Bai Xiaozhi stretched out a bit, and a part of the stick was exposed, which was as long as an arm.

"You are not enough at all!" Zeng Xian'er looked at the stick who was not as tall as her.

Bai Xiaozhi said impatiently: "Don't bb, watch it~"

'Hoo~' The stick suddenly popped out for several meters while everyone was stunned.

0 ・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

"Oh my god~ what a telescopic stick?" Mr. Yi sighed in surprise.

"Then is it possible to pick the key back?" Qin Xiaomo asked happily.

"Almost." Bai Xiaozhi stretched out the iron door with the stick, and the other end of the telescopic stick was very small because it had to be retracted inside, so it could just fit into the small hole of the key.

Relying on the magician's subtle observation and very precise technique, he strung it into the key at once.

"Success." Mr. Yi shouted happily, it was not easy!It's finally time to live.

"Shut up, you scared him, what if your hand shakes off?" Zeng Xian'er quickly covered his mouth to save him from any problems.


The stick was shaking and shaking, but the key was hanging firmly on the head, and it was slowly taken in by Bai Xiaozhi.

Several people felt their hearts were about to jump out, and the moment they got the key, everyone finally cheered.

"Ah~~~hahaha~ I can live." Mr. Yi hugged Zeng Xianer frantically. At this moment, they seemed to abandon their previous differences, and what they wanted was to live.

"Hurry up, unlock it quickly." Tang Xiaoyou hurriedly urged Bai Xiaozhi to avoid having more dreams at night.

Zhang Xiaowei shed tears of excitement, and finally didn't want to die. Suddenly, he felt his nose itchy, so he took a deep breath: "Ah Qiu~"

It sprayed into Bai Xiaozhi's hand in one breath, and Bai Xiaozhi's hand trembled, and with a 'clang' sound, she bounced a few times along the handrail next to the floor below, and fell down to the first floor.



"Ah~~~" Zhang Xiaowei, your grandma has a leg: "Ah~~~"

Mr. Yi is about to collapse, how can there be such a person?Moreover, I was caught by this bastard, what a loss, what a loss, I am famous for a lifetime!

"Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, quickly, give me your stick." After Zeng Xian'er called out a few times, she grabbed his stick and was about to continue picking it up.

Bai Xiaozhi patted the ashes on her hands, and didn't care that he snatched her things: "Pull it down! If it bounces directly downstairs, you won't even be able to see it, unless the key is a fish, you can still treat it as a fish." If you fish it out."

"I don't believe it..." Zeng Xian'er gritted her teeth and continued to work hard.six.

Chapter 522

A few minutes later, several people found a step and sat down. At this moment of dying, everyone felt quite peaceful in their hearts.

Of course, there are also different perceptions of life. Mr. Yi is the one who is the most unwilling. There were a hundred opportunities in front of him that he would not die, but he passed them all one by one.

"Unexpectedly, I, Mr. Tangtang Yi, ended up like this."

"Come with us." Tang Xiaoyou added lightly.

"I'm going to die again." Hu Xiaofei sighed in the same way.

"" I forgot that there is Zeng Xianer who is still working hard. This guy is not even afraid of being set off by fireworks, but he is even afraid of being bombed?It is simply strange!

"Can you help me? I'm exhausted...I'm exhausted here to help you hook the keys, and you just chat there." Zeng Xian'er muttered dissatisfiedly, reaching her hands as far as she could go downstairs: "You guys At least see if the stick reaches the key!"

Tang Xiaoyou glanced down, it was pitch black, not to mention whether the key was reached, even if it was reached, he couldn't see it!

"Oh~ Forget it! Unless you have a magnet, you won't be able to pick it up if you reach it." Bai Xiaozhi complained helplessly.

"Magnet?" Zeng Xian'er was stunned, and suddenly looked at Bai Xiaozhi: "Wow, you are simply a genius!"

"Don't look at me, I don't have that kind of thing." Bai Xiaozhi tightened her clothes, there was no way, Zeng Xianer's eyes were too aggressive.

"No, I remember that not only magnets are magnetic, but also static electricity."


The eyes of the others lit up, they couldn't help looking at the stick in Zeng Xianer's hand, and nodded involuntarily.

After half a minute. . .

"Ah~~ What are you doing? What are you doing?" Zeng Xian'er struggled, except for Bai Xiaozhi, the rest of them pressed him desperately.

Zhang Xiaowei felt apologetic in his heart, blaming himself for accidentally spraying the key away, and showing no mercy when holding down Zeng Xianer.

And Bai Xiaozhi kept rubbing against Zeng Xian'er, why him?Because he has experience~

"Brother, just bear with it and suck the key up, we are all saved."

"But I have already made up my mind, why do you still want me to be a coolie? Why don't you go?"

"Isn't this your experience? It was you last time, and you know what kind of posture is more likely to generate static electricity."

"A fart with experience~ah~~ my ass, don't press me~~~"

"Enough is enough." Bai Xiaozhi saw that the stick was already sucked on the railing next to her, so she quickly extended the stick and let it fall.

After scooping it up from below, Bai Xiaozhi quickly lifted it up.

"Is it the key? It's the key." Mr. Yi cried with joy.

Bai Xiaozhi quickly picked it up, and hurried to open the door, when she was halfway there, Qin Xiaomo shook his arm: "What are you waiting for? Open it! It's about to explode."

Bai Xiaozhi bit her finger: "But, it doesn't seem to be the key?"

"Ah? What?" Zeng Xian'er hurried over to take a look, and sure enough, the key was obviously bigger.

"It doesn't seem to be true." Zhang Xiaowei also appraised it: "So, do you have to inhale again?"

"Ah~" Zeng Xian'er sighed bitterly, then suddenly the back of his head felt cold, and he looked back, everyone looked at him: "You..."

"Brother, I'm suffering." Zhang Xiaowei patted him on the shoulder and pushed him down: "Come on, there's no time, hurry up..."


He sucked it up again, this time it was real, it was real, Zhang Xiaowei grabbed it excitedly, and hurried to open the door.

"Why can't it be opened? Why can't it be opened?" Zhang Xiaowei's hands were shaking, but no matter how hard he poked the key in, he just couldn't open it.

"Idiot, you opened the wrong lock." Zeng Xianer wanted to slap him to death, this guy, is he trying to kill someone?

"Oh~" Zhang Xiaowei came to his senses, as if this key was indeed the one above that opened the roof.

I hurriedly wanted to pull it out, and when I was excited, I twisted it, and a very crisp sound of "click~" reached everyone's ears.

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely silent, and a needle could be heard. In their eyes, this sound was like the roar of a demon.

Zhang Xiaowei's body was stiff, and he turned around mechanically. What he held was a broken key head, and the other half was lying peacefully inside the lock.

"Ah~~~" Several people screamed, if it wasn't for the fact that there was no bullet in the gun, they would have wanted to shoot him down a long time ago.  …

Zeng Xianer leaned against the wall helplessly. If there was hope just now when the key fell down the stairs, it is completely hopeless now.

"There is a reason why you would be hacked by Zi Qiao to pick up girls. He will not use your key one day, and he will really get used to it." Bai Xiaozhi concluded.

A few people nodded empathetically, such a stupid person, who would use yours instead of yours?

Everyone sat helplessly on the steps, waiting for death to come.

"If I can go out this time, I will never ask Mr. Yi for a fart. For living, everything is just a cloud." Zhang Xiaowei smiled wryly and grabbed his hair. He is dead, and he doesn't care about your reputation. thing.

"It's useless to say these things now, I will fall into the hands of people like you, I don't accept it!"

"What are you dissatisfied with? If Yoyo hadn't bombed Xiao Fei with an atomic bomb, with her Terminator ability, you would have received the box lunch long ago." Zeng Xianer retorted dissatisfied.

"So! Under such a powerful combat power, I survived, but I was captured and killed by a man who couldn't even shoot accurately. It would be uncomfortable for anyone else!"

"If you want to say that, you're really upset. Not only are you upset, but you're also quite unwilling." Bai Xiaozhi nodded.

Qin Xiaomo held Bai Xiaozhi's arm, but he didn't seem to be afraid at all: "It's okay! Anyway, now that we're dead, we can still be together in reality!"

"Hehehe~~" Zeng Xian 0.6 and Hu Xiaofei shook their heads: "Can you stop stuffing dog food?"

"It's about to burp, why don't you stuff the dog food? When will you keep it?" Bai Xiaozhi retorted dissatisfied.

"Okay, you can do whatever you like, we won't be able to see it anyway." Zeng Xian'er turned her head away helplessly, so as not to be able to hold back the shivering anymore.

Hu Xiaofei looked at the bomb in her hand, and looked at the time on it: "There are still 3 minutes, do you have any last words?"

"Ah~~~" Bai Xiaozhi suddenly yelled.

Shocking the people around, Zeng Xianer patted herself on the chest: "Brother, don't be surprised, okay? I don't want to be scared to death instead of being bombed to death."

Bai Xiaozhi suddenly laughed: "I suddenly remembered that I still have a trick that I haven't used yet."


Chapter 523

"What trick? Could it be some kind of wall-penetrating technique?" Zeng Xian'er asked suspiciously, that wall-penetrating technique really put him in a bad position!

"Don't make noise, what's the trick?" Mr. Yi interrupted Zeng Xian'er: "As long as you can get out, you can use any trick, including going through a latrine, but don't use the wall-penetrating technique, I don't have such a strong back. "

"Of course not." Bai Xiaozhi hurriedly felt that her IQ had been severely insulted: "This is the trick I have learned since I was born! Then..."

"Stop explaining, let's get down to business~" Tang Xiaoyou interrupted him: "There are only 3 minutes left."

"There are no more than 3 minutes, there are still two minutes and 30 seconds."

"Okay, don't make noise, let me talk about things first." Bai Xiaozhi quickly got down to business: "This unique trick is to transform people into living beings. The effect of the program is actually simple. It is to use a certain method to cover people with a piece of cloth. And magic that teleports people to other places in an instant."

"So powerful?" Zhang Xiaowei became happy: "That will change soon~"

"Come on~ this magic is just a kind of blindfold 09, do you really think teleportation?" Zeng Xianer said tiredly, he thought it was some kind of trick!The result is blindfolded, please, this has to be prepared in advance, didn't you prepare to become a hammer?

"Hey, you still don't believe it, do you?" Bai Xiaozhi took out a white cloth from behind, and then pulled Qin Xiaomo aside: "Look at it~ Let you see, I, Bai Xiaozhi, am not the number one magician in modern times." Unworthy of a reputation."

"Cut~" Zeng Xian'er obviously still has a heart for Bai Xiaozhi's various tricks on him, and she doesn't believe Bai Xiaozhi even if she is beaten to death.

Bai Xiaozhi covered Qin Xiaomo with a cloth, then closed her eyes, brewed for a while, opened her eyes suddenly, and shouted: "Change."

At the same time, the white cloth in his hand was thrown to the ground, and Qin Xiaomo behind the white cloth disappeared immediately.

"Hiss~" Several people shrank their necks back and took a breath. Zeng Xian'er still didn't believe it, and walked around with her eyes wide open. looking for.

This place is so big in total, and it took only ten seconds to search, Zeng Xian'er believed it.

"My mother~"

"Think about it~~"


"Hurry up, get me out, I can give you money, a lot of money." Mr. Yi almost begged on his knees, and finally he didn't have to die.

"Don't make noise." Bai Xiaozhi stopped everyone at once: "Idiot, it takes a lot of energy to change so many people, and we have less than 2 minutes now, it is impossible to change them all."

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Xiaowei was terrified.

"Change me, I can give you a lot of money." Mr. Yi came over.

Bai Xiaozhi pushed the person away at once: "Oh, you are an idiot! You can give me the bomb! In this way, I only need to take the bomb out, so I don't have to die?

Your lives are no longer in danger here, and maybe you will be rescued when you meet someone with good intentions! "

"Good idea." Miracle Guan Gu couldn't help giving Bai Xiaozhi a thumbs up, this idea is too good.

"Then, give him the bomb quickly." Zeng Xian'er wanted to snatch the bomb from Hu Xiaofei's hands first, but Hu Xiaofei was not happy: "No, what if Mr. Yi runs away? It's better to die together."

"Is there something wrong with you! The bad guys have been caught, and they can be handed over to the people for trial. Do you need to meddle?"

"There's no time, just grab it! Anyway, she's dead now, so it shouldn't be so fierce." Tang Xiaoyou said anxiously, then rushed over and hugged her.

Zeng Xian'er took the opportunity to grab the bomb and put it in Bai Xiaozhi's hands. Bai Xiaozhi weighed it up: "Well, there is still time."

Bai Xiaozhi lifted the white cloth to cover herself, but found that she couldn't hold the cloth while hugging the bomb, so she put the bomb on the ground, lifted the white cloth, and shouted: "Change."

The white cloth fell to the ground as if it had no support, and they all looked at each other, their eyebrows parted: "Yeah~~"

"You don't have to die."

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