Bai Zhi nodded and waved to the back, Guan Gu came out from inside, Bai Zhi asked excitedly: "Did you take the picture?"

"It's taken, don't worry, it's very clear." Guan Gu took out the camera and let Bai Zhi and Yu Mo look at it: "I specially borrowed a professional camera from Xiao Hei, and it will definitely not touch his face. The pores on the skin can be enlarged."

"Hahaha, that's good." Bai Zhi took out a recording pen from Yu Mo's body: "In this way, with the recording pen on my body and the mouth shape on the camera, even if they want to deceive us, they can't deceive us."

"Recorder? What did you put it on?" Yu Mo said in surprise, she didn't notice it at all!

"When someone knocked on the door just now, I knew someone was coming to deliver something again, so I hugged you and put it on your body."

"..." Yu Mo sighed helplessly, and rolled his eyes involuntarily: "If you can use this cleverness to make money, you will definitely be a rich generation now."

"What's the use of earning so much money? Why don't you start all over again after belching?" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, now that he doesn't lack money to spend, instant gratification is the kingly way. .

Chapter 491

As she said that, Bai Zhi twirled the BMW key ring on her finger and raised her eyebrows: "I have driven a lot of BMWs, but this is the first time I have driven the liar's car. Do you want to go for a drive?"

"Forget it~ Didn't you say that if you drive with the front foot, they will call the police with the back foot? You still dare to drive, and you will die?" Yu Mo hurriedly persuaded Bai Zhi not to do stupid things.

"Then report it~ This is even better, we at least know which grandson is digging holes for us." Bai Zhi shrugged and said indifferently: "We have recordings and videos. If he dares to report, I will give it to him." When they come to give a heavy blow, it will be regarded as leading the snake out of the hole, let's go~"


Guan Gu followed out excitedly, because Bai Zhi asked him to try it, and he thought it could be tried.

Yu Mo reluctantly followed, but he didn't choose to drive it by himself. Bai Zhi owns a BMW, and she often drives it. Bai Zhi probably came out to try it because of the idea of ​​luring snakes out of their holes.

But. . .

An hour passed, and after slipping on the road for an hour, the surrounding roads turned around several times, but there was no police uncle to stop them.

This once made Bai Zhi wonder if she made a mistake.

But thinking of so many weird things, he threw this idea out of his mind, what a lot of loopholes!Be careful even if it's true.

The three of them parked the car and returned to the apartment in confusion. Bai Zhi said silently: "It doesn't make sense! Yu Mo, didn't you see if there was a car coming after you sat in the back?"

"No~ You thought you were playing Infernal Affairs! Are there still people following you?"

"Forget it, let's continue to wait~" Bai Zhi was a little helpless, what is this all about!

Put the car keys away, Bai Zhi didn't dare to throw them around. Although Lu Ziqiao was about to collapse in the past two days, it could not be ruled out that his brain was twitching and he wanted to take it out to pretend to be aggressive.

Bai Zhi's own car is fine, but how could it be possible for him to drive such a thing of unknown origin?

Yu Mo sighed, and returned to the room, Guan Gu was happy, and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

The door next to her opened with a 'click', and Lu Ziqiao came out from inside, her hair standing up all over her head, and the buttons of her clothes were also hung on top of the bottom.

The whole person looks like Brother Sharp, except that there are no holes in his clothes.

"Wow, Guan Gu, why are you here! Didn't you date your little aunt?"

Guan Gu just glanced at him lightly: "You should take care of yourself? Your son can take up your time for a few days, and it can also take up your whole life in the future. I think you are more depressed or I am more depressed."

"It's not just depression, I want to die now, but they just won't let me see those women who want to kill me all day long, I can't eat well and can't sleep now! Is there any good way to make me happy? Some?"

"That's not easy? You just need to slap her when you meet your next ex-girlfriend, and half an hour later, you will appear in the trash can at the door of the bar, and you will be very happy."

"Good idea." Lu Ziqiao thought for a while, and agreed: "Hurry up, Mr. Zeng, today is the seventh one, and this must be it. Death by her hands is my atonement."

Zeng Xiaoxian who happened to be going out couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard this request, why would anyone have such an idea?

"Stop making trouble, Zi Qiao, you can't die if you want to atone for your sins, you have to spend the rest of your life to atone for your sins."

"Ah~ you kill me~" Lu Ziqiao fell helplessly on the sofa.

"Don't sleep, let's go, Ziqiao, Yifei sent me a text message just now, saying that she has already made a date with the seventh one, let's go! Go to the bar." Zeng Xiaoxian tugged at Lu Ziqiao.

Lu Ziqiao got up obediently, ready to go to the execution ground.

He wanted to run away, but unless he never came back, Yifei would break his leg when he came back, and then they would meet one by one.

Rather than being broken by her and unable to run away even if the situation is not good, it is better to keep the legs, at least you can save your life.

At this time, Yu Mo came out of the room: "Bai Bai, I'm going to take care of the baby, you can play with Guan Gu!"

"Okay, you have fun."

"Ah?" Yu Mo felt that there was something wrong with Bai Zhi's eyes, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Oh, now that I think about it, if I said to bring a baby, shouldn't Baizhi be like Guan Gu, unlovable in life?

But now, she suddenly found something was wrong, not only Bai Zhi, but even Guan Gu had recovered.

Before, he said he was persuading Yoyo, but after being persuaded by Yoyo, Guan Gu has been depressed all the time, but these two days, he is actually happy to help Bai Zhi with things.

What ecstasy soup did Bai Zhi give him?

"You... aren't jealous?" Yu Mo asked curiously.

"Why are you jealous? Oh~" Bai Zhi pushed Yu Mo out: "You can take care of the baby at ease~ Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."


Yu Mo, who was locked out by Bai Zhi, felt that something was wrong more and more: "It's weird."

Before she opened the door of 3601, Yoyo ran out in a hurry, seeing Yumo was like seeing a savior: "Yumo, you came just in time, the baby has been hiccupping, take a look~ "

"What? Let me see." Yu Mo put aside his doubts and ran into 3601 quickly. . .

Bai Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and sat down on the sofa again: "Guan Gu, I can't tell Yu Mo about this matter, now is a critical period, as long as the maternal love hidden in Yu Mo's heart is radiated, so many things about me will be solved." It worked out."

"I know, but how long are you going to hold on to?"

"Until I know that Yumoken promised me to have a child."

"Okay then~"

"By the way, let's discuss this matter again..." Bai Zhi went to the side of Guan Gu, then took out the computer, opened a web page, and surprisingly, it was the company's information and legal person information.

But before Bai Zhi could say anything, Yoyo and Yumo ran over in a panic.

Guan Gu looked at Yoyo's shape in surprise, his hair was messed up, like a crayfish.

Yu Mo was fine, but he was panting heavily because he was too anxious.

"Guangu, the baby has been hiccupping there, I don't know why, can you help me find out what's going on?"

"Hiccup?" Bai Zhi asked suspiciously: "Then just give him some water or milk powder, it's very simple, you can't give him hard food now, even if you want to eat it, you have to chew it up. "

"It's not choking, we didn't give him anything to eat."

"That means you gave him too much milk powder and milk, so you can't let him digest it?" Bai Zhi explained weakly.

"No, you guys should go and have a look~ Really..."

"Okay!" Bai Zhi and Guan Gu looked at each other, and had no choice but to follow them to the next door. .

Chapter 492

"Is this a hungry belch?"

Bai Zhi looked at the child uncertainly, anyway, Bai Zhi didn't have much feeling for this child, he didn't understand how cute this little boy was, making both Yoyo and Yu Mo like it.

Is it true that men like to have girls and women like to have boys?

"You can hiccup when you're hungry?" Yoyo said in disbelief.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think?" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes: "How long has it been since you gave him food?"

"It's not long! It's only one morning~"

"It won't be long~ Oh, I know, the milk powder you drink is easier to digest." Bai Zhi nodded: "And then because I drink too much of this kind of thing, my stomach will be more bloated."

"Then what should I eat?"

"I do not know."


Yu Mo and You You were taken aback for a moment: "I don't know what you're saying is true~?"

"I've never brought a baby, how do I-know what he's going to eat?"

"Then you're still urging me to have a child?" Yu Mo complained silently. She didn't know how to take care of her when she was born, so she was so anxious?

"I can't learn slowly~"

"Hey, that's not right! Didn't you take care of Nannan? What did she eat?" Guan Gu suddenly remembered that Bai Zhi had never taken care of children.

Bai Zhi looked at him helplessly: "Can this be the same? Every little girl will run away from home, but this one is still riding in a stroller!"

"Then what should we do? It seems that he doesn't even drink milk powder."

"It must be because I want to drink milk. It's been three days, and I'm not happy to just drink milk powder." Bai Zhi complained silently, looking at the child: "Wait a minute, this is not right!"

With that said, Bai Zhi took out her mobile phone, checked the information suspiciously, and then looked at the child even more suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

"It stands to reason that this unlucky child should be weaned. How could he want to drink milk?"

"Oh~ Whether it's true or not, let's try it first~" Yoyo said nervously.

Yu Mo has no objections, but now that he wants to try it, another question arises: "But, who will feed the baby?"

Bai Zhi and Guan Gu blinked, then looked at each other, looked at Yu Mo and Youyou, and then they directly put their hands in each other's eyes in a very tacit understanding, pinched each other's eyes, and said in unison.

"Don't even think about it, Yu Mo (Yuyou) would never do such a thing."

Yumo and Youyou stared at these two psychopaths dissatisfiedly, what is this all about?

"Bridge bean sack, I have a solution." Guan Gu's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he let go of Bai Zhi: "In this case, how about I feed you?"

Yu Mo: "..."


Baizhi: "..."

Seeing their strange eyes, Guan Gu knew that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly explained: "I mean, I have a way to let the baby drink breast milk."

"I also have a way." Bai Zhi nodded: "Isn't it just to find a nanny? Who wouldn't, I'll find one right now. It just so happens that on Leifeng Day, I met a single mother, and I can find her."

"Wait." Yu Mo stopped him immediately: "No, in vain, distant water can't save the nearby fire! I take care of the children alone, and they are all out to work at this time.

If you call someone for help now, they will definitely leave their work and come here because of thanking you, isn't that good? "

"Makes sense?" Bai Zhi nodded.

"But, it's too late to hire a nanny now, so what should I do?" Youyou said helplessly, "By the way, I heard that Ziqiao went to see her seventh ex-girlfriend, does that prove that there is a high probability that it is hers?" gone?"

"Um, in theory." Bai Zhi responded weakly. Although he also knew that the child was not his, but if the premise was that the child was really Lu Ziqiao, the girl he met this time might indeed be the child's mother.

"Great, how about we wait for his mother?" Yu Mo suggested.

"Then what if it's not?" Guan Gu asked quietly.

These people looked over and saw that they were holding the baby bottle to their chests with two ropes, and gasped: "Guangu, what are you doing?"

"Hey~" Guan Gu grinned: "Of course I'm breastfeeding the baby, so I won't be afraid that the baby won't drink anymore."

Guan Gu tied the last knot, took the child out of the stroller, put it on the sofa, and then. . .There is no more.

Sure enough, the baby opened his mouth and drank without hiccupping.

The few people watching this scene were dumbfounded. This operation is very pornographic and violent!

After more than ten minutes, the baby finally had enough to drink, no more hiccups, no more fuss, Guan Gu coaxed him twice and put him in the stroller.

0 ・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

"Ah~ It seems that there is something wrong with the way we breastfeed." Yumo and Yoyo exchanged glances.

Seeing Guan Gu and the baby having so much fun, Bai Zhi couldn't help sighing: "Guan Gu, you are a natural childcare material, why don't you start a baby training class~ you can definitely make a lot of money."

"Materials for raising children? How dare you call me a thing?" Guan Gu asked dissatisfied.

"..." Bai Zhi blinked, and said in a compromised way: "Okay! You are nothing."

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