been approachable and never arrogant, everyone's respect for him is real.

No one has ever dared to court like Lian Shanyue the first time they met, and still love him to death... Even if it's a joke, this joke is too outrageous.

It was so outrageous that Lu Heng was a little uncomfortable.

And if it's not a joke... that's even more troublesome!

Lu Heng is now even a little afraid of seeing Lian Shanjing's younger sister. After all, he doesn't think much of Lian Shanyue, who has a hot body, a beautiful face, delicate skin, and a strong femininity from the inside out. interest.

It's not that Lu Heng doesn't like women.

From a personal point of view, Lian Shanyue's hot sister happened to be Lu Heng's favorite type.

It's just that it's okay to look good for appreciation, but it's not necessary to marry and go home.What's more, every time this Lian Shanyue messes around, Xiao Ai next to him puts a lot of pressure on Lu Heng.

Lu Heng felt that it was better for this Lian Shanyue not to show up again.

So he met with Lian Shanjing in the early morning of the second day, and after discussing how to deal with the evil spirits such as Wan Yao Mozun when the dragon soul appeared in the world two days later, Lu Heng said goodbye.

Leaving this floating island high above, she took a floating boat and descended into the city below, and asked Lian Shanjing to find her a sufficiently secret place to prevent Lian Shanyue from coming again.

In the following period of time, the city of Yanjing was peaceful, and the wizards of the Fire God Temple did not have much personnel scheduling, and nothing seemed to happen.

But in the dark, the heavy nets set against the demons are being unfolded nervously, trying to complete them before the arrival of the demons.

Just to prevent the ghosts in Yanjing City from spying on the wind, all of this was done in an extremely secretive manner.

Among the living beings, there are righteous monks who do not practice magic skills, but for various reasons run and work for evil spirits.

This kind of people is what Lu Heng and the others need to beware of the most.

As long as everything is calm outside and the Vulcan Temple doesn't know anything, Wan Yao Mozun and the group of demons will follow the original plan.

In the secluded small courtyard, Lu Heng asked Xiao Ai to take Shen Wuyou and his brother out for a stroll.

For the siblings who have lived in the mountains since childhood and have never been to the outside world, the bustling and bustling Yanjing City has a huge attraction, and they have long wanted to go out for a stroll.

Now Lu Heng has used a little blindfold to prevent outsiders from seeing the original appearance of the siblings, so he asked Xiao Ai to accompany them to go out to play.

Lu Heng, on the other hand, sat alone in the secluded courtyard, silently setting up a black and white chess game.

It's just that Lu Heng's chess pieces and chessboard are a bit special.

The chessboard is made of spirit energy condensed into reality, suspended in the void, the light trembles and at the same time faintly reveals the distant view of mountains and rivers.

The black and white chess pieces are also condensed by spiritual energy. Every time they fall, the light on the chessboard will tremble violently.

Lu Heng played a game of chess for a full three hours, but there were still not many moves.

Outside the courtyard door, there was already a knock on the door.

A skinny ascetic monk in coarse linen knocked on the door perfunctorily, and then walked in without asking the master's opinion.

Said: "Is there a fasting meal here? The old monk is hungry."

Lu Heng raised his head from the chessboard, glared at the old monk, and said, "Isn't asceticism unacceptable to others? You old fellow is not pious!"

Jiu Mie laughed, and sat down directly on the other side of the chessboard, and said: "The old monk has a bad appetite, and ordinary meals are hard to swallow. You must have wolf meat that is more than a thousand years old. If you can't provide it, don't say that the old monk won't." pious."

As he said that, Jiu Mie glanced at the chessboard, and after he had roughly figured out the way of the chess, he stretched out his hand and twisted it slightly in the void, and there was an extra sunspot in his hand out of thin air.

Then Jiu Mie buckled the sunspot on the chessboard, and said, "Go here, friend, it's your turn... huh?!"

Jiu Mie, who had just landed, trembled suddenly, and finally realized something was wrong.

He quickly lowered his head to look at the chessboard in front of him, and the mountains, rivers, sun and moon looming on it, dumbfounded.

"You have a problem with this chess game!"

Lu Heng laughed, and said: "This most important son, I have been waiting for my friend for a long time... Hahaha..."

Smiling, the sunspot in Lu Heng's hand flickered slightly, and directly turned into a white jade-like piece, and then he landed on the board.


The moment Baizi landed, the crisp sound echoed continuously in the small courtyard.

The mountains, rivers, sun and moon on the aura chessboard are completely revealed.

The veins representing the aura of the earth are emerging and shaking one by one.A small chessboard, like a real world, exudes a vast and ancient atmosphere.

And after Lu Heng's last white piece fell, the moment the chessboard fully appeared, both he and Jiu Mie trembled, as if their energy had been completely emptied, and they became weak instantly.

Jiu Mie slipped limply on the grass, muttering: "I made a bad friend by mistake... I made a bad friend by mistake!"

"It will take at least two days to recuperate after falling down!"

Jiu Mie glared at Lu Heng, and said, "Old demon Lu Heng, you set up a trap for me!"

Lu Heng also slumped limply on the bench, smiling very brightly: "My friend, you made a move on your own initiative as soon as you came in, and I think it's too late to stop it... Besides, after the formation of [Heaven and Earth Game] is completed, , can protect the peace of one side."

"Two days later, when the demons attacked the city, all the creatures who escaped because of this battle were due to the mercy of my friends. I believe that even if I open my mouth to explain the situation, with my old friend's compassionate heart, I will definitely do this."

Lu Heng smiled and presented a tall hat.

Jiu Mie, who was paralyzed on the grass, struggled to even raise his head. Now, after hearing Lu Heng's words, he glared at Lu Heng angrily, and said, "The old monk can't even eat enough to eat, and has been starving all year round. How can there be mercy. Friends, see Do I look like a compassionate person?"

Lu Heng smiled and nodded again and again, and said: "In Lu Heng's eyes, my friend Jiu Mie is not only the best person in the world in cultivation, but also the best in compassion in the world. He is really the biggest wonderful flower in the world. People are in admiration."

Lu Heng praised again and again, but Jiu Mie sighed and said, "Why do you say good things, but I sound so uncomfortable?"

"Uh..." Lu Heng thought for a while and said, "Maybe this is called yin and yang."

Chapter 322 Please Eat Noodles

In the courtyard, Lu Heng and Jiu Mie looked exhausted and powerless.

But when the two met again, they were relieved to see each other safe and sound.

The last time we parted, Lu Heng was going to Qingming Grotto, mixed with demons, and spied on secrets.Jiu Mie wants to find the mysterious woman Nian Cangqing, and try to solve this ancient demon.

Neither is a dangerous event that can be taken lightly.

Especially when Lu Heng saw the horror of that woman Nian Cangqing, he was always worried about Jiu Mie.So after leaving Qingming Grotto, Lu Heng summoned Jiu Mie back with the method agreed at the beginning, and asked him to temporarily give up looking for Nian Cangqing.

It's just that Lu Heng didn't expect Jiu Mie to come to Yanjing City so late.

After a while, the two men who regained some strength finally sat up straight, and Jiu Mie also got up from the ground and sat back to his original position.

Lu Heng said: "Why did my friend come so late? Did any accident happen on the road?"

Jiu Mie sighed, and said, "It's not an accident, it's just that in the process of searching for the woman in red, I accidentally found a group of depraved scum, and it took a little time to clean up and kill them."

"It's my friend, what's wrong with you? You put on such a mysterious and weird posture again, and you called me back urgently... Could it be that the demons of Qingming Grotto are going to attack Yanjing City?"

Nine Destroyers speculated based on the situation of the game.

Lu Heng nodded and said, "As my friend said, the demons in Qingming Cave are going to attack Yanjing City..."

As he said that, Lu Heng followed suit and told Jiu Mie about his encounters on the way to Fuyu Mountain in detail, including Nian Cangqing's weird martial arts and Wan Yao Mozun's evil plan.

Jiu Mie was stunned when he heard this, and said: "That woman is so terrifying? Taking someone's life from a distance? You can't even parry your friend? Fortunately, the old monk didn't find her, otherwise, wouldn't she have died suddenly on the spot?"

Lu Heng laughed, and said, "Don't panic, my friend. Although Nian Cangqing's palms are tricky, it's not impossible to crack them. Two days later, the dragon soul will appear, and this woman needs a friend to deal with her. A friend can't grow others' ambition, Destroy your own prestige."

Lu Heng's words made Jiu Mie's eyes widen, and he said, "Two days later? I'm going to read Cangqing here? My friend, you think the old monk didn't die fast enough..."

Lu Heng laughed, and said: "It's okay, if my friend dies, Lu won't live alone. Two days later, a group of demons will gather, and after the dragon soul appears, Wan Yao Mozun's plan will be blocked and he will not leave so soon. A tug of war."

"And once the tug-of-war situation arises, the Dragon Soul will definitely attract all the monsters and monsters in the entire Huotong country, including the ghost that my friend met before."

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